Merry Meet again my lovelies,
Well I finally took the bull by the horns and got myself moving forward on my pathway and ushering my spiritual writing career forward. (Please be assured that no animals were hurt during this as it was just a figure of speech)!
I've decided that I need to keep my blog updated more and that I need to seriously dedicate myself to writing as that is what I want to do. So I've been a busy little witchette updating my Faerie blog *The Faerie Whisperer* so please feel free to visit and follow if thats your thing. I've also submitted my FAERIE SCOPES to my column on The Spirit Guides website to include in my column listings.
I'm planning on attempting to write more serious articles now and even attempt some of a Pagan theme as this is a goal that I am yet to achieve. I can't explain to you how much it would mean to me to see just 1 of my articles featured in a Pagan magazine.
Im also in talks with a very close sister of mine whom we have decided to embark upon an exciting and magickal project that I am more than sure you will get to know about soon enough.
Add to this the fact that I have secret projects of my own ongoing, one being connected to Faeries and Jewellery... the other...Ahhh I can't say just yet!! It's too precious to say at the minute, but I promise to let you know ASAP.
I really do wish that I could draw!! Seriously, I wish that I was even a good enough artist to just share my work with you as I very much enjoy art. But alas, my art and talent lies (hopefully) in writing.
One thing I would love to do, and I mean I would ABSOLUTELY LOVE to do is take part in your blogs by guest Blogging about topics of your choice. I think it would give me more practice and experience of covering a wide range of topics. So if you would like me to guest blog for you, please reply to this blog with your email address or email me directly at
Blessed Be
So as you can see I am very busy right now and am loving it. I have no idea what I'll eb doing tomorrow but one thing I do know is that whatever it is, it'll be one more step added to living my dream.
A Witches Tardis
Sunday, 17 July 2011
Merry Meet my gorgeous Witchlings!
Well, I am a huge Doctor Who fan ... Ok Ok you got me, Im a HUGE David Tennant fan (who is no longer the doctor) and it got me thinking about how we as witches chose and cope with coming out of our tardis (Broom Closet)at work, with friends from the past and even family. Let me take you on a spin of my tardis opening!
As I work at a primary school which happens to be a Christian school (nope, not yet a Wiccan/Pagan one, but Im working on it! haha) and am based with a Sikh teacher I asked myself whether I felt that I should wear a Cross with an angel on it (to represent my belief in angels) or whether I had the Strength to wear my Faery Pentacle! Well after much umming and ahhing over the situation I plucked up the courage to wear the latter for all to see. My head saw it, my teacher saw it, the children saw it and alas no one commented! So I was happy with that, whether it be because they accept me for who I am, what I can do, and not what i believe in, or whether they are just not saying anything as they have nothing nice to say, I'm really not fussed. I've since gone on and wore crystals to work and the children quite openily discuss them with me, such as Jade (which seems to be a favourite of the childrens) amethyst, rose quartz and Selenite. When I wear Selenite I tend to feel like I need to know something at work, like they are hiding things from me and throughout the day whilst Im wearing it, all becomes clear to me! The teachers have also started wearing crystals jewellery too now. **Result!!**
Now with regards to friends, Im very open about who I am, and what I believe in...with my current friends. With people whom used to be friends such as old school friends, im not so open about it. There is one friend whom was my bestest friend all the time we were at school who knows about all my psychic abilities and even work with the faeries! She's accepted me as I am and doesn't bat an eye-lid (Please excuse the pun) She comes to me for psychic guidance and trusts me. She sees me as I am, as I always have been. We even discussed the other day after work how when we were kids we would rip out the latest Spell in Mizz! Magazine... and try them out! We even discovered that we kept a so called "Vision Book" all these years ago where we'd write in it what we wanted, (ok Who we wanted) and how we'd use it to focus on things of *importance*.
My other "friends" from school know nothing of this side fo me, not because I am fearful or because I am ashamed, but because I simply know that they would not understand and any witch worth her broomstick wouldn't give an ill-informed person enough rope to hang the poor Witch with!
And as for family, well, All my family know I'm a witch and Im a Psychic as thats what we Brierley's are! Well thats what we "Belewski's" and "Barnett's" and "Webbs" are! 4 generations each different from the previous. (There are many more before us 4 generations but it's easier to count to four ... I suffer from Lazi-Witch-itus at times hehe)
So how have you come out of your Witchy Tardis? Or do you prefer to stay there with certain people?
Well, I am a huge Doctor Who fan ... Ok Ok you got me, Im a HUGE David Tennant fan (who is no longer the doctor) and it got me thinking about how we as witches chose and cope with coming out of our tardis (Broom Closet)at work, with friends from the past and even family. Let me take you on a spin of my tardis opening!
As I work at a primary school which happens to be a Christian school (nope, not yet a Wiccan/Pagan one, but Im working on it! haha) and am based with a Sikh teacher I asked myself whether I felt that I should wear a Cross with an angel on it (to represent my belief in angels) or whether I had the Strength to wear my Faery Pentacle! Well after much umming and ahhing over the situation I plucked up the courage to wear the latter for all to see. My head saw it, my teacher saw it, the children saw it and alas no one commented! So I was happy with that, whether it be because they accept me for who I am, what I can do, and not what i believe in, or whether they are just not saying anything as they have nothing nice to say, I'm really not fussed. I've since gone on and wore crystals to work and the children quite openily discuss them with me, such as Jade (which seems to be a favourite of the childrens) amethyst, rose quartz and Selenite. When I wear Selenite I tend to feel like I need to know something at work, like they are hiding things from me and throughout the day whilst Im wearing it, all becomes clear to me! The teachers have also started wearing crystals jewellery too now. **Result!!**
Now with regards to friends, Im very open about who I am, and what I believe in...with my current friends. With people whom used to be friends such as old school friends, im not so open about it. There is one friend whom was my bestest friend all the time we were at school who knows about all my psychic abilities and even work with the faeries! She's accepted me as I am and doesn't bat an eye-lid (Please excuse the pun) She comes to me for psychic guidance and trusts me. She sees me as I am, as I always have been. We even discussed the other day after work how when we were kids we would rip out the latest Spell in Mizz! Magazine... and try them out! We even discovered that we kept a so called "Vision Book" all these years ago where we'd write in it what we wanted, (ok Who we wanted) and how we'd use it to focus on things of *importance*.
My other "friends" from school know nothing of this side fo me, not because I am fearful or because I am ashamed, but because I simply know that they would not understand and any witch worth her broomstick wouldn't give an ill-informed person enough rope to hang the poor Witch with!
And as for family, well, All my family know I'm a witch and Im a Psychic as thats what we Brierley's are! Well thats what we "Belewski's" and "Barnett's" and "Webbs" are! 4 generations each different from the previous. (There are many more before us 4 generations but it's easier to count to four ... I suffer from Lazi-Witch-itus at times hehe)
So how have you come out of your Witchy Tardis? Or do you prefer to stay there with certain people?
broom closet,
Doctor Who,
The Priestess Within
Saturday, 16 July 2011
Merry Meet my lovely fellow witchlets,
How are we all today? What have you been upto? Here, let me pour you a cup of Dandelion Tea, take a seat on the toadstool or cushioned dandelion seeds.
Wow, you've had a magickal day!
Im watching Harry Potter & the Philosopher's Stone right now and it's made me feel all magickal and witchy inside again. (it doesn't take a lot these days). Im really feeling that I know exactly where Im going, and what I am all about. Im a witch 100%, a faery hedgewitch at that! Im also a teacher both spiritual and to the dear little *muggles*. And i'm a psychic! On top of that I'm a writer and I need to embrace all that I am, all that I was in previous lives, and all that I will be!
I've been thinking recently how I can move forward with my writing and initially decided that I would stop working with and writing about the angels, as my life and work very much revolve around faeries and wicca right now. But it has dawned on me that I shouldn't stop teaching, working with and writing about angels as they are all a part of my spiritual journey, they are all a part of me! I needed to be reminded to embrace ALL that I am. I needed to be reminded to BE the Priestess within me, throughout my life! So I will be embracing all of these spiritual energies that I work with and have worked with! Its the way forward for me. I know with all my heart that the Goddess with guide me through each step.
An update on my weight loss, I have used a magickal measuring tape today and discovered that whilst in the past two weeks I havent lost weight, in the past week I have lost half an inch from each arm, an inch from my thigh, half an inch from my other thigh, an inch from my bust and another inch from my hips. Thats a total Inch-loss of 4 1/2 inches!!! So I'm a trimmer Faery Hedgewitch!
How are we all today? What have you been upto? Here, let me pour you a cup of Dandelion Tea, take a seat on the toadstool or cushioned dandelion seeds.
Wow, you've had a magickal day!
Im watching Harry Potter & the Philosopher's Stone right now and it's made me feel all magickal and witchy inside again. (it doesn't take a lot these days). Im really feeling that I know exactly where Im going, and what I am all about. Im a witch 100%, a faery hedgewitch at that! Im also a teacher both spiritual and to the dear little *muggles*. And i'm a psychic! On top of that I'm a writer and I need to embrace all that I am, all that I was in previous lives, and all that I will be!
I've been thinking recently how I can move forward with my writing and initially decided that I would stop working with and writing about the angels, as my life and work very much revolve around faeries and wicca right now. But it has dawned on me that I shouldn't stop teaching, working with and writing about angels as they are all a part of my spiritual journey, they are all a part of me! I needed to be reminded to embrace ALL that I am. I needed to be reminded to BE the Priestess within me, throughout my life! So I will be embracing all of these spiritual energies that I work with and have worked with! Its the way forward for me. I know with all my heart that the Goddess with guide me through each step.
An update on my weight loss, I have used a magickal measuring tape today and discovered that whilst in the past two weeks I havent lost weight, in the past week I have lost half an inch from each arm, an inch from my thigh, half an inch from my other thigh, an inch from my bust and another inch from my hips. Thats a total Inch-loss of 4 1/2 inches!!! So I'm a trimmer Faery Hedgewitch!
Shape-Up Challenge.,
*Powerful Witchette*
Friday, 15 July 2011
Hello my lovely Witchlets,
It's been a very long time since I blogged due to lots of work commitments, stresses of daily life, and battles with my career and past-time of writing spiritually. It hasn't helped that my laptop smoked it! Yep it actually caught fire and smoked on my! (And I thought I brought my lappy up to not be an Anti-Social Hooligan!)
Well I have 3 more work days then im a free witchette for 6 weeks, Yep it's that time of year where us Teachers get to send the darling witchlets back home! YIPEE!!!!! (Very sorry for sounding so happy if any parents are reading this and dreading the hols).
I've been thinking more about how I can start putting my dreams, desires and plans into action and it really does just involve you standing in your own power, embracing the God/Goddess within without letting your ego get in the way. This is something I struggle with, im naturally a doormat in my life....( And no, people don't even wipe their feet...rude people! ) But thats going to change now.
I'm thinking of areas to write about as I really want my writing to take off and inspire people. So if there is anything you'd like to see me write about, let me know! Im very much feeling more and more drawn towards wiccan/pagan topics, along with my speciality subject ... FAERIES!!! I've taken some time off to spend writing, and I liek what I've come up with, it's part of a very big project that I just can't talk about right now. I don't want to jinx it.
And for those of you who are interested in my Shape Up Challenge ~ I've lost a total of 1 Stone 2lbs, thats a whole 16 pounds in 2 months. Im a dress size smaller, and more toned. My arms are starting to feel more toned, my waist is shrinking and my thighs have lost a whole 2 Inches on each one! Since January, Ive lost 2 stone (28 Pounds) So well done me!!!
This weight loss has started something off that hasnt happened in a long time, but I used to get all the time... MEN LOOKING AT ME>>>SMILING!!!!
it feels wierd now though, and at times it feels like im on page 3 of the national paper or in an issue of Playboy! I know with time, ill stop noticing this though and will feel more comfortable!
Well thats my update for now, and I hope I chat again soon! I've missed blogging and Ive missed you!
If you know of anyone who might enjoy my blog, could you please ask them to pop over and click "Follow" ? Thank you. xxxx
Blessed Be
Aurora MoonMaiden )0(
It's been a very long time since I blogged due to lots of work commitments, stresses of daily life, and battles with my career and past-time of writing spiritually. It hasn't helped that my laptop smoked it! Yep it actually caught fire and smoked on my! (And I thought I brought my lappy up to not be an Anti-Social Hooligan!)
Well I have 3 more work days then im a free witchette for 6 weeks, Yep it's that time of year where us Teachers get to send the darling witchlets back home! YIPEE!!!!! (Very sorry for sounding so happy if any parents are reading this and dreading the hols).
I've been thinking more about how I can start putting my dreams, desires and plans into action and it really does just involve you standing in your own power, embracing the God/Goddess within without letting your ego get in the way. This is something I struggle with, im naturally a doormat in my life....
I'm thinking of areas to write about as I really want my writing to take off and inspire people. So if there is anything you'd like to see me write about, let me know! Im very much feeling more and more drawn towards wiccan/pagan topics, along with my speciality subject ... FAERIES!!! I've taken some time off to spend writing, and I liek what I've come up with, it's part of a very big project that I just can't talk about right now. I don't want to jinx it.
And for those of you who are interested in my Shape Up Challenge ~ I've lost a total of 1 Stone 2lbs, thats a whole 16 pounds in 2 months. Im a dress size smaller, and more toned. My arms are starting to feel more toned, my waist is shrinking and my thighs have lost a whole 2 Inches on each one! Since January, Ive lost 2 stone (28 Pounds) So well done me!!!
This weight loss has started something off that hasnt happened in a long time, but I used to get all the time... MEN LOOKING AT ME>>>SMILING!!!!
it feels wierd now though, and at times it feels like im on page 3 of the national paper or in an issue of Playboy! I know with time, ill stop noticing this though and will feel more comfortable!
Well thats my update for now, and I hope I chat again soon! I've missed blogging and Ive missed you!
If you know of anyone who might enjoy my blog, could you please ask them to pop over and click "Follow" ? Thank you. xxxx
Blessed Be
Aurora MoonMaiden )0(
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