The famous quote by Susan Jeffers at first eluded me as I wondered why on earth anyone would want to do something they feared. I mean why would you want to be locked in a lift for hours on end - completely stuck? Or why would you want to skydive? Just thinking about them brings shivers down my spine.
But this year I've learnt a lot about feeling the fear and doing it anyway. I've achieved a lot and I've survived a lot this year. And that's the important two key words for me that really sum up 2012;
Self inspiring when I think about how much courage it took me for me to post my photo on Facebook for the first time all those years ago, and how I didn't have the confidence to speak publically. And now... I really enjoy recording PodCasts and YouTube videos about all types of spirituality.... seems I'm stepping into a Public Speaker role ..... Many of my SHEroes are Metaphysical Speakers who inspire millions everyday... maybe there is a space there for me one day. Or perhaps "One Day has already Arrived" ♥
So let me tell you, or rather, let me show you what I've been up to lately.
I've recorded this latest Podcast for The Faeries and Angels Radio Network

And I have recorded this YouTube video for you to catch up with me
And I have recorded this little Video for you via The Faeries and Angels YouTube Channel where I talk to you about the inspirational text; A Course in Miracles. This particular video is all about how we can see past the negative things in our life.
So that's a little message to you all from me. Please let me know your thoughts below or on the YouTube channel in the comments below the video.
I am glad I found this post. I want to watch the videos this evening.