Faerie Blessings,
Lately I've been using the power of prayer more in my daily practice, and affirmative prayer. These prayers have been directed to God, the angels, Archangels and the Universe, for all areas within my life. The thing about prayers and especially affirmative prayers is that you really feel that God, the Angels, Archangels, and Universe has heard you and that all is well. The faeries love positivity and they simply love helping us with our manifestations.
Sometimes when we ask for help or guidance we allow our hearts and minds to be filled with doubts, which become fears which become worries and this is the kind of thing that blocks our truest hearts desires from manifesting in our lives.
A Course in Miracles (ACIM) states that;
" Prayer is the medium of miracles. Prayer is the natural communication of the Created with the Creator. Through prayer, love is received, and through miracles love is expressed."
This means that in order for a miracle to occur - the miracle being our desired manifestation - we need a medium, a channel, a route for our desires to come to us. Just like a company we order products from , our God, Creator and Universe need a method of receiving our order to us, that route is prayer.
When we pray from our hearts about our hearts desires love is freely transferred, it's this love energy that is payment to the Universe, God and our Creator for that which we desire. Love always wins. It's the spiritual law that Love must prevail.
So, that's how I've been communicating with my Source/God energy of late, using the power of Love in my heart through prayer to deliver me a miracle. And miracles it HAS delivered to me.
When you pray to the Angels, Archangels or God/Universe through affirmative prayer, it's almost like sending them a *thank you* note in advance for the wonderful service you've been provided. When you pray, you must remember that nothing is too big, too small, too insignificant or insurmountable to be delivered to you. If you have the purest form of LOVE in your heart for something, it CAN and WILL be yours.
Remember what ACIM states about the importance of your miracle prayers;
"The first thing to remember about miracles is that there is no order of difficulty among them. One is not harder or bigger than another. They are all the same."
Examples of Affirmative Prayers
I will now share with you some examples of Affirmative Prayers that you could use in your life and spiritual development.
"Thank you God/Source/Angels/Archangel Michael for helping me increase my spiritual gifts in order with divine timing. I thank you for the increased spiritual senses that I am blessed to be enjoying and fully experiencing. Thank you for guiding me in my spiritual development."
"Thank you God/Source/Angels/Archangel Michael for ensuring that I only experience loving people in my life. Thank you for all the wonderful relationships I have such as my relationship with [state all the relationships your thankful for]. Thank you for surrounding me in Divine Love and Protection."
"Thank you God/Source/Angels/Archangel Michael for guiding me in making healthy and perfect choices for my career and life purpose. Thank you for helping me have the confidence and courage to make the necessary changes I need to in order to be fully enjoying my dream career."
So, I hope this blog post has given you not only something to think about, but also a little bit of hope and inspiration to help you move forward fearlessly within your life. Let me know how you get on or if you have used affirmative prayers.
Don't forget to check out my NEW website ~ www.FaerieWhisperer.co.uk
Lots of Faerie Blessings & Divine Love beaming to you,
Aurora xXx
All written content on this blog is the work of © Aurora Brierley, The Faerie Whisperer & Living a Life of Blessings. No written contents of this blog may be reproduced in any way (in part or in entirety) without the express written permission of the author, © Aurora Brierley, The Faerie Whisperer & Living a Life of Blessings.
Prayer is the Medium of Miracles
Friday, 3 August 2012
A Course in Miracles,
affirmative prayers,
Archangel Michael,
Mother Mary,
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