Pagan Blog Project Week 12 ~ Finding the Self
Saturday, 24 March 2012
Merry Meet,
Firstly I appologise for being slightly later than usual for my blog post for the project, I have had one very busy week where I feel so dizzy as I haven't stopped... and this time there was no alcohol involved! haha
I must admit, I wondered what I could write about, and ever stubborn I told my guides "I will work it out". They nodded, looking slightly amused and let me toil with the ideas in my head. In the end, I said, "OK, I'm ready to listen now". And they happily shared with me their thoughts for my blog post. So here it is.
No matter what pathway we find ourselves upon be it Paganism, Hedgewitchery, Spiritualism, or even Hinduism, we are all searching for the one thing that will complete us. Our self. It may take us a short while into the journey to realise that what we are infact searching for is *Our Truth*, or we may already be aware of that, or we may even only become aware of the fact some many years down the line. When we have this *aha* moment, really does not matter. What does matter is that at some point in our lives and upon our journey we want to really find our self.
For me, I've always had jigsaw pieces of who I am, right from childhood. Pieces included; Psychic, Medium, Healer, Child of a Psychic/Mediumstic family, Child decended from a long line of witches, brainbox at school, studious, helpful, kind, thoughtful, daughter, spiritual teacher, Faerie Whisperer, daughter of a police officer and scenes of crime officer .....the list could go on.... All these labels spun around me within my auric field *defining who I was*.
I'm really not one that likes labels, I hate those online form thingy's where it says; "About Me". To sit and write one of those where I have to list who I am, what I do, etc, really narks me. I think in future I will simply write "I am me! Who are you?"
Right about now in this post, I should be writing a piece about "how to find your self". But in truth, how do I know how you can find YOUR self? I am merely me finding ME, you are finding YOU. We each walk a different path. We may walk with another on their path for a while, helping them with their life, but at some point we return to our path. Our very own exclusive pathway that no one else has. It's totally unique and magickal, because we are too. I can of course share with you how I found me... or the me I am today.... the me that will be very different in a year from now, in 10 years from now, I'll have changed, I'll have grown spiritually.
Who am I?
My perfectly honest answer is, I have no idea how to answer it simply as I AM.
Simply and powerfully, I just AM. I AM energy, I AM the Goddess, I AM nature, I AM all that is.
I am perfectly comfortable and content with acknowledging the fact that I am energy, I am a spiritual being embracing the journey of Earthly life with it's twists, and turns, it's ups and it's downs. I am growing. I am peaceful in that knowledge.
So what about those labels from before? Well, I still AM all those things and more, but they are just tiny facets of the the diamond Spirit that I am. Your own labels, they are just tiny diamond facets of who you truly are.
Is there a map to where you find yourself? Not in the sense that we use maps today, but there is a divine universal blue-print to who we are. But it's our job to still ourselves enough to find it in order to find our self.
My own blue-print is at the moment in time unravelling more *clues* and teachings to me about who I am, all I can say is that as it's unfolding within me right as I write this blog post, watch this space.
I must appologise for the way in which this blog post is written as it seems rather *bitty*. My only explanation is that my own spiritual frequencies are rising quie rapidly and as I embrace the process, I am finding it hard to capture my thoughts and experiences into words right now as the energy surrounding me is rather strong and vibrating at such a high frequency it almost renders me in silence.
I hope you have enjoyed reading my blog, and will continue to visit to see what progresses.
Aurora xxx
All written content on this blog is the work of © Aurora Brierley, The Faerie Whisperer & The Witch Inside. No written contents of this blog may be reproduced in any way (in part or in entirety) without the express written permission of the author, © Aurora Brierley, The Faerie Whisperer & The Witch Inside.
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Being true to yourself shows confidence in how you see yourself and having such conviction of conscience shows character - Be U + Blessed Be
ReplyDeleteThank you for your lovely comments Billy, I totally agree with you.
ReplyDeleteFaerie Blessings
Aurora xx
I apologize for the genericness of this comment, but with 15 blogs to visit... well... it was getting redundant. But... I've nominated you for the "The Versatile Blogger" award! Follow this link, or find me on my blog, to get all the details! I thank you for your wonderful contributions to the blogosphere!
ReplyDeleteoh wow! Thank you so much Kourtney! xxxx
ReplyDeleteYou are very welcome! I'm just now getting around to reading this post... and what a beautiful post it is! You summed it up exactly. We are who WE ARE. There can not be two identical paths, and when choosing to follow any path it becomes our own. No one else can claim it. But claim yourself, and who you are, its an absolutely beautiful thing!