Random Ramblings
Tuesday, 2 August 2011
Didn't really know what I wanted to discuss on here tonight, so thought a Random Ramble might be in good order. I just wanted to connect with you all again, and as my super sis said, I just wanted to *Write from my heart*.
I'm working more with crystal energies which is fantastic as I havent felt comfortable with them for a long time, but now, Im discovering a new love for Tigers Eye, Lemurian Seed Quartz, Moldavite and Black Tourmaline. Oh and Moonstone. I cant seem to get on with Rose Quartz at the moment, I'm very receptive to it right now which is a shame.
The past few nights, I've been having strange dreams, last night I dreamt my postman (who is very friendly) decided to send me a note to let me know he wasnt doing his rounds for a week or so cause he'd got Man-Flu.... seriously what was that dream about?!! LOL Crazy Faerie Witch!
On a hugely positive note, University have contacted me today after like 3 months to tell me I can in fact resubmit my last assignment to gain another 30 credit points!! WooHoo!! That has seriously cheered this witch up.
Mum & I are getting on a heck of a lot more, not that we have huge rows, just that we can get quite ratty with each other. We're making plans and having a laugh now.
I got a new WormWood plant too!!!! Im in love with this beauty. Its definately male, and is coming along lovely, so quickly. I am hoping to go back and get another one... no not for me, Im not greedy, but to send in the snail mail all the way to Blackpool to my lovely sis.
im becoming a lot more domesticated of late too! I know, thats a tough one to picture isnt it? I can now boil a kettle and switch the washing machine on LOL
I feel that I want to work more with Ascended Masters, and have been *playing* with my Ascended Master cards, and jotting down writing ideas for articles I want to write. I now need a good kick up the witchy bum to write them lol.
Right well I hope this blog has been of interest to you, and that you're still awake, if you are, well done!!
Blog Soon!!
Witchy Blessings,
Aurora xxx
Ascended Masters,
Faerie witch,
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ooo i love the new look its lovely, very witchy. Writing from the heart cvan never steer you wrong and this was a lovely blog post xxx