Hi there again!
I really am like the bus system, you don't see me for ages and then I'm everywhere and in your face with my blog posts!
Im doing this one again as you may not hear from me for another week as the world of work beckoned me today in the form of my Boss (The Headteacher) emailed me and asked me to go into work tomorrow.... BOOOO!!!!
Well anyway, I wanted to spend the gorgeous weekend in the garden tidying and preparing it all for getting my lovely flowers potted & planted. Did I get round to doing it? Noooooooo of course not, the weather has been rather dull and dim. Not sure the Sunshine Faeries like me right now! I have managed to sow some SunFlower seeds though so I am eagerly awaiting them. I'm actually willing them to grow overnight!!!!
I have lots of ideas for the garden this year, lots of herbs, heathers, fuchias, geraniums, roses, lavender ( I know its a herb but I love writing that word....LAVENDER!!!!! mmmmmmmmm I can almost smell it), and I want lots of faerie activity as well out there this year. Last year we had a lot of building work going on so they were frightened but all should be peaceful this year. YAY!!!!
Meet my lovely GNOMES
Oh, we thought that all our frogs had died..... alas we have a couple at least who we caught having bedroom activity in the fishing net... AHEM!!
My artemisia is growing up beautifully again this year, i'm so proud.
I'm hoping when Uni is finished I can do something that my gorgeous friend, Pixie Allen has been doing.... a 30 day art challenge. I won't be anywhere as near good as she is (Shes fab!!!!) but I'd like to try.
Hmmmmm other news!!! Yes, I have been approached by CHAT ITS FATE magazine to write a crystal piece/questionaire for their annual magazine, which I am excited about.
I'm also taking my psychic readings in new directions to flow with the new changes coming to us spiritually.
Faerie readings will focus on connecting you with your faerie guardians, Angel readings will promote and focus on how to get you ready & move you forward on your ascension pathway, and the Tarot, will be addressing your past life issues and even telling you the story of a past life of yours... ooooooooo sounds fab doesnt it???
and by no means least, my fabulous FAE Faerie Whisperer column for Beltane issue will be featuring some faerie advice on creating your own faerie garden, a faery psychic reading, and some other sprinkles that I REALLY CANT TELL YOU..... SHHHHH ITS A SECRET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yep, as you can, spring in my step.... I want to STEP into SPRING!!!!
Toodles for now my lovelys xxxxxxxx
Little Lost Witch
Saturday, 26 March 2011
Merry Meet all,
Well I am one very lost little witch right now.
I was offered a job in Nursery which I took as I thought it would be a good opportunity, but after 1 week I've had to hand in my notice as I couldn't deal with the amount of play and lack of learning activities going on. I have now been placed back up in my comfort zone of Year 3 - Year 5 and am chuffed as I still get 1 months notice pay. My heads not too happy though.
In my personal life, well a quick note on Uni... its coming to the end and I am looking forward to actually having a break and enjoying life again, but am scared as I really dont want to fail this course. Passing would give me the opportunity to earn quite a nice amount of money.
Romance~ Oh jeez.... I love him, does he love me? You tell me!! lol Seriously if anyone wants to do a tarot reading to see if "Dale" is interested in moi then feel free to post results as a comment to here.
Witchy Ways~ I really haven't had time to read any witchy books, or even think about my pathway which is very very naughty of me. I feel disconnected to nature, to the Goddess and know that I need to spend some time talking to her and asking for strength. Perhaps ill light a simple candle tonight and have a chat tonight under the moon.
I really want to crack on in my garden too this year. As I shall be having visitors this year... namely my cousin who I found on Facebook of all places... she didnt even know about me.... and its going to be nice to have her around and her 3 children...
And also, i'd love it if my lovely sister, Pixie Allen was able to pop in to see me sometime during the summer... im sure we'd create havoc.... and have lots of witchy fun with her and her boys... Lee I can imagine would look at us in despair lol.
So right now, this little witch is upside down, inside out and all round the wrong way.
Well I am one very lost little witch right now.
I was offered a job in Nursery which I took as I thought it would be a good opportunity, but after 1 week I've had to hand in my notice as I couldn't deal with the amount of play and lack of learning activities going on. I have now been placed back up in my comfort zone of Year 3 - Year 5 and am chuffed as I still get 1 months notice pay. My heads not too happy though.
In my personal life, well a quick note on Uni... its coming to the end and I am looking forward to actually having a break and enjoying life again, but am scared as I really dont want to fail this course. Passing would give me the opportunity to earn quite a nice amount of money.
Romance~ Oh jeez.... I love him, does he love me? You tell me!! lol Seriously if anyone wants to do a tarot reading to see if "Dale" is interested in moi then feel free to post results as a comment to here.
Witchy Ways~ I really haven't had time to read any witchy books, or even think about my pathway which is very very naughty of me. I feel disconnected to nature, to the Goddess and know that I need to spend some time talking to her and asking for strength. Perhaps ill light a simple candle tonight and have a chat tonight under the moon.
I really want to crack on in my garden too this year. As I shall be having visitors this year... namely my cousin who I found on Facebook of all places... she didnt even know about me.... and its going to be nice to have her around and her 3 children...
And also, i'd love it if my lovely sister, Pixie Allen was able to pop in to see me sometime during the summer... im sure we'd create havoc.... and have lots of witchy fun with her and her boys... Lee I can imagine would look at us in despair lol.
So right now, this little witch is upside down, inside out and all round the wrong way.
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