May Cause Miracles Days 2 - 6 & Updates

Wow! What a week full of miracles! 

I have been following the daily practice from "May Cause Miracles" by Gabrielle Bernstein for a week now and I can say that I feel more in control of acknowledging my fears and seeing them for what they truly are - spiritual assignments. 

Over the past few months since my relationship break-down I have had to face up to a lot of fear based funky stuff and at times I've thought; 'OK fear. You have me. I give up.' But then I'd encounter a miracle, a change in perception, and see that this fear was all coming from my EGO mind and not my ~ing (Inner Guide) or what I've come to call my H.I.N.G.E (Higher Intuitive Nurturing Guiding Expression) of Love. So I would pick myself back up and dust myself off and work hard on myself to get my place of peace back within my being. 

So this week's practice from "May Cause Miracles" wasn't new to me, it just pushed me further past my fears to a point where I now acknowledge them but the am able to say, "This is not real. It's not Love. Therefore it's not Love and it's not real, I don't need to give all of my attention to an illusion." Now once I've acknowledged the Fear and talked it down off it's power pedestal and put Love back on top I forgive myself for allowing Fear to even reach the pedestal. 

Don't get me wrong, I'm not 100% fear-less now, I still even today get the funky fear come up but I'm much better equipped with how to deal with it in a loving way.

So there is my MIRACLE. My shift in perception. I totally believe in Miracles!


As a lot of you know I am getting ever increasingly busy this year with all my various projects which would mean that I would be neglecting you all and this blog ... so I have opened my blog to Guest Bloggers and I already have a great Guest Blogger to host over the weekend! So you get to meet some of my fantastic friends who blog, and also get to keep reading amazing content from here. 

Does this mean that you won't read anything from me? 

No way! I will still be very much around and will try and blog as often as I can, even just short posts (shorter than I normally write). I am even signing up to the Pagan Blog Project 2013 but instead of posting a PBP every week, I'll do 1 post every fortnight for each letter A-Z. Of course there is also another 5 weeks of my "May Cause Miracles" journey, and all my book reviews still to come, so you WON'T be getting rid of me that easily. 

If you would like to guest blog on here, please email me with your idea for a guest post to: 

Please come and check me out at my new projects! 

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