This is me (dark hair) and my sister, Pixie from Pixies Musings.

I wanted to find my Mr Wonderful, so I searched my spell books for help.

I focused my intent on finding my Mr Wonderful, he would come into my life when I least expect it. I lit a candle to aid the magick.

I sent my order to the cosmos, he would be marvousley Kind, ..... He would make me laugh just by talking, we'd both have the intention of never breaking each others heart, he'd be at the most 34 years old, he'd be ready to settle down and want children, he'd be interested in the real me. He'd also have a good job and a wonderful heart

I went about my daily business, going to work, all the time looking out for him.

Then he was in my house, and I saw him .....

And he saw me ....!!!

With a bit of Pixie's help, we talked...a lot...

then he couldn't stay away from me. he visited me mornings before he went to work, he made me feel amazing just by looking at him.

Now..... I'M THE HAPPIEST WITCH ALIVE. Cosmic Ordering works, and True Love never fails.

This blog post is dedicated to my lovely sister Pixie. Without you, I don't know how I could have gotten through half the things I've been through. No matter what happens I'll always be here for you. "My blood....your blood....our blood" xxxxxx

oh wow, i love it and you xxxx