Review: Beltane by Melanie Marquis

Title: Beltane

Author: Melanie Marquis

Publisher: Llewellyn

Source: Press Review Copy

ISBN: 9780738741932

Purchase: Amazon

Rating 3/5

Llewellyn’s Sabbat Essentials series explores the old and new ways of celebrating the seasonal rites that are the cornerstones in the witch’s year.
A well-rounded introduction to Beltane, this attractive book features rituals, recipes, lore, and correspondences. It includes hands-on information for modern celebrations, spells and divination, recipes and crafts, invocations and prayers, and more!
In agricultural societies, Beltane marked the start of the summer season. We all have something we want to harvest by the end of the year—plans we are determined to realize. Beltane is the time to put our plans into action, and this book will show you how.

Beltane is my favourite Pagan festival, probably because it's famously known for Love and Romance and I'm a sucker for romance and love. This book is very much for the serious practitioner and not just a weekend pagan. It's very in depth and I really have no idea where to start with this one.

I particularly loved the recipes and crafts chapters and also the spells and divination section as I love divination. The chapters on the lore and history of Beltane is a must read and shouldn't be skipped. It's good practice to have the theory down before you go start crafting! 

No matter the time of the year we are at I always like making plans for the future. Now for example I'm planning my Autumnal time and how I want to spend it, things I want to do, try, learn and achieve, and this book has given me handy tips on how to plan my year... that although this book is about Beltane, I feel able to take the practices with me throughout the year.

A really good book that I recommend to anyone serious about learning more about the festivals. 

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Review: Don't Let Anything Dull Your Sparkle by Doreen Virtue

Title: Don't Let Anything Dull Your Sparkle 

Author: Doreen Virtue Ph.D

Publisher: Hay House 

ISBN: 9781401946272

Source: Press Copy

Publication Date: 15th September 2015

Purchase: Amazon

Rating: 4/5

Difficult relationships and challenging circumstances all come down to one thing: drama. In this groundbreaking book, Doreen Virtue guides you through the process of determining your Drama Quotient. You'll discover how much stress you are unnecessarily tolerating and absorbing from other people and situations.
Doreen explains the physiological reasons why you can become addicted to high-drama relationships, jobs, and lifestyles, and how to heal from this cycle. You'll come to understand how traumatic events from the past may have triggered post-traumatic symptoms, including anxiety, weight gain, and addictions—and you'll learn natural and scientifically supported methods for restoring peace and balance to your body and your life.
Doreen shows you how to:

• Deal with relatives, friends, and co-workers who are “hooked” on drama
• Assess your own level of drama addiction
• Stop allowing negativity in your life
· Relieve anxiety and bring about inner peace

Go on an overall Drama Detox to clear away negativity, and let your light shine through!

Readers of my blog know how much I enjoy reading Doreen's work, so the latest addition to hit our shelves in September 2015 is something I've looked forward to. 

The latest book is called; Don't Let Anything Dull Your Sparkle. I admit it's a bit fluffy, but in the self help world, I can see why it will attract buyers. There's a lot to be said for trying to boost people's confidence in the self help world, and I can't help but wonder if there are TOO many books out there trying to fix people... shouldn't we actually be reading about how wonderful we are and how we can enhance those aspects of ourselves? we shouldn't be constantly being told that we need to do this, and we need therapy for that, and this is wrong but we can make it right blah blah blah... But, yes this book has a purpose, and it has an audience who want to be 'fixed'. 

I enjoyed reading about Doreen's acknowledgement of her studying psychotherapy and counselling (something we haven't heard of in her more recent books - since The Lightworkers Way), and it was refreshing for her to admit that even with all her training, experience and knowledge... AND good parents, even she struggles and has struggled with areas in her life such as relationships. It's nice to read something that doesn't feel judgemental and you can sense the REALness about Doreen in this book. 

I feel it offers good advice, insights, activities and makes you think about how you can become a more assertive person and really take good care of yourself. I'd recommend this book to anyone who needs that added boost in their life to believe in themselves, and it's something that I would and could see myself dipping in and out of when areas in my life need that bit of advice and detoxing. 

It's nice to see the return of the author that I became a fan of all those years ago with The Lightworkers Way. 

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Review: Holistic Energy Magic by Tess Whitehurst


Title: Holistic Energy Magic 

Author: Tess Whitehurst

Publisher: Llewellyn

Source: NetGalley 

Rating: 4/5

Purchase: Amazon

Learn to work magic and manifest your desires anytime, anywhere. Interweaving New Age techniques with Pagan sensibilities, Tess Whitehurst incorporates diverse modalities such as color energy, symbol interpretation, and visualization. Use the power of your own mind, body, and spirit as well as crystals, herbs, and flowers to achieve positive conditions in your life.
Organized into two sections, Holistic Energy Magic provides magical foundations and a spellbook of charms and invocations for success, love, health, and happiness. Enhance your spiritual path by fostering a strong relationship with the five elements. Develop relationships with magical allies, including angels, ancestors, and even animals. From cleansing your home to aligning with the divine, this accessible guide helps you create the magical life you want.

Is there anything that Tess cannot write about that isn't utter magic in how it transforms your life?

I have long been a fan of Tess Whitehurst's work and there is something charming about the way in which she delivers practical, down to earth ideas in a way that makes you know that your life will be improved by implementing them.

I enjoyed the new approach to this topic from Tess, in that she really does show you that to change your life and add a touch of magical charm to your life, you don't need to spend ridiculous amounts of money, or any in some circumstances. Holistic Energy Magic is just that... holistic, and magical. I love how you can use simple things such as herbs in your garden, a simple incantation to the angels or wear a crystal to enhance your life.

Highly recommended for anyone who wants to add a touch of everyday charm to your life.

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Review: Crystal Resonance by Kerry Nelson Selman

Title: Crystal Resonance 

Author: Kerry Nelson Selman

Publisher: Llewellyn 

ISBN: 9780738743943

Source: NetGalley

Rating: 4/5 

Purchase: Amazon 

Crystal Resonance explores how combining the gifts from Mother Earth can enhance our connection to higher guidance, Higher Self, Spirit, or Archangels. Vibrational wellness and wellbeing are restored and we are empowered to embrace a life of purpose, grace, and wonder of All That Is.
The synergy of specific combinations of crystals, essential oils, flower essences, and practices facilitate our reconnection with all that we are in this life-enhancing book. Self-responsibility, self-determination, and self-worth are inherent in each of us as human beings, our birthright, and we get to choose every step of the way. The choice to enhance our innate connection with All That Is remains with each of us…for those who enjoy honoring the Spirit within, the synergy of the combined gifts from the Earth and Beyond are there just waiting to be explored and enjoyed.

What I think: 

The book begins with a section on what I call the basics. These basics include; details on what energy is, how there is evidence backing up the energetic fields, chakras and how crystals come into it. I admit I skim-read this section as I am not new to the idea of working with crystal energy. 

The second section is where I really found myself devouring every word. Kerry really goes in depth detail on a few major crystals such as Amethyst, Citrine, Selenite, Black Tourmaline, and Red Jasper. I really enjoyed reading Kerry's own stories of the experiences she had with the crystals in each 'chapter' as it allowed the full extent to her guidance and recommendations come to life. As well as detailing the outline of each crystal, Kerry tells us about the flower essences, and archangels that work well with the energy. The most surprising part of the section was the charming yet powerful meditations (there are more than one for each crystal) contained at the end. 

I wholly recommend this book to both newbies and the more experienced user of crystal energy as after 10 years of working with these energies, even I learnt a lot from this book.

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