As we approach the end of 2011 I have been thinking today about what has inspired me this year.
Well, I have been inspired by an OFSTED school visit to be the best teacher those children could wish for. They don't ask for much (
My illness last year and into the beginning of this year has inspired me to look after my health, so I've been slowly but surely losing wieght. Almost 3 stone this year. I say almost because those last 4-6lbs (I Fluctuate) are just not wanting to leave me... I have told them that I won't be sad to see them go... its important they move onto somewhere else...I really won't cry! But they are not listening...que FogHorn!!!
Here I am... After & Before.
Erm, what else has inspired me? Well, You see, lots of you have inspired me! Yes YOU... No don't look behind you, you wally, YOU **Points FInger right at you**
For many reasons you inspire me. For your sheer gusto in your writing of blogs, for your sarcasm that makes me smile, for the sexiness in your words that can only come from one true Sexy Witch I know... Magaly from Pagan Culture My darling Witch, you speak words of pure magickal sexiness that I only wish I had the confidence to do so! Not to mention your fiction! As an aspring fiction writer, I should visit you more often in Bloggerland to boost my enthusiasm! You rock sweety!
How could I forget the sweet darling aunts from *Practical Magic Blog Party* inspire sooooo sooooo many of us witches each and every year to not be dull and to darn well enjoy a Midnight Margarita or two!
So all these wonderful insights got me thinking.... Where are the Blog Awards for 2011?? I know I haven't been online much to blog but surely we have some floating around on unused brooms??
Well, i've taken it upon me, as it's the season of giving and I feel I have a lot to be thankful for...(thats a whole other blog post) I have created us a Blog Award for 2011!!!!!!
So what do you have to do for this....????
Well my witchlets, You have to create a blog post similar to this one...agreed you don't have to rabble on like I do, but list 3 inspirations of yours for this year from Bloggerland, Link them in, and then award them the Universal heart of Love & Inspiration award for their blog! Simples!
But before you go, I know you can all count..... I have only worded 2 inspirations!!! I said 3!!!!!
So my final Inspiration of 2011 has to go too.......... *Drum Roll*.......
Pixie Allen of Pixie's Musings
Yes, my dear. we've had a turbulent year...a case of my bad driving skills! But you haven't given up once this year with your pursuits. You've took the bull by the horn and shown the world what you're made of. So this one is for you! Well done! <3
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