An Even Happier Witch

Merry Meet my lovelys.

Remember my last post? All happy? ....well im going to tell you something that I doubt you'll believe but.... I AM EVEN HAPPIER!!!! YES I AM.

I can't keep the suspense going (Hang on what suspense? You haven't even tried to give us any suspense) "Bah, Humbug... technicallity!"

I am pleased over the witchy moon more like to say that Karen Kay, Founder of FAE Magazine has asked me (11th November, 10:50am) to be the exclusive columnist "THE FAERIE WHISPERER" in her magazine!!!!! <>
I so said YES to that.

So there you have it... Me, you're very own Witchette, Aurora MoonMaiden, from The Witch Inside.... A Fan dabby Faerie Columnist!!!! Aren't you proud? I am!! I absolutely swear that it's the books teachings seeped into my brain and changed my thinking and outlook on life.

I hope you lovely people will buy the Imbolc Magazine to see my debut!!

One Happy Witchette

Merry Meet my lovely's

How are you today? (Sits on edge of sofa eagerly awaiting your reply)

Me??? Im damn fantastic!! I really am, no sarcasm. I seriously am happy. Borderline delerously happy!! Why???? Life is just being so good to me. Im enjoying life with every breath. How???? By reading, knowing and applying the teachings in "The Power" by Rhonda Byrne. Seriously this woman needs a bouquet of "thank you" flowers from me.

Reading the book has just made everything so clear to me, and i'm loving more and more. I could laugh at how happy I am, I haven't been like this for ..... 6 years.... which means you may just meet the other side to me and think..."Wow is sheeeee a nut job". lol.

So, I read the book before bed, slept and got woken by fireworks at 2am this morning....Happy Diwali haha. Yeah, well I was enjoying my sleep thank you fireworks. Also thank you for blinding me with the light!! HAHA

Anyway, I woke up this morning, smile on my face, cuddle from Jase, and then he makes me laugh so much by informing me that his mission for the day is to buy Liz Earle Anti-Wrinkle cream..... for HIMSELF lol. Well that had me in creases that I almost had him buy me some. Breakfast with a song and a smile....(Seriously no sex involved lol) Then as we went out for a walk to the shops as I notice the things around me (Amazing since I nearly always couldn't care less), We spoke about definately needing to move... decided that somewhere in the heart of Shropshire... perhaps Bewdley/Hartlebury area, I recall what I read in the book about when you see something you like, it;s there for you to say "YES"'s around you because you're drawing it to anyway, lovely snazzy cars...."YES",......People who aren't fussed with dropping a few pennies out of purse saying "Oh well it'll bring luck to someone"..."YES"..... get this!! Go to supermarket, fumbling for coin for trolley....there is already £1 coin in a trolley ...waiting for me "YES"...... waiting in the queue for the lottery, I notice a newspaper for 70p (my Nans age when she passed), and it's only a bloody Shropshire newspaper....never has it been there before... "YES" And it's just continuing from there really...

Also I have my Charcoal blocks, incense that is amazing: frankincense & myrhh, sandalwood, patchouli, and lemongrass.... Karma Cleansed the house and myself...which could be why life is so good for me too... add to that the fact that I have created a Diwali altar...seriously I love'll find that I love religion me... couldn't care what it is, if I like it, I'll celebrate it. So yes, my Diwali altar is dedicated to money, success, happiness and of course Lakshmi. Isn't it beautiful.

Thats my day so far..... did he get the anti-wrinkle cream????? "YES" he did :-D Does he need it?? ....."YES" he does LMAO, no of course he doesn't, he's handsome as he is. ..... (Still nothing to do with sex) haha.

Psychic Re-Invention

Merry Meet my lovely witchlets,

I hope you all enjoyed Samhain and I wish you all belated blessings and also good health, wealth and happiness for the coming year.

I've finally got myself clear of the stress I had at work and have begun to think about how I was once a very in demand psychic...I know hard to believe isn't it? But seriously, I was busy 5 days a week, from 9am-4pm doing readings with tarot and angel cards to connect to loved ones in the summerlands... I was 15!!!!! Now, just over 6 years be honest..Im not so in demand anymore yet people who do have a reading from me say that I'm brilliant. If that is true where are my clients?????? Not even this witch can answer that one.

So I'm trying desperately to think of ways to re invent myself as a Psychic Angel/Tarot reader. My clients were mainly from USA and im not sure how to re connect with that Country now. I see all these people who yes, I've had my say about doing so bloody fantastically well and wonder why I havn't got the same lifestyle. Im a good person, doing what I feel is right. I don't think I'm a person who deceaves people at all. I tell it how it is...well how I see it.

Any ideas on how I can become the shining psychic I once was..... answers on a postcard please.

I've been and brought myself a copy of Rhonda Byrne's "The Power" so im hoping to get my nose into that tonight.

oooooo I almost forgot... I have done a blog for my psychic readings... you can find it here Rory's Psychic Whispers