Doreen Virtue has teamed up with her son; Charles Virtue to create an oracle deck that all indigo's have been waiting for. This deck speaks to everyone and is not limited in any way to indigo souls alone, yet it channels 44 powerful messages that all indigo warriors have been desperately desiring to share with the world since their mission began.

Indigo souls are children and adults who have incarnated since around 1978 and tend to have an indigo presence in their aura though it is not limited to this colour. Indigos tend to have a very warrior-like spirit and are determined to stand in their power and stand up for they believe is right, more so they are very likely to stand up to injustice of all sorts and hate conforming to societies expectations. They are very much a free-spirit and are highly intuitive.

A beautiful deck of angel cards perfect for the beginner and experienced alike, they have provided warm, loving and helpful advice to me when I've used them to connect to the angels. Perfect for adults and children to use to gain insight and feel supported by heavenly beings of light and love.
Each card is illustrated beautiful by Carol Heyers and offers a unique view of angels that we haven't seen before in Doreen's angel cards. I feel that this oracle deck speaks for itself when you hold them, work with them and connect to your guiding angels and indigo spirit within.
So, why not treat yourself to the Indigo Angel Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue and Charles Virtue, they are available from Hay House UK, Hay House US, Amazon UK and Amazon US as well as good bookstores, and specialist spiritual themed shops. Let the indigo within soar with the help of the angels
If you are interested in having an angel reading for £25 / $40 from me you can contact me via my facebook page Celestial Life Coaching
Angel Blessings,
Dawn xx
All written content on this blog is the work of © Dawn Brierley, Life Coach, Consultant, Self Taught Intuitive Angel Therapist & Mentor
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