Venus is Rising

Resurrecting Venus by Cynthia Occelli 
RRP: £12.99 / $19.95 

Venus is Rising! 

This book spoke to my soul - my feminine soul that just like the cover says 'had a sacred ache to embrace my feminine power'. The fact that the title incorporated the guiding planet of my birth - Venus, of course had little to do with it ;) 


Each part has deep wisdom that I believe each and every woman knows deep in her soul, but for one reason or another find it difficult to believe/accept/acknowledge. Cynthia knows the difficulties we as women face in claiming back our unique power, and she helps the reader by giving them the space, the reason and the accountability to embrace who we are. Cynthia is a true inspiration and a true magnificent Goddess in her own right - just as we are. 


 Once a school drop out, and welfare Mum, she has reclaimed her power and become a popular blogger, speaker and empowerment teacher to women. She runs a successful business, lives in Bel Air, California and holds a Law Degree - yes, a woman proud to have both BEAUTY & BRAINS - a positive role model for all women, whatever their age, I believe.

My favourite sections of this book were parts, 1, 2, and 5, because they motivated me, empowered me, comforted me, inspired me, and touched my raw inner goddess, my inner Cleopatra to become the true feminine goddess I am. Section 2, VENUS IN LOVE, was my overall favourite section, as I am ever the hopeful romantic and reading from another Goddess Sister these words awakened my inner soul and lifted her to the highest heights; 

As  feminine woman, you desire passion, romance, and a sense of being protected and adored. 

Your feminine essence - which yearns to be wrapped in the restrained strength of a champion who would battle an army just to feel your back pressed against his chest

When I read those words, I almost wanted to scream "YES!" at the book - because I finally felt that it was perfectly OK for me to desire such a man - a man that has been seemingly demoted to glaze the covers of Mills and Boon passionate novels. I finally felt 'sane' in what I desired in a man, with a man, and from a man.  (Thank you Cynthia!)

In that same section Cynthia shares valuable information on how you can have a Goddess and God relationship fit for approval by Cleopatra!

Whether you are a single, non-parent (potential Mother in waiting), boardroom CEO, or Mum at home raising your children - we all have one thing in common - we all want to feel feminine, sexy, gorgeous and powerful yet loving. Cynthia shows us how we can do this, she shares how she created her own vision board which was the universal Map to the manifestation of this book. It's a book that I will continue to keep going back to when I simply want to top up my Inner Venus. 

This is a book that I will recommend to all my female friends who I see to be true goddesses in their own right but like me have struggled to accept who we are, and blaze in our glory. I believe this book has the power to increase the confidence of women the world over, in boardrooms and in Mum-and Toddler groups. Cynthia shares her struggles, her successes, and her personal, powerful and trans-formative life and by the end you can't help but feel compelled to call her you Soul Sister and Friend. I certainly beamed a bounty of love from my heart to hers upon reading the closing page. 

I would urge all my Sisters to go out and buy this book! Reclaim your power and Embrace your Feminine Power, because in the words of a Gillette advert (famous for their Venus range) 

and we ALL have Goddess Skin - we just need to embrace it! 

You can purchase this book from the following places; 

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