Title: Crystal Resonance
Author: Kerry Nelson Selman
Publisher: Llewellyn
ISBN: 9780738743943
Source: NetGalley
Rating: 4/5
Purchase: Amazon
Crystal Resonance explores how combining the gifts from Mother Earth can enhance our connection to higher guidance, Higher Self, Spirit, or Archangels. Vibrational wellness and wellbeing are restored and we are empowered to embrace a life of purpose, grace, and wonder of All That Is.
The synergy of specific combinations of crystals, essential oils, flower essences, and practices facilitate our reconnection with all that we are in this life-enhancing book. Self-responsibility, self-determination, and self-worth are inherent in each of us as human beings, our birthright, and we get to choose every step of the way. The choice to enhance our innate connection with All That Is remains with each of us…for those who enjoy honoring the Spirit within, the synergy of the combined gifts from the Earth and Beyond are there just waiting to be explored and enjoyed.
What I think: |
The book begins with a section on what I call the basics. These basics include; details on what energy is, how there is evidence backing up the energetic fields, chakras and how crystals come into it. I admit I skim-read this section as I am not new to the idea of working with crystal energy.
The second section is where I really found myself devouring every word. Kerry really goes in depth detail on a few major crystals such as Amethyst, Citrine, Selenite, Black Tourmaline, and Red Jasper. I really enjoyed reading Kerry's own stories of the experiences she had with the crystals in each 'chapter' as it allowed the full extent to her guidance and recommendations come to life. As well as detailing the outline of each crystal, Kerry tells us about the flower essences, and archangels that work well with the energy. The most surprising part of the section was the charming yet powerful meditations (there are more than one for each crystal) contained at the end.
I wholly recommend this book to both newbies and the more experienced user of crystal energy as after 10 years of working with these energies, even I learnt a lot from this book.
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