Hi Boho Witch Babe,
Today I wanted to bring you a NEW segment of The Boho Witch and that is *The Boho Witch Recommends* - where I share with you all my personal recommendations for books, audios, stores, anything that I really really love and would recommend without any doubt.
It couldn't be more perfect to kick off this segment with the absolutely Divine book by Lisa Lister (I really LOVE this lady! She writes truly POWERFUL stuff with soul!) called WITCH
The reason why I loved this book so much is for many reasons but the first was that it was a CALLING home book for me. Reading this book opened my Boho Witch Soul up so much that the more that I followed Lisa's advice in this book to follow my own inner Witch, the more radical and witchy stuff started happening in my life.
I'm talking about my inner confidence level rising up, my inner power being channelled in a productive way, an inner happiness began radiating out of me, and I began wearing RED lipstick. Something I've always wanted to do, but never felt confident enough to. You know, in case it drew too much attention to me, or my teeth weren't hollywood white enough to wear it - the usual social fears of not being good enough.
And something magickal happened...I felt confident, sexy, in control, powerful, siren-like, and OMG I absolutely LOVE feeling that inner power come to the fore and even more ... MEN started really looking at me with intrigue and captivation, and my own relationship flourished and began improving, and I discovered that I actually like the attention from men - NOT in a "Oh boys... look at me" kind of way, but in a self empowered way that says "Oh yes, you recognise the feminine in me and I honour you for seeing ME".
Reading WITCH has been a soulful treat, because it has literally - hang on..
Lisa, I bow to you Lady because you have brought me back to life, You have given me my own version of Eat, Pray Love, that the divine Elizabeth Gilbert has given so many and found herself. You have held the roadmap to guide me home, and I have finally accessed this inner wisdom and inner power, my inner SHE that has been held back and hidden in the depths of my soul for far too long.
You have helped me to feel like a gorgeous, divine, feminine, sexy, powerful, queen of my life, faithful seductress to my man, Soul Sister again, and there is no price that I could put on that other than eternal gratitude.
I urge you, fellow Boho Witches to read, devour, worship and read this book and find your inner witch. It was THE best thing I have done this year!
I am easily awarding this book 5/5 Boho Witch DreamCatchers
Monumental change can occur when you read this and allow your Inner Witch to step forward.
Witch is Published by Hay House, Written by Lisa Lister and is available to buy now!
** Disclaimer**
I am grateful to Hay House UK for sending me the Paperback copy of this book to read and review. I would also like to add that I have bought the Kindle copy myself so that I can always have a copy with me to gain access to easily and portably.
All views of this book written here on The Boho Witch are of my own personal point, and in no way reflect the views of anyone else (unless you totally agree with me).
All views of this book written here on The Boho Witch are of my own personal point, and in no way reflect the views of anyone else (unless you totally agree with me).