Of late there has been a lot of cleansing energy around me. Painfully and emotionally draining, but cleansing all the same.
Now it's onwards and upwards....broomstick style.
I'm beginning to get back to my old self again, getting out my broomstick, dusting my hat off, and placed the wand on show! Figuratively speaking of course.
Throughout this year I will be taking a more active role within my solitary hedgewitchery, researching other branches of wicca. Im going to learn all I can, if it's no use to me, then hey, I've got the knowledge if someone ever needs advice.
I feel full of excitement today, I really do! I can't wait to get back in the garden, planting, tending to my herbs, and embracing nature and ME!
I'm reading The Real Witches Handbook....again! Should really read Hedgewitch by Rae Beth..... Think I will.
I've decided that Im going to do the odd couple of articles...but really focus on what I do best and enjoy best.....HELPING OTHERS through my psychic readings. But I do want to try and bring the Fae, Unicorns, Mermaids and benefits of paganism into people's lives. I'm also going to continue with the Indian Head Massage, and Im going to try and learn Crystal Healing. I'm also going to use my Celtic Reiki more. SO at some point I will re-read my Manuals and go for my Celtic Reiki Masters!
This really feels like the REAL me now! I feel that as much as I love angels. Faeries are for Me.
Faerie Blessings to you all
Thursday, 14 January 2010
Hello all,
well I originally came on here to moan again, but by the time I'd signed on, well I've forgotten what I was going to moan about.... lol. Perhaps my moaning is why I only have 2 followers on here???
Anyway, what I will say is this " I AM INCOMPARABLE" those in the know....will know what it means and why I'm saying it to myself.
Mantras and affirmations.... the future!
Aurora xx
well I originally came on here to moan again, but by the time I'd signed on, well I've forgotten what I was going to moan about.... lol. Perhaps my moaning is why I only have 2 followers on here???
Anyway, what I will say is this " I AM INCOMPARABLE" those in the know....will know what it means and why I'm saying it to myself.
Mantras and affirmations.... the future!
Aurora xx
Witch Direction?
Wednesday, 13 January 2010
Merry Meet,
Well it's no secret that my writing work is struggling at the moment, so of course im thinking of new avenues to go down. One particular one, was suggested to me a while back by my friend Pixie. To write for pagan magazines! I am going to try and do it. I know I won't get paid but it's writing experience. I already have some ideas for articles and am going to aim for publication for Imbolc issue of White Dragon. It seems fitting really as I was born in the Chinese Year of the Dragon. Perhaps I could write about dragon magick? Wow where do these ideas come from? lol.
Seriously though I am going to try and embrace my pagan side more this year. I am an online member of Children of Artemis but I really do not feel wanted on there. I wonder why? I don't think i've ever done anything to upset anyone on there, but for some reason they ignore me and my posts.
Can't wait for the warm weather so I can get started on my herb garden.
More updates soon xxxx
Well it's no secret that my writing work is struggling at the moment, so of course im thinking of new avenues to go down. One particular one, was suggested to me a while back by my friend Pixie. To write for pagan magazines! I am going to try and do it. I know I won't get paid but it's writing experience. I already have some ideas for articles and am going to aim for publication for Imbolc issue of White Dragon. It seems fitting really as I was born in the Chinese Year of the Dragon. Perhaps I could write about dragon magick? Wow where do these ideas come from? lol.
Seriously though I am going to try and embrace my pagan side more this year. I am an online member of Children of Artemis but I really do not feel wanted on there. I wonder why? I don't think i've ever done anything to upset anyone on there, but for some reason they ignore me and my posts.
Can't wait for the warm weather so I can get started on my herb garden.
More updates soon xxxx
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