My Prosperous Heart

This weekend Mum and I decided to simply have a weekend before all the hard work hard work I mean the erecting of a new garden shed, and then filling that garden shed with things we had to put in our spare bedroom when we had renovating done a few years back. It's amazing how much of a mess life and the home can get into when you decide to have a new bathroom and kitchen fitted, and then find out the whole house needs rewiring, and floorboards gets damaged when the new gas piping get's put down... It became our living hell! It's only really been this year that we've finally been able to start spring cleaning on a major level. A lot of our things got ruined through bad weather damaging one garden shed, literally my childhood school photos, textbooks, spiritual magazines from 2004 onwards - all ruined and now replenishing Mother Earth courtesy of the Junk Yard. So today was very much a positive day, let me explain why...

Day 11 of 30 : Blogalong with Effy 

I got out of bed this morning, changed my bedding and looked out the window at my front garden. Mum said to me; "shall we try and cut the hedging and mow the lawn?" "yeah why not" I replied. So that was our day planned.

I managed to trim and cut the hedging on the one side of our garden - We have two rows of hedging, framing each side of our garden - which by co-incidence we measured today, and each are 5ft thick! So that's a massive 10ft of garden we are losing out on... 10ft that could have lavender bushes, rosemary bushes, roses, buddleias' and other pretty magickal flowers.

Before long, it started to rain, heavily, like it usually does here in England. So we had to scoop up everything and dash for shelter. When the tidying up had been done I realised my forearm was really itchy and burning and when I looked at it, I had come out in the most awful rash and was covered in scratches from the conifer cuttings. I think I am allergic to the cypress oil in them. I think cypress oil is good for something if my witchy mind recollects, but I can't recall what. I would love to harvest cypress oil... I could literally make oodles of it, if I only knew how to. Do you happen to know how I would make cypress oil from the conifer hedging cuttings? I have a huge wheelie bin stuffed to the top of the cuttings!

So now my arm is bandaged up because it is stinging and so sore :(

Anyway, this afternoon I felt really sleepy, so I watched Stepmom on the TV and cried :( So sad. And then I thought I'd go sit outside a little because the sun had come out. So I grabbed a couple of books that I'm reading right now and sat at the table. Funnily, we'd moved the table and so I wasn't sitting in my usual place but I felt so inspired, important and special... am I the only one to feel like that when you change something so simple? So there I was reading the odd page from The Prosperous Heart by Julia Cameron and came across a couple of quotes. One was; "fear knocked on the door, faith answered but there was no-one there". I love that quote and it got all kind of imagery going on in my head. Then I read a piece on gratitude, and then I thought, let's take a few minutes to write down all the things that I'm grateful for today. So I listed them... I think I had about 13 within a few minutes. They were;

  1. beautiful warm sunshine
  2. inspired creative desk
  3. 8x6 shed on it's way
  4. Money in my bank account
  5. 315 people on facebook who support me and believe in me as a life coach
  6. ease of ability to cut and trim hedging this morning
  7. time to get things done
  8. a boyfriend and life partner who loves me as I am
  9. a mind full of hope, ideas, creativity, youthful optimism
  10. LOVE
  11. lovely pink flowers to gaze at in my garden (Pictured above)
  12. time out to honour myself
  13. Clouds to daydream over

Then I just had this indescribable desire to pick up my sketching pencil and draw the outline of a heart, my prosperous heart that was full of all these things and more to be grateful for. No sooner had I drew the heart, I ran inside, grabbed a paintbrush (9 flat) and a selection of acrylic tubey paints; white, rose and violet. I grabbed a polystyrene plate and a tub of water. I squeezed a little violet and white, mixed it together and kept adding water to it until I had lots of paint. Then I painted the background, but ran out so tried to mix up the same shade and it came out lighter, but I found it added a lovely dimension to the background, so then I began on the heart itself, got the rose out and mixed some lavender and white to it and painted the heart. To add more dimension to the heart I flicked a little rose (neat) on there to show the darker shades, and then white, and found that it really brought it to life. I added white flicks to the purple background and saw how awesome it was when I outlined the heart like an energetic ripple of gratitude. Then I finished it off by painting a little pure violet around the one side of the heart to add shade to it. And this is what it looks like now...

I've also started a study support group for those wanting to join a community as they read Julia Cameron's The Prosperous Heart. You can read out it here and get all the details... we already have 2 people over there looking to start reading the book in the next few days, I'd love it if you joined us too! You can start any time and it's a lifetime's membership - to live with a Prosperous Heart xxx


  1. Lovely post and I love your pic.... I thought I had everything of Julia Cameron! Must go and find that one - hopefully that rash will heal up soon

  2. Love the movement in the picture. There's something on Cypress Oil here:

  3. Fil, You will love this book, let me know when you have it and what you think of it, xx

    Thanks for the links Linda :) I never knew Cypress could be used for so many things :) I just wonder how much Cypress oil I could make x

  4. Love hearing about your day and your moments and your art. I feel like I am there. Perfect.

  5. <3 I, too was painting a heart yesterday!
