Merry Meet,
As I begin reading my 2nd and 3rd Pagan themed book for the Pagan Reading Challenge, I have been thinking about my own pathway and how I felt when I first began on it compared to how I feel now.
When I first began learning about the Wiccan Basics such as Books of Shadows, Sabbats, Esbats, Herbs, Oils, and the term "Wheel of the Year", I would reguarly find myself feeling full of excitement and an optimism for the future, my future. I hadn't felt that inner magick for a long time until recently when I decided that it was time to continue learning on my pathway.
I think for most of my spiritual pathway as I have become the teacher to others I have been caught up in that role so much that I forgot that at just 23 years old, I have so much wonder and magick that I still have the opportunity to discover and find out about. So here I am, standing up in my power saying, "I am Aurora, hedgewitch and psychic, teacher but also learner of the ways of the Goddess."
Right now as I begin new chapters in my life such as those at University with my studies, my writing projects and also my own spiritual pathway, I am embracing the fact that right now my inner witch really needs to indulge in the writtern word...reading them rather than writing them so much. Right now, my inner witch is thirsty for fresh witchy knowledge that will replenish and invigorate my inner witch.
I'm on a quest to find my Wiccan heart that sings with the beat of the Earth below my feet and sparkles with the stars in the sky. I cannot remember the time that I last sat upon my bed with candles, and strong scented patchouli oil mixed with the aroma of sandalwood incense as I drew 3 tarot cards to guide me over the coming week before snuggling down in a seated position amongst my bed throws to continue reading an inspiring pagan book. I spent most of my teenage years doing this. I guess this is what happens as we begin to grow up and take on more responsibilities in life with work and family taking priority.
I am making the decision that each night before I go to sleep I am going to read some of my books that I have sitting on the side table next to my bed...(and on my other half's side) ... as I relax to the scent of some herbal oil and candle light before saying a Goddess Blessing as I drift off to FaerieLand.
This is a small yet effective way that I have found within my life that helps me to remember who I am... who I truly am... a Witch... a Priestess...a Past-Life Sorceress.
What do you do that helps you connect to the Witch Within amongst the average day in the *real* world?
Aurora )O(
All written content on this blog is the work of © Aurora Brierley, The Faerie Whisperer & The Witch Inside. No written contents of this blog may be reproduced in any way (in part or in entirety) without the express written permission of the author, © Aurora Brierley, The Faerie Whisperer & The Witch Inside.
Finding my Wiccan Heart
Monday, 30 January 2012
book of shadows,
Pagan Reading Challenge 2012,
Book of Shadows ~ Pagan Blog Project ~ Week 4
Sunday, 29 January 2012
Merry Meet,
Here we are, week 4 of the project and I couldn't let the opportunity pass by without doing a blog post on one of the main topics and items that began my fascination and continues to fascinate me throughout my pathway. That is, the magickal and wonderfully inspiring ~ **Book Of Shadows**
Being 23 years old, I have to be honest and say that I was introduced to the wonder of the Book of Shadows through the 3 Halliwell sisters, Prue, Piper and Phoebe from Charmed. For me these 3 normal women propelled into a life of magick represented true Goddess energy. Still today I recall how they empowered me to walk my Wiccan pathway. I remember snuggling up on the sofa on a Saturday evening awaiting eagerly my Witchy fill of the week. I'd sit in awe and watch as they flicked through the pages of the Huge Book in the attic and along with many other's around that time, dream of creating my very own version. I like many... tried... and perhaps failed. But perhaps as a 23 year old now some 10 years later I realise that I failed because I was not creating my OWN, but like many other Charmed Fans, we wanted our very own magick attic with that BOS in.
All written content on this blog is the work of © Aurora Brierley, The Faerie Whisperer & The Witch Inside. No written contents of this blog may be reproduced in any way (in part or in entirety) without the express written permission of the author, © Aurora Brierley, The Faerie Whisperer & The Witch Inside.
Here we are, week 4 of the project and I couldn't let the opportunity pass by without doing a blog post on one of the main topics and items that began my fascination and continues to fascinate me throughout my pathway. That is, the magickal and wonderfully inspiring ~ **Book Of Shadows**
Being 23 years old, I have to be honest and say that I was introduced to the wonder of the Book of Shadows through the 3 Halliwell sisters, Prue, Piper and Phoebe from Charmed. For me these 3 normal women propelled into a life of magick represented true Goddess energy. Still today I recall how they empowered me to walk my Wiccan pathway. I remember snuggling up on the sofa on a Saturday evening awaiting eagerly my Witchy fill of the week. I'd sit in awe and watch as they flicked through the pages of the Huge Book in the attic and along with many other's around that time, dream of creating my very own version. I like many... tried... and perhaps failed. But perhaps as a 23 year old now some 10 years later I realise that I failed because I was not creating my OWN, but like many other Charmed Fans, we wanted our very own magick attic with that BOS in.
Thing is, for many years afterwards I would sit at the computer screen researching forum threads on what exactly to put in a Book of Shadows, how to make one, and magickally create one with over 300 pages in! Yes, Patience is not my strong point.
We'd discuss after school on forums how we could use a hardback book and sort of create a mini scrapbook, and this appealled to many of us, some of us tried it and stuck with it, perhaps since creating many more in the same way, yet some, like me, decided we didn't like the disorganisation of it all. So we opted then for the biggest and thickest ring binder we could find, preferably black in colour and we'd attempt to draw the famous Triquetta on the cover.
This method worked for me for a short while, but not being much of a calligraphist, I decided I wanted it to be perfect looking. I then opted to spend hours typing on the computer getting the font's right. But again decided, this simply wasn't me.
And now, at 23 years old I am still without a permanent Book of Shadows.... or even a Book of Elfin... I simply work my magickal witch pathway like those of the old days, by sheer memory.
Although re-visiting this topic has now, of course inspired me to go and try to create a book of shadows in some way of another. I actually feel it is very important for me to create one of these now as my pathway expands and I find myself in a position where people visit me *virtually* for advise just like those of old, visiting the wise woman of the village.
I plan to add photographs of altar's I have had and will have in the years to come, and to include photos of my garden marking out the herbs and their many uses. Along with the details of my Handfasting to my marvellous man,
I also plan to include book reviews for perhaps my children so that when and if the times comes for them to view my book of shadows, they can find out more about their witchy mother whom handfasted an Italian Catholic born man, and the books she read would no doubt open their eyes to just what a hedgewitch she really was.... even if at times she didn't know her Rue from her Hyssop.
So what can you include in your Book of Shadows?
Anything and everything.
Perhaps a dedication to the God & Goddess / Lord & Lady
Details of your self initiation (if you're a Solitary like myself)
Photo's and information of your altars
Crystals & their uses
Herbal Magick
Petition Magick
Animal Totems you've experienced
Dream Diary
Book of Elfin (detailing your faerie pathway)
Goddess Research
God Research
Astral Travel
Fears and how you overcame them
Acheivements & Successes
and of course, no Book of Shadows would be a BOS without your very own collection of Spells.
So go forth and create you're Book of Shadows with pride and wonder. Capture that inner child that can imagine discovering this Book of Shadows.... what would you like to see when you open it? What would you like to learn about your ancestors?
Let your Inner Goddes/Inner God be your guide!
Brightest Blessings,
Aurora )O(
All written content on this blog is the work of © Aurora Brierley, The Faerie Whisperer & The Witch Inside. No written contents of this blog may be reproduced in any way (in part or in entirety) without the express written permission of the author, © Aurora Brierley, The Faerie Whisperer & The Witch Inside.
Playing Catch Up
merry meet,
As you may have noticed, there has been no post this week so far for my participation in the Pagan Blog Project or indeed the Pagan Reading Challenge. This will all be rectified ASAP as I'm currently playing catch up with writing commitments and replying to emails.
I have a topic in my mind to write for part two of the letter *B* and I have updates on my Reading challenge as I have indeed finished one book.
So Although short and hopefully sweet,
I hope you will return in a couple of days to read my blog posts as they should be posted up by Tuesday.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Brightest of Blessings,
Aurora x
All written content on this blog is the work of © Aurora Brierley, The Faerie Whisperer & The Witch Inside. No writtern contents of this blog may be reproduced in any way (in part or in entirety) without the express written permission of the author, © Aurora Brierley, The Faerie Whisperer & The Witch Inside.
As you may have noticed, there has been no post this week so far for my participation in the Pagan Blog Project or indeed the Pagan Reading Challenge. This will all be rectified ASAP as I'm currently playing catch up with writing commitments and replying to emails.
I have a topic in my mind to write for part two of the letter *B* and I have updates on my Reading challenge as I have indeed finished one book.
So Although short and hopefully sweet,
I hope you will return in a couple of days to read my blog posts as they should be posted up by Tuesday.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Brightest of Blessings,
Aurora x
All written content on this blog is the work of © Aurora Brierley, The Faerie Whisperer & The Witch Inside. No writtern contents of this blog may be reproduced in any way (in part or in entirety) without the express written permission of the author, © Aurora Brierley, The Faerie Whisperer & The Witch Inside.
Writing News
Monday, 23 January 2012
Merry Meet,
This is literally a very short blog post.
Just wanted to tell you that you can find a cosmic article written by Moi, in the February issue of Soul & Spirit Magazine which is out now!!! Im on page 22-23.
I was also mentioned on the front cover where it sats Boost your prosperity in 2012.
All written content on this blog is the work of © Aurora Brierley, The Faerie Whisperer & The Witch Inside. No writtern contents of this blog may be reproduced in any way (in part or in entirety) without the express written permission of the author, © Aurora Brierley, The Faerie Whisperer & The Witch Inside.
This is literally a very short blog post.
Just wanted to tell you that you can find a cosmic article written by Moi, in the February issue of Soul & Spirit Magazine which is out now!!! Im on page 22-23.
I was also mentioned on the front cover where it sats Boost your prosperity in 2012.
I am so pleased with this article and how it was presented. Grab yourself a copy that comes free with a Dragon Suncatcher. (hang in your finance corner or in your bathroom to protect your finances).
Brightest Blessings,
All written content on this blog is the work of © Aurora Brierley, The Faerie Whisperer & The Witch Inside. No writtern contents of this blog may be reproduced in any way (in part or in entirety) without the express written permission of the author, © Aurora Brierley, The Faerie Whisperer & The Witch Inside.
Vintage Witchery
Sunday, 22 January 2012
Merry Meet,
It's that time of year when I start to think about the changes I'd like to make in my home and garden this year. I also think about what I'd like to keep, or enhance. Around February, especially Imbolc onwards I get the decorating bug and am considering the re-decoration of my kitchen and bathroom to make them more country vintage witch.
So the kitchen I am thinking *pale pink* on the walls so that it goes to something like this;
I love the thought of having a pink kitchen again. I grew up with a pink kitchen as a young girl. We have some fabulous vintage floral patterned items already for the kitchen and I just know the pink will only enhance this.
Now my bathroom, well, I have been browsing catalogues and seen some fabulous wallpaper that would really bring out the tiles we have in the bathroom, and have decided that I simply must have it. I've calculated that I'd only need 3 rolls (as the rest is tiles) so for a fabulous £45 I can have this all over my bathroom.
I have decided against wooden flooring or infact tiles or lino in the bathroom purely because I've "been there done that - and fell on my witchy bum far too many times". So I'm opting either for a nice plush gentle blue or soft pink carpet. I want to walk into my Vintage Mermaid Cove on something that resembles soft pink/blue sand.
Now, my bedroom has been a modern floral deal for about a year or so now, yet as I grow and move into the costume of 'homemaker' that was awaiting me laid on the chenille chair I feel more grown up and the need to actually start making a home now. So I am opting still for florals yet soft and gentle ones now. Yet I cannot decide whether to opt for soft lilac, soft pink or indeed a more floral yet gentle red? :/ It has me in somewhat of a predicament.
Because I have this image within my vintage witchy mind of having blinds (for privacy) with white muslin voiles browly easily in the gentle breeze, the smell of fresh lavender and rose in the bedroom as you walk in, White linen bedding with floral lace draping down the sides,
Over my bed will be a canopy draped with floral lights to really light the faerie *princess* priestess to bed.
A dainty armchair in the corner draped with comfy cushions and throws with a side table with a vase of pink roses on the side with a tablecloth and doile, just waiting for me to come home and sit to read a fabulous book. On the walls will be vintage photos of cottage gardens, faeires, mermaids and flowers along with wall lights to soften the main light at night.
Whilst writing this blog I have decided that I would love a pink bedroom... very soft and delicate as I can really add lots of gentle candy colours to the room at different times to bring out the life of the pink.
As for the garden I really would love to create this... as you'll see from the picture this is actually all ons omeones patio.... AMAZING!!
Perhaps more realistically I can add some vintage witchery charm to the front of my home in my front garden by planting strong scented lavender and rosemary, adding a tub of marigolds by the front door to welcome prosperity, lots of scented roses and wild flowers to add to the already existing butterfly (buddleja davidii) bush that I have there. It's lovely mowing the lawn with the faeries permission and dancing with the butterflies at the same time. I may plant some snapdragons/foxgloves, along the front mixed in with my ivy.
I thought about adding a few wall plaques and hanging baskets on the front either side of the window to add colour and life. I may even go for a window box this year. I shall of course have to do a charm to protect all these lovely things being stolen (not that it's a rough neighbourhood...just that one neighbour whom I have very strong suspicions is a Witch!!! Yes... she has gargoyles on the front garden, ivy trailing over the wall - same as myself - lavender, rosemary, and marigolds next to her door - well i have sadly caught her ripping my planting from my garden and then planting them in her own :( ) so that they can grow in the garden and thrive.
It sounds perfectly enchanting don't you think?
I've also decided that I would really love to start a new hobby ... **Scrapbooking**, I feel I can create my own vintage world of love in a scrapbook which can also act as a source of inspiration. I am so fabulously excited now. I even have my Mum eager to begin the home changes now. yay!!
So this Vintage Witch Inside is off to create her scrapbook of ideas for her wonderfully witchy home.
Aurora )O(
Ooo Before I go, just a gentle reminder that the IMBOLC issue of FAE Magazine for 2012 will be available from February 1st YAY!!! Make sure you get it as there is a fabulous coumn this time from me conencted to a special type of faerie .... Shhhhhh!! Subscribe at
All written content on this blog is the work of © Aurora Brierley, The Faerie Whisperer & The Witch Inside. The pictures are from various sources found on a google search "Vintage Home Style". No written contents of this blog may be reproduced in any way (in part or in entirety) without the express written permission of the author, © Aurora Brierley, The Faerie Whisperer & The Witch Inside.
FAE Magazine,
faerie priestess,
Vintage Witch,
Vintage Witchery,
Pagan Blog Project 2012 ~ Butterflies ~ Week 3
Friday, 20 January 2012
Merry Meet,
Today is week 3 of the PBP and my post is all about some very charming and magickal spiritual messengers ~ BUTTERFLIES!!!
Butterflies for me are more than just something that flies around the plants during spring/summer. They are a powerful symbol of spirit energies and transformation which is probably what they are known for. The symbolism of transforming from a catalyst into a beautiful fluttering butterfly is simply enchanting don't you think? They bring with them many hidden messages such as "I love you - I'm OK" from a loved one in the Summerlands/Spirit World, a message of hope - that things can indeed change for the better, and for me, like perhaps many others a symbolic message that the Faeries are near.
Way back in 2006 I began writing more and more publically about faeries and became the *Angelic Faerie Whisperer* as I had been initiated with the blessing of Queen Mab in FaerieLand, which gave me the absolute honour of being a **Faerie Priestess**. You can read in an earlier post of mine about a poem I wrote in 2006 on World Faerie Day on asking for Faerie Guidance. This was written using my priestesshood initiation as my muse. So what's this got to do with Butterflies I hear you ask?
Im so glad you asked me that! :)
Queen Mab, gave me a symbolic Faerie Priestess-Hood emblem which would be my magickal key to FaerieLand when I attend meetings with the Faerie Council. That emblem became also my *official* *Faerie Whisperer* logo/emblem and Faerie Spiritual Tiara/Crown... it was of course a **BUTTERFLY**.
Since my initiation I have worked with the faeries very closely and passed through more initiations where I've been given more symbols to add to my tiara/crown, such as A FaerieHeart, A Dragonfly, and A Raven (the latter a gift from Morgan Le Fay). But although I love and appreciate these gifts so very much, I simply adore and treasure my Butterfly.
Throughout my day I come across Butterflies in many guises, sometimes I'll turn a page and see the word or a picture, I may walk into a shop and see something decorated with butterflies, and even recieve Butterfly gifts unexpectedly. My slippers, bedroom bedding, diary, clothes and even bubble bath bottles all carry the energy of the Butterfly with its pictorial magick. For me, the craft would not be *my craft* without a butterfly.
What do you associate with a butterfly?
Brightest Butterfly Blessings,
Aurora ~ Faerie Whisperer ~ Faerie Priestess )O(
All written content on this blog is the work of © Aurora Brierley, The Faerie Whisperer & The Witch Inside. No written contents of this blog may be reproduced in any way (in part or in entirety) without the express written permission of the author, © Aurora Brierley, The Faerie Whisperer & The Witch Inside.
Today is week 3 of the PBP and my post is all about some very charming and magickal spiritual messengers ~ BUTTERFLIES!!!
Butterflies for me are more than just something that flies around the plants during spring/summer. They are a powerful symbol of spirit energies and transformation which is probably what they are known for. The symbolism of transforming from a catalyst into a beautiful fluttering butterfly is simply enchanting don't you think? They bring with them many hidden messages such as "I love you - I'm OK" from a loved one in the Summerlands/Spirit World, a message of hope - that things can indeed change for the better, and for me, like perhaps many others a symbolic message that the Faeries are near.
Way back in 2006 I began writing more and more publically about faeries and became the *Angelic Faerie Whisperer* as I had been initiated with the blessing of Queen Mab in FaerieLand, which gave me the absolute honour of being a **Faerie Priestess**. You can read in an earlier post of mine about a poem I wrote in 2006 on World Faerie Day on asking for Faerie Guidance. This was written using my priestesshood initiation as my muse. So what's this got to do with Butterflies I hear you ask?
Im so glad you asked me that! :)
Queen Mab, gave me a symbolic Faerie Priestess-Hood emblem which would be my magickal key to FaerieLand when I attend meetings with the Faerie Council. That emblem became also my *official* *Faerie Whisperer* logo/emblem and Faerie Spiritual Tiara/Crown... it was of course a **BUTTERFLY**.
Since my initiation I have worked with the faeries very closely and passed through more initiations where I've been given more symbols to add to my tiara/crown, such as A FaerieHeart, A Dragonfly, and A Raven (the latter a gift from Morgan Le Fay). But although I love and appreciate these gifts so very much, I simply adore and treasure my Butterfly.
Throughout my day I come across Butterflies in many guises, sometimes I'll turn a page and see the word or a picture, I may walk into a shop and see something decorated with butterflies, and even recieve Butterfly gifts unexpectedly. My slippers, bedroom bedding, diary, clothes and even bubble bath bottles all carry the energy of the Butterfly with its pictorial magick. For me, the craft would not be *my craft* without a butterfly.
What do you associate with a butterfly?
Brightest Butterfly Blessings,
Aurora ~ Faerie Whisperer ~ Faerie Priestess )O(
All written content on this blog is the work of © Aurora Brierley, The Faerie Whisperer & The Witch Inside. No written contents of this blog may be reproduced in any way (in part or in entirety) without the express written permission of the author, © Aurora Brierley, The Faerie Whisperer & The Witch Inside.
Revamp & Remodel
Thursday, 19 January 2012
Merry Meet,
Every now and then here at *The Witch Inside* I like to revamp the pages and give it a whole new look. I like to keep things interesting, and make sure the energy on this blog is never stale. some people dye their hair, whereas I simply change my blog background :)
So we've had a sparkling facelift and I hope you like the changes I've made to the blog.
There is an *Aurora's News* feature where you will be able to get a quick fix of what news there is about me and my writing features. You can also catch up on my *Recent Posts* if you have missed them, and you can comment on any of my blog posts, regardless of age of the posts.
I will also be posting more of my University Creative Writing pieces as I believe as a Witch that is true to herself, sharing all the features of me including all the aspects of my writing is important.
Don't forget to check back here tomorrow for my 3rd **Pagan Blog Project** post!!!
Goddess & Faerie Blessings,
Aurora xxxx
All written content on this blog is the work of © Aurora Brierley, The Faerie Whisperer & The Witch Inside. No writtern contents of this blog may be reproduced in any way (in part or in entirety) without the express written permission of the author, © Aurora Brierley, The Faerie Whisperer & The Witch Inside.
Every now and then here at *The Witch Inside* I like to revamp the pages and give it a whole new look. I like to keep things interesting, and make sure the energy on this blog is never stale. some people dye their hair, whereas I simply change my blog background :)
So we've had a sparkling facelift and I hope you like the changes I've made to the blog.
There is an *Aurora's News* feature where you will be able to get a quick fix of what news there is about me and my writing features. You can also catch up on my *Recent Posts* if you have missed them, and you can comment on any of my blog posts, regardless of age of the posts.
I will also be posting more of my University Creative Writing pieces as I believe as a Witch that is true to herself, sharing all the features of me including all the aspects of my writing is important.
Don't forget to check back here tomorrow for my 3rd **Pagan Blog Project** post!!!
Goddess & Faerie Blessings,
Aurora xxxx
All written content on this blog is the work of © Aurora Brierley, The Faerie Whisperer & The Witch Inside. No writtern contents of this blog may be reproduced in any way (in part or in entirety) without the express written permission of the author, © Aurora Brierley, The Faerie Whisperer & The Witch Inside.
Everyday Faerie Magick ~ By Aurora Brierley, The Faerie Whisperer
Saturday, 14 January 2012
There are many simple ways in which you can connect to the faeries and perform Faerie Magick in Everyday circumstances. Here is an article I wrote in 2008 that was published online on More To Life's Magazine in 2009 after I've become *The Angelic Faerie Whisperer*
Faeries are pure elemental spiritual beings that are known as nature angels. They constantly look after our animals, plants, woodlands and guide us on environmental concerns. However they can guide guide us on our daily life as we all have the ability to accept help and guidance from these nature angels if we take just 5 minutes a day to connect with the elements.
Faeries can be split up into four main categories that represent our elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water. In each of their elements they are called; Gnomes, Sylphs, Salamanders and Undines respectively. Although there are thousands of types of faeries vary between countries and cultures they always correspond with the four elements. Let’s look at these now;
The Gnomes are the Earth elementals that look after our gardens, gems, crystals, rocks, the sandy beaches and can help us in our material life with our foundations. We each have a household gnome works with us whilst doing daily chores, and home improvements. This is why some things tend to go wrong as the brownies, pixies or goblins like to be slightly mischievous but generally mean no harm. If things go missing, chances are your household gnome moved them. So ask for them back. To connect with your gnome, you could dedicate a small area such as a shelf on a bookcase as an altar. It will preferably be a small space in the kitchen. On here place fallen leaves, a vase of flowers, conkers, pictures of woodlands, trees and perhaps a garden statue of a squirrel and gnome. Write a request to your household gnome for any help you may need for example; help paying your bills, help to locate a missing item, to help you keep on top of the housework, or perhaps to just say thank you for all their help and support. To say thank you place a small gift such as honey, cream, milk, butter or cake. You can be sure that he’ll find it when he does a spiritual tidy up
The Gnomes are the Earth elementals that look after our gardens, gems, crystals, rocks, the sandy beaches and can help us in our material life with our foundations. We each have a household gnome works with us whilst doing daily chores, and home improvements. This is why some things tend to go wrong as the brownies, pixies or goblins like to be slightly mischievous but generally mean no harm. If things go missing, chances are your household gnome moved them. So ask for them back. To connect with your gnome, you could dedicate a small area such as a shelf on a bookcase as an altar. It will preferably be a small space in the kitchen. On here place fallen leaves, a vase of flowers, conkers, pictures of woodlands, trees and perhaps a garden statue of a squirrel and gnome. Write a request to your household gnome for any help you may need for example; help paying your bills, help to locate a missing item, to help you keep on top of the housework, or perhaps to just say thank you for all their help and support. To say thank you place a small gift such as honey, cream, milk, butter or cake. You can be sure that he’ll find it when he does a spiritual tidy up
The air elements look after our atmosphere and encourage our intellect and ideas. When the wind blows through your hair, it is accompanied by the sylphs. We each have a sylph guardian that encourages us to get more fresh air, to change yourself or environment you reside in. They bring you ideas to inspire you in the magickal breeze.
To connect more with these air faeries perhaps place a couple of wind chimes in your window or in places throughout your home in which they can catch the breeze. When they chime, it’s the air elementals way of saying ‘hello, we’re here’. And don’t forget the garden. Place wind chimes and anything to represent air there such as a weather vane, windmill and figurines of birds. Also, feed the birds by hanging a couple of bird feeders around the garden.
The fire faeries remind us of how important it is to cleanse regularly, and devote time to our passions. They are the folk that keep us warm in the cold evenings when we’re cosy by the fire; they are the warm in the sunshine that shines down upon us.
To connect with the salamanders light a candle (remember to be safe) and talk to the spirit within the flame. Write a request for help within areas in your life you need help cleansing. For example; finances, family trouble, career worries etc, and place underneath the candle knowing they will help if they can. To ignite the fire of passion, stare deeply into the flame of the candle and visualise the passion you have deep in your heart (dreams you wish to come true, creativity you wish to express) of being true and present in your life.
The water elementals, also known as mermaids or mer-faeries are connected with rain, our bathrooms and our emotions. They are the beings that bless us with the privilege to be able to drink fresh clean water daily, and to be able to feed our plants and trees. Undines are depicted as goddess type beings with long flowing hair and fish tails. They inspire us to take a long hot soak, and to beautify ourselves.
To connect to the mermaids, place pictures of them in your bathroom, seashells on the window sill, wear sea shells as jewellery. Talk to them in your mind as you bathe, feel them massaging your aching body and soothing your cares away. You can also have a water feature in your garden or a fish pond.
There are of course some faerie basics;
Feed the birds and stray animals
Never mow the grass until you ask for permission (faeries live in the grass you know!)
Never drop litter
Leave gifts of milk, butter, honey or cake for them as a thank you.
Keep your environment tidy
Always have fun daily
And never step inside a faerie ring
I would love to hear about your experiences with the faeries
You can view this article as it was published on More to Life's Website
Faeries are pure elemental spiritual beings that are known as nature angels. They constantly look after our animals, plants, woodlands and guide us on environmental concerns. However they can guide guide us on our daily life as we all have the ability to accept help and guidance from these nature angels if we take just 5 minutes a day to connect with the elements.
Faeries can be split up into four main categories that represent our elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water. In each of their elements they are called; Gnomes, Sylphs, Salamanders and Undines respectively. Although there are thousands of types of faeries vary between countries and cultures they always correspond with the four elements. Let’s look at these now;
The Gnomes are the Earth elementals that look after our gardens, gems, crystals, rocks, the sandy beaches and can help us in our material life with our foundations. We each have a household gnome works with us whilst doing daily chores, and home improvements. This is why some things tend to go wrong as the brownies, pixies or goblins like to be slightly mischievous but generally mean no harm. If things go missing, chances are your household gnome moved them. So ask for them back. To connect with your gnome, you could dedicate a small area such as a shelf on a bookcase as an altar. It will preferably be a small space in the kitchen. On here place fallen leaves, a vase of flowers, conkers, pictures of woodlands, trees and perhaps a garden statue of a squirrel and gnome. Write a request to your household gnome for any help you may need for example; help paying your bills, help to locate a missing item, to help you keep on top of the housework, or perhaps to just say thank you for all their help and support. To say thank you place a small gift such as honey, cream, milk, butter or cake. You can be sure that he’ll find it when he does a spiritual tidy up
The Gnomes are the Earth elementals that look after our gardens, gems, crystals, rocks, the sandy beaches and can help us in our material life with our foundations. We each have a household gnome works with us whilst doing daily chores, and home improvements. This is why some things tend to go wrong as the brownies, pixies or goblins like to be slightly mischievous but generally mean no harm. If things go missing, chances are your household gnome moved them. So ask for them back. To connect with your gnome, you could dedicate a small area such as a shelf on a bookcase as an altar. It will preferably be a small space in the kitchen. On here place fallen leaves, a vase of flowers, conkers, pictures of woodlands, trees and perhaps a garden statue of a squirrel and gnome. Write a request to your household gnome for any help you may need for example; help paying your bills, help to locate a missing item, to help you keep on top of the housework, or perhaps to just say thank you for all their help and support. To say thank you place a small gift such as honey, cream, milk, butter or cake. You can be sure that he’ll find it when he does a spiritual tidy up
The air elements look after our atmosphere and encourage our intellect and ideas. When the wind blows through your hair, it is accompanied by the sylphs. We each have a sylph guardian that encourages us to get more fresh air, to change yourself or environment you reside in. They bring you ideas to inspire you in the magickal breeze.
To connect more with these air faeries perhaps place a couple of wind chimes in your window or in places throughout your home in which they can catch the breeze. When they chime, it’s the air elementals way of saying ‘hello, we’re here’. And don’t forget the garden. Place wind chimes and anything to represent air there such as a weather vane, windmill and figurines of birds. Also, feed the birds by hanging a couple of bird feeders around the garden.
The fire faeries remind us of how important it is to cleanse regularly, and devote time to our passions. They are the folk that keep us warm in the cold evenings when we’re cosy by the fire; they are the warm in the sunshine that shines down upon us.
To connect with the salamanders light a candle (remember to be safe) and talk to the spirit within the flame. Write a request for help within areas in your life you need help cleansing. For example; finances, family trouble, career worries etc, and place underneath the candle knowing they will help if they can. To ignite the fire of passion, stare deeply into the flame of the candle and visualise the passion you have deep in your heart (dreams you wish to come true, creativity you wish to express) of being true and present in your life.
The water elementals, also known as mermaids or mer-faeries are connected with rain, our bathrooms and our emotions. They are the beings that bless us with the privilege to be able to drink fresh clean water daily, and to be able to feed our plants and trees. Undines are depicted as goddess type beings with long flowing hair and fish tails. They inspire us to take a long hot soak, and to beautify ourselves.
To connect to the mermaids, place pictures of them in your bathroom, seashells on the window sill, wear sea shells as jewellery. Talk to them in your mind as you bathe, feel them massaging your aching body and soothing your cares away. You can also have a water feature in your garden or a fish pond.
There are of course some faerie basics;
Feed the birds and stray animals
Never mow the grass until you ask for permission (faeries live in the grass you know!)
Never drop litter
Leave gifts of milk, butter, honey or cake for them as a thank you.
Keep your environment tidy
Always have fun daily
And never step inside a faerie ring
I would love to hear about your experiences with the faeries
You can view this article as it was published on More to Life's Website
Inspirational Poetry by Aurora Brierley
Merry Meet,
I have been thinking about my writing module for University that I am studying and have recalled some poems that I wrote on Faerie Day in 2006 when I became initiated by the Faerie Queen Mab. I would like to share them with you.
Faerie Blessings
Faerie Faeries with your guiding light,
Lead me to the path that is right
Filled with love, I offer you dear Faerie
A delicate fox glove
Faerie Faeries help me to see,
You as clear as you see me,
With Peace and joy within my heart
You dear faeries, and I, shall never part
Faerie Faeries please cleanse me of fear
So that our communications cause me to not shed a tear
As I would love to not cause you distress
But instead work in your honour and become your Faerie Priestess.
Written by Aurora Brierley, The Faerie Whisperer on Faerie Day 24/6/2006 ©
Also the following day I was very attuned to the energy of the Goddess and how we can all invoke her energy within us. Even way back in 2006 I was doing similiar spiritual teaching work like I am doing today. That's one of the reasons why I know this is the pathway for me, the fact that I am still doing it, yet to a higher standard and more indepth and intense than 6 years ago.
I am a Goddess
I am a Goddess, I am a Goddess
with my own unique power
Look deep within my eyes
And you'll see a unique radiant flower
I am a Goddess, I am a Goddess
And you dear one are a Goddess too
If only you still your mind
And let peace and harmony overflow you
I am a Goddess, I am a Goddess
Seeing love and beauty all around
Seeking within, has rewarded me
It is true power and beauty that I have now found.
Written by Aurora Brierley, The Faerie Whisperer, 25/06/2006 ©
I'd love to know what you think of these poems as recieving and working with *nice* critisism is what we as writers adore as it helps us improve our pieces.
Faerie & Goddess Blessings,
Aurora )O(
I have been thinking about my writing module for University that I am studying and have recalled some poems that I wrote on Faerie Day in 2006 when I became initiated by the Faerie Queen Mab. I would like to share them with you.
Faerie Blessings
Faerie Faeries with your guiding light,
Lead me to the path that is right
Filled with love, I offer you dear Faerie
A delicate fox glove
Faerie Faeries help me to see,
You as clear as you see me,
With Peace and joy within my heart
You dear faeries, and I, shall never part
Faerie Faeries please cleanse me of fear
So that our communications cause me to not shed a tear
As I would love to not cause you distress
But instead work in your honour and become your Faerie Priestess.
Written by Aurora Brierley, The Faerie Whisperer on Faerie Day 24/6/2006 ©
Also the following day I was very attuned to the energy of the Goddess and how we can all invoke her energy within us. Even way back in 2006 I was doing similiar spiritual teaching work like I am doing today. That's one of the reasons why I know this is the pathway for me, the fact that I am still doing it, yet to a higher standard and more indepth and intense than 6 years ago.
I am a Goddess
I am a Goddess, I am a Goddess
with my own unique power
Look deep within my eyes
And you'll see a unique radiant flower
I am a Goddess, I am a Goddess
And you dear one are a Goddess too
If only you still your mind
And let peace and harmony overflow you
I am a Goddess, I am a Goddess
Seeing love and beauty all around
Seeking within, has rewarded me
It is true power and beauty that I have now found.
Written by Aurora Brierley, The Faerie Whisperer, 25/06/2006 ©
I'd love to know what you think of these poems as recieving and working with *nice* critisism is what we as writers adore as it helps us improve our pieces.
Faerie & Goddess Blessings,
Aurora )O(
Creative Witch Inside ~ Fiction Works in Progress
Friday, 13 January 2012
Merry Meet,
Many of you will recall how Im studying creative writing at university, well I haven't really posted any of my work lately connected to my fictional author dreams and thought that Friday 13th would be the lucky day to do it. You may be reading some of my poetry soon as my module is focusing on poetry right now, but I simply love the written word. The magick of those words dancing across the page stringing sentences together and before you know it you have a story of magick within your hands that is the manifestation of a spell once cast by an author.
This is a piece im currently working on and wanted to share the character sketch of the main character and also a short extract from the fiction I am writing on her. At the moment I have no plot or name for this piece of work but I have a feeling that it will be a short piece of fiction about a young lady stepping out in the world, finding her way to success.
I'll let you have a read and would appreicate it if you could let me know what you think.
" Ariel took a deep breath and smiled solemnly to herself. She’d done it. She’d signed on the dotted line and the house was now hers. She had finally purchased her dream home, and here she was standing in the dreamiest house of all history; Hartlebury Castle. She was in the area for work so she had arranged to meet the estate agent at this exquisite home. From a child that used to visit on weekends with her parents, to now as she was standing in the grounds surrounded by the velvet grass and stone benches lined along the walls like soldiers on duty. In the spring, she planned on creating a Victorian style garden where she could section off the areas like dividing troops. There would be the herb garden, the rose garden, the vegetable garden, and then the wild garden.
Just then Ariel noticed the swarm of bees happily attending to the nearby roses and she felt their energy of excitement and sheer joy at doing a job that was natural and joyful to them. That buzz of energy rippled throughout her as she realised that the world was at her feet now. She could create a little corner in the vast Universe that was Ariel-Ville. Everything that she had been doing over the past 4 years had consequently resulted in her being exactly where she was right now. The joy and passion she had experienced in life had all bottled up and suddenly exploded in her life as she signed on that piece of paper. She had transformed from a caterpillar to a butterfly and it had simply just taken patience and determination. The determination to succeed had served her well. "
This is a character sketch of her (Ariel)
"Ariel Briany is 5ft 5 inches tall, with a curvaceous body that tended to change shape depending on how she felt. Some days she was a pear when her hips simply would not lie, others she was an hourglass as she slowly worked, not against, but with the clock on fulfilling her dreams as a writer. She’d always been a sickly child which thankfully since she had entered adulthood had ceased to occur, unless you counted last winter when the flu epidemic caught her unawares.
People always commented how softly spoken she was, along with being fluently ‘posh’, but to Ariel, she was just…well Ariel.
Ariel was sometimes described as perfect, she had the perfect life, and the perfect parents, the perfect home, perfect friends…she was perfect. Yet every day as she gazed into the mirror she didn’t see any of that, she only saw what she wasn’t perfect at. She didn’t have that amazing romantic relationship, or the stable and steady income other twenty something’s had, or the confidence. She wasn’t all that good at drawing, or cooking (She could burn water!), and she wasn’t the owner of the perfect catwalk model’s body. To her she was too chunky, had no prospects, had nothing worthy to give to others, and lacked the passion to wake up one morning and simply go for her dreams full throttle. Sure in her head she could see herself right in front of her, miles ahead. She could see her hair shimmering in the tone of daylight, a sparkle in her eye as she sat at the breakfast bar with her laptop ready to write, she could even see the confident Ariel standing in front of people teaching about modern day spirituality. But to her it seemed like a distant dream destined to remain as such. She sat day after day, hour after hour, teaching others about the benefits of positive thinking, to go for their dreams, to always be happy, yet she simply could not manage to do it herself.
Her lack of faith in life wasn’t down to her not being the brightest star in the sky; she had always been an intelligent girl. She started Nursery being able to recite her home address, spell her full name and address along with knowing all her colours and counting forward and backward to and from 100. Needless to say it was no surprise that she’d gone onto study accountancy at college before opting for University to fulfil her dreams of gaining a degree. She’d studied Psychology, business, social sciences and education for her degree. She’d also touched upon Writing in her degree which is where her childhood love of the written word had taken off like a rocket to mars.
As a young child Ariel’s passion didn’t lie in playing with ‘Mummy’s clothes’ or ‘playing with the latest toy’, she simply was the happiest girl in the world with her long naturally wavy hair if she had a book, pens and paper. She would read, write and draw until her heart was content. Weekly her Mother would purchase at least 5 books that were well above her reading age but not above her ability. Her life was spent reading books; consistently absorbing each and every word she read which was then filed away for reference. She still has each and every book that was ever brought her. She’s NEVER given a book away! Ever!
Ariel has long waist length thick dark auburn hair that shines in the daylight as though each strand of hair is a carefully chosen thread of pure silk. The tone of her hair perfectly matches her skin tone and brings out the intrinsic details of her golden hazel eyes that glisten as though inside a settled snow globe. Her lips were perfectly formed which had given her the nickname as a young child of ‘butterfly lips’, as she thought of that nickname she smiled at just how often the symbol of the butterfly appeared in her life. "
So what do you guys think?
Many of you will recall how Im studying creative writing at university, well I haven't really posted any of my work lately connected to my fictional author dreams and thought that Friday 13th would be the lucky day to do it. You may be reading some of my poetry soon as my module is focusing on poetry right now, but I simply love the written word. The magick of those words dancing across the page stringing sentences together and before you know it you have a story of magick within your hands that is the manifestation of a spell once cast by an author.
This is a piece im currently working on and wanted to share the character sketch of the main character and also a short extract from the fiction I am writing on her. At the moment I have no plot or name for this piece of work but I have a feeling that it will be a short piece of fiction about a young lady stepping out in the world, finding her way to success.
I'll let you have a read and would appreicate it if you could let me know what you think.
" Ariel took a deep breath and smiled solemnly to herself. She’d done it. She’d signed on the dotted line and the house was now hers. She had finally purchased her dream home, and here she was standing in the dreamiest house of all history; Hartlebury Castle. She was in the area for work so she had arranged to meet the estate agent at this exquisite home. From a child that used to visit on weekends with her parents, to now as she was standing in the grounds surrounded by the velvet grass and stone benches lined along the walls like soldiers on duty. In the spring, she planned on creating a Victorian style garden where she could section off the areas like dividing troops. There would be the herb garden, the rose garden, the vegetable garden, and then the wild garden.
Just then Ariel noticed the swarm of bees happily attending to the nearby roses and she felt their energy of excitement and sheer joy at doing a job that was natural and joyful to them. That buzz of energy rippled throughout her as she realised that the world was at her feet now. She could create a little corner in the vast Universe that was Ariel-Ville. Everything that she had been doing over the past 4 years had consequently resulted in her being exactly where she was right now. The joy and passion she had experienced in life had all bottled up and suddenly exploded in her life as she signed on that piece of paper. She had transformed from a caterpillar to a butterfly and it had simply just taken patience and determination. The determination to succeed had served her well. "
This is a character sketch of her (Ariel)
"Ariel Briany is 5ft 5 inches tall, with a curvaceous body that tended to change shape depending on how she felt. Some days she was a pear when her hips simply would not lie, others she was an hourglass as she slowly worked, not against, but with the clock on fulfilling her dreams as a writer. She’d always been a sickly child which thankfully since she had entered adulthood had ceased to occur, unless you counted last winter when the flu epidemic caught her unawares.
People always commented how softly spoken she was, along with being fluently ‘posh’, but to Ariel, she was just…well Ariel.
Ariel was sometimes described as perfect, she had the perfect life, and the perfect parents, the perfect home, perfect friends…she was perfect. Yet every day as she gazed into the mirror she didn’t see any of that, she only saw what she wasn’t perfect at. She didn’t have that amazing romantic relationship, or the stable and steady income other twenty something’s had, or the confidence. She wasn’t all that good at drawing, or cooking (She could burn water!), and she wasn’t the owner of the perfect catwalk model’s body. To her she was too chunky, had no prospects, had nothing worthy to give to others, and lacked the passion to wake up one morning and simply go for her dreams full throttle. Sure in her head she could see herself right in front of her, miles ahead. She could see her hair shimmering in the tone of daylight, a sparkle in her eye as she sat at the breakfast bar with her laptop ready to write, she could even see the confident Ariel standing in front of people teaching about modern day spirituality. But to her it seemed like a distant dream destined to remain as such. She sat day after day, hour after hour, teaching others about the benefits of positive thinking, to go for their dreams, to always be happy, yet she simply could not manage to do it herself.
Her lack of faith in life wasn’t down to her not being the brightest star in the sky; she had always been an intelligent girl. She started Nursery being able to recite her home address, spell her full name and address along with knowing all her colours and counting forward and backward to and from 100. Needless to say it was no surprise that she’d gone onto study accountancy at college before opting for University to fulfil her dreams of gaining a degree. She’d studied Psychology, business, social sciences and education for her degree. She’d also touched upon Writing in her degree which is where her childhood love of the written word had taken off like a rocket to mars.
As a young child Ariel’s passion didn’t lie in playing with ‘Mummy’s clothes’ or ‘playing with the latest toy’, she simply was the happiest girl in the world with her long naturally wavy hair if she had a book, pens and paper. She would read, write and draw until her heart was content. Weekly her Mother would purchase at least 5 books that were well above her reading age but not above her ability. Her life was spent reading books; consistently absorbing each and every word she read which was then filed away for reference. She still has each and every book that was ever brought her. She’s NEVER given a book away! Ever!
Ariel has long waist length thick dark auburn hair that shines in the daylight as though each strand of hair is a carefully chosen thread of pure silk. The tone of her hair perfectly matches her skin tone and brings out the intrinsic details of her golden hazel eyes that glisten as though inside a settled snow globe. Her lips were perfectly formed which had given her the nickname as a young child of ‘butterfly lips’, as she thought of that nickname she smiled at just how often the symbol of the butterfly appeared in her life. "
So what do you guys think?
Pagan Blog Prompt 2012 ~ Week 2 ~ Goddess Aurora
merry meet,
It's that time of the week again when I take part in the Pagan Blog Prompt 2012 for week 2. This week concludes our blogs on the letter *A* and I have chosen to write about a Goddess that is lesser known than some of the others. I haven't made this blog post too philosophical rather I've allowed my inner child to come through as I sit in awe and admiration of a wonderful Goddess.
The Goddess Aurora
It may seem obvious to why I've chosen to write about Aurora seeing as I am named after her. My Mum always told me from when I was very young that although she intended to name me Felicity Faye Amanda Pearl, when the nurses asked her what she was going to call me, she simply said, "Aurora". She never understood why for a long time until both her and I began to look into the meaning of the name Aurora. We knew there was a disney film, Sleeping Beauty where the princess was called Aurora (which I love!) and I happen to enjoy sleeping...alot :) Which coninsides with the fact that my actual nick-name given to me by my father was "Snow White" as I have 'Hair as black as ebony, skin as white as snow and lips as red as blood'.
We obviously knew that it meant "of the dawn", meaning "of the morning", and that when you awake early enough you can see the sunrise and also the dew left on the grass which are said to show the faeries have been there. That obviously makes sense as I work with the faeries and am known as *The Faerie Whisperer*. Yet interestingly mythology states that the dew drops of Aurora's tears that she sheds daily for the loss of her son as she flies across the skies to open the heavens gates to allow the Sun to light up the skies.
More connections came through when we searched deeply into the significance and meaning of the actual Goddess Aurora. Aurora is a Roman Goddess that is linked to the Greek Goddess Eos. She is also the patron goddess of the wind/air element of the North, East, South and West. Being a libran I found this fascinating as Libra is an astrological air sign. As you can see from the picture above of Aurora she is depicted as having wings that look a lot like angel wings. The more I discovered about her the more I realised that in fact we do have a lot in common, as I work with the angels both personally and professionally. Aurora renews herself every morning and flies across the sky to announce the arrival of the Sun. She also has two siblings, Luna (moon) and Sol (Sun) ...(I think we all are aware of how much I love the Moon energies and the warmth and energy of the Sun).
I found a beautiful quote which to me portrays just how powerful being awake and up to bask in Aurora's energies can be. In Chapter 2 of Walden, Where I Lived and What I Lived for, Henry David Thoreau states:
"Every morning was a cheerful invitation to make my life of equal simplicity, and I may say innocence, with Nature herself. I have been as sincere a worshipper of Aurora as the Greeks. I got up early and bathed in the pond; that was a religious exercise, and one of the best things which I did."
I love this especially as in the spring and summer especially I love getting up around 4:30am-5am to sit in the Auroric energies and welcome the day ahead.
Aurora was also mentioned in the famous Shakespeare play *Romeo and Juliet* and being the romantic that I am, I oohed and aahhed over it.
"But all so soon as the all-cheering sun Should in the furthest east begin to draw The shady curtains from Aurora's bed, Away from the light steals home my heavy son..."
of course there are many interpretations of this quote from Shakespeare, and i'm no Shakespeare expert, so my own interpretation blends in with the belief that Aurora was a very loving goddess in that she fell in love many times and had many lovers (unlike me) and as Romeo was falling in love with Juliet, it was likened to the Goddess Aurora and her love of loving others.
There is no other goddess of whom we have so many beautiful descriptions in the poets.
Goddess Aurora is particularly good to call upon with issues concerned with passion and rebirth/renewal.
I personally love this Goddess and have learnt that something as simple as getting out of bed on a morning can be so so magickal in that if we take the chance to glance out of the window and bid her Good Morning and give her a blessing for the day ahead and thank her for the blessings she has given us daily, we can set ourselves up for a magickal day ahead.
I hope everyone has enjoyed reading this blog post as much as I enjoyed putting it together.
From the Goddess Aurora, and Myself (Aurora),
we offer you many Goddess Blessings for your days ahead. xxxxx
It's that time of the week again when I take part in the Pagan Blog Prompt 2012 for week 2. This week concludes our blogs on the letter *A* and I have chosen to write about a Goddess that is lesser known than some of the others. I haven't made this blog post too philosophical rather I've allowed my inner child to come through as I sit in awe and admiration of a wonderful Goddess.
The Goddess Aurora
It may seem obvious to why I've chosen to write about Aurora seeing as I am named after her. My Mum always told me from when I was very young that although she intended to name me Felicity Faye Amanda Pearl, when the nurses asked her what she was going to call me, she simply said, "Aurora". She never understood why for a long time until both her and I began to look into the meaning of the name Aurora. We knew there was a disney film, Sleeping Beauty where the princess was called Aurora (which I love!) and I happen to enjoy sleeping...alot :) Which coninsides with the fact that my actual nick-name given to me by my father was "Snow White" as I have 'Hair as black as ebony, skin as white as snow and lips as red as blood'.
We obviously knew that it meant "of the dawn", meaning "of the morning", and that when you awake early enough you can see the sunrise and also the dew left on the grass which are said to show the faeries have been there. That obviously makes sense as I work with the faeries and am known as *The Faerie Whisperer*. Yet interestingly mythology states that the dew drops of Aurora's tears that she sheds daily for the loss of her son as she flies across the skies to open the heavens gates to allow the Sun to light up the skies.
More connections came through when we searched deeply into the significance and meaning of the actual Goddess Aurora. Aurora is a Roman Goddess that is linked to the Greek Goddess Eos. She is also the patron goddess of the wind/air element of the North, East, South and West. Being a libran I found this fascinating as Libra is an astrological air sign. As you can see from the picture above of Aurora she is depicted as having wings that look a lot like angel wings. The more I discovered about her the more I realised that in fact we do have a lot in common, as I work with the angels both personally and professionally. Aurora renews herself every morning and flies across the sky to announce the arrival of the Sun. She also has two siblings, Luna (moon) and Sol (Sun) ...(I think we all are aware of how much I love the Moon energies and the warmth and energy of the Sun).
I found a beautiful quote which to me portrays just how powerful being awake and up to bask in Aurora's energies can be. In Chapter 2 of Walden, Where I Lived and What I Lived for, Henry David Thoreau states:
"Every morning was a cheerful invitation to make my life of equal simplicity, and I may say innocence, with Nature herself. I have been as sincere a worshipper of Aurora as the Greeks. I got up early and bathed in the pond; that was a religious exercise, and one of the best things which I did."
I love this especially as in the spring and summer especially I love getting up around 4:30am-5am to sit in the Auroric energies and welcome the day ahead.
Aurora was also mentioned in the famous Shakespeare play *Romeo and Juliet* and being the romantic that I am, I oohed and aahhed over it.
"But all so soon as the all-cheering sun Should in the furthest east begin to draw The shady curtains from Aurora's bed, Away from the light steals home my heavy son..."
of course there are many interpretations of this quote from Shakespeare, and i'm no Shakespeare expert, so my own interpretation blends in with the belief that Aurora was a very loving goddess in that she fell in love many times and had many lovers (unlike me) and as Romeo was falling in love with Juliet, it was likened to the Goddess Aurora and her love of loving others.
There is no other goddess of whom we have so many beautiful descriptions in the poets.
Goddess Aurora is particularly good to call upon with issues concerned with passion and rebirth/renewal.
I personally love this Goddess and have learnt that something as simple as getting out of bed on a morning can be so so magickal in that if we take the chance to glance out of the window and bid her Good Morning and give her a blessing for the day ahead and thank her for the blessings she has given us daily, we can set ourselves up for a magickal day ahead.
I hope everyone has enjoyed reading this blog post as much as I enjoyed putting it together.
From the Goddess Aurora, and Myself (Aurora),
we offer you many Goddess Blessings for your days ahead. xxxxx
faerie whisperer tv,
Moon Energy,
Pagan Blog Prompt 2012,
Witch Inside Update
Wednesday, 11 January 2012
Merry Meet,
I haven't blogged in a couple of days because I've been at work teaching some glorious children about *temptation* and baking cookies for selling to raise money for WaterAid!
It's been 35 years today since my wonderful Grandpops went home to the Summerlands. Even though I never met him physically, we've met many many times spiritually and being "A chip off the old block" and getting my "fighting spirit" from him, I can say we are very close. I miss him and Love him with all my heart until the Day I go home to the Summerlands and hug him for the first time <3 Grandpops, I Love you so much <3 This Witch also has some Magickal news to share with you all!!! Jeez I'm so excited. I am on fire this year!!! But it's my DRAGON power coming through. I am going to be a Pagan Columnist for Pagan Friends online magazine where I will be doing a seris of columns based on helping you all find that Goddess within!!! I asked the Goddess for a way of teaching you all how to connect with her power that resides in each of us and she came through for me (As I knew she would). She promises me that there is sooooo much more to come, and being on day 11 of 2012.... and already having achieved so much!! I believe her!!! My first issue will be in the Ostara issue! Yay!!! I am also going to be featured in a UK mainstream Spiritual magazine called *Soul & Spirit* magazine. A special article of mine will be featured in the February issue. Of course I shall post details and links when they are released. Don't forget, my monthly columns with *Magickal Media* which follow my Witchy Pathway, and also Imbolc.... my column as *The Faerie Whisperer* is released, published, and printed in FAE Magazine.
So lots to keep you busy right up until March/April this year! But there will be more!!! Oh so much more!
I am on a mission this year to teach you so much about Inner Goddess Power, Wicca, Magick, Faeries, Angels, Ascended Masters....the list goes on!
So keep your eyes on my pages/websites and blog (No need to turn all *stalkerish* on me though haha)
BTW, the stalker... well she loves my blog.... so freeking much, she's noticed that I've been HEAVILY teaching about my Wiccan Pathway, and Goddess Power that... yep, you guessed it... She has started too!! Gosh I must so inspire her to even get out of bed on a morning! :D It's nice to know that someone only gets out of bed to tap on the pc to see what i've been upto... I think I understand how some celebs must feel being stalked by the paps. But she just needs to learnt to credit me for her so called **Inspirations**... that would be nice, :D But I won't hold my breath although I secretly thinks she wishes I would! ha!!! I'm a good witch.... not one of those negative... let me copy that person and try to bring them down and push myself up kinda witches.... That's bad and certainly in my eyes has nothing to do with walking a true pathway of *Perfect Love, and Perfect Trust*.
The sad thing is, the past week I had genuinly started to feel really sorry for her and even considered letting her know that fact... I know! All my friends and family (including some of Dad's Police friends & solicitors) asked me how I could feel sympathy and sorrow for someone who has quite clearly set out to hurt me and *damage* my reputation... I said to them, and btw they are monitoring my pages for me, because I'm a nice person, I hate to see people upset and lost in life... quite clearly she's lost hence why she switches pathways to follow mine quicker than .... well... (I was going to be rude then...) quicker than.... a comet flies through the sky. And we all know how a comet ends up :/
So, for my stalker... ***HIYA!!!!! *** (waves) ***Thanks for getting out of bed and following my blog! Even if you are too shy to click the follow button*** No need to be shy!!! I might breathe fire but I dont bite! :D Let me know if you see anything on here that you want to twist and turn and change a few sentences or even well, write a blog entry or facebook page about.... I'd gladly help you! I like helping those in need.
So..... for all my other wonderful **Official followers**, I hope you've enjoyed the update, and don't forget that my Pagan Blog Project post will be posted up Friday too <3 Lots of Goddess Blessings, Aurora & her Familiar
I haven't blogged in a couple of days because I've been at work teaching some glorious children about *temptation* and baking cookies for selling to raise money for WaterAid!
It's been 35 years today since my wonderful Grandpops went home to the Summerlands. Even though I never met him physically, we've met many many times spiritually and being "A chip off the old block" and getting my "fighting spirit" from him, I can say we are very close. I miss him and Love him with all my heart until the Day I go home to the Summerlands and hug him for the first time <3 Grandpops, I Love you so much <3 This Witch also has some Magickal news to share with you all!!! Jeez I'm so excited. I am on fire this year!!! But it's my DRAGON power coming through. I am going to be a Pagan Columnist for Pagan Friends online magazine where I will be doing a seris of columns based on helping you all find that Goddess within!!! I asked the Goddess for a way of teaching you all how to connect with her power that resides in each of us and she came through for me (As I knew she would). She promises me that there is sooooo much more to come, and being on day 11 of 2012.... and already having achieved so much!! I believe her!!! My first issue will be in the Ostara issue! Yay!!! I am also going to be featured in a UK mainstream Spiritual magazine called *Soul & Spirit* magazine. A special article of mine will be featured in the February issue. Of course I shall post details and links when they are released. Don't forget, my monthly columns with *Magickal Media* which follow my Witchy Pathway, and also Imbolc.... my column as *The Faerie Whisperer* is released, published, and printed in FAE Magazine.
So lots to keep you busy right up until March/April this year! But there will be more!!! Oh so much more!
I am on a mission this year to teach you so much about Inner Goddess Power, Wicca, Magick, Faeries, Angels, Ascended Masters....the list goes on!
So keep your eyes on my pages/websites and blog (No need to turn all *stalkerish* on me though haha)
BTW, the stalker... well she loves my blog.... so freeking much, she's noticed that I've been HEAVILY teaching about my Wiccan Pathway, and Goddess Power that... yep, you guessed it... She has started too!! Gosh I must so inspire her to even get out of bed on a morning! :D It's nice to know that someone only gets out of bed to tap on the pc to see what i've been upto... I think I understand how some celebs must feel being stalked by the paps. But she just needs to learnt to credit me for her so called **Inspirations**... that would be nice, :D But I won't hold my breath although I secretly thinks she wishes I would! ha!!! I'm a good witch.... not one of those negative... let me copy that person and try to bring them down and push myself up kinda witches.... That's bad and certainly in my eyes has nothing to do with walking a true pathway of *Perfect Love, and Perfect Trust*.
The sad thing is, the past week I had genuinly started to feel really sorry for her and even considered letting her know that fact... I know! All my friends and family (including some of Dad's Police friends & solicitors) asked me how I could feel sympathy and sorrow for someone who has quite clearly set out to hurt me and *damage* my reputation... I said to them, and btw they are monitoring my pages for me, because I'm a nice person, I hate to see people upset and lost in life... quite clearly she's lost hence why she switches pathways to follow mine quicker than .... well... (I was going to be rude then...) quicker than.... a comet flies through the sky. And we all know how a comet ends up :/
So, for my stalker... ***HIYA!!!!! *** (waves) ***Thanks for getting out of bed and following my blog! Even if you are too shy to click the follow button*** No need to be shy!!! I might breathe fire but I dont bite! :D Let me know if you see anything on here that you want to twist and turn and change a few sentences or even well, write a blog entry or facebook page about.... I'd gladly help you! I like helping those in need.
So..... for all my other wonderful **Official followers**, I hope you've enjoyed the update, and don't forget that my Pagan Blog Project post will be posted up Friday too <3 Lots of Goddess Blessings, Aurora & her Familiar
Lunar Blessings
Monday, 9 January 2012
Moon Goddess blessings to you all,
We have arrived at the first Full Moon of 2012 and what a wonderful and strong energy it is! Whenever we encouter a powerful Moon, I always have a strong headache that is always centred in on my third eye. I usually find meditating and working with moon crystals helps release the energy, I don't like saying *pain* as that is not what it is, it's just an excess of channelled energy. So I like to channel it further into a crystal so that the energy can be put to good use.
I made a *resolution*...rather a Wiccan Promise to myself to do at least one part of Moon Magick a month this year, as last year I missed quite a few. So tonight I will be working my magick. I'm very much a positive witch this year and found that 2011 and especially the end part, was particularly a growing period for me. I am a different person and actually very much in tune with who I am right now. It's a nice comfortable feeling for me, very nurturing and, well Motherly. I definately feel stronger with the Goddess in my life and have plans to enhance my Goddess Shrine in my bedroom to aid my magick further and also my focus upon my pathway.
When we find ourselves in the space of powerful moon magick, I never know what spell to do or what magickal blessing to ask for, yet I always know at the right time. That right time for me is when Im sat at my altar with a silver candle and my Goddess incense as I call upon Artemis, the Moon Goddess to bless and prepare my pathway ahead. I have a few ideas of magick that I could do but will allow the Goddess to be my guide.
So what can you do if you do find yourself in the situation of *not knowing* what to do?
I would say, use either a white candle for purity, or a silver candle to represent the moon, magick, blessings and that extra something that magick gives you. I would sit by a window (or outside) in full view of the moon and call upon the Moon Goddess, (I call Artemis or Diana) and ask that she surround you with Moon Magick and Bless your current endevours. You can also ask that she places a blessing upon something or someone in your life. You can also ask her to guide you in certain circumstances and/or help you embrace the Goddess within.
The Full Moon is a superb time to charge all your crystals especially Moonstone, Rainbow Moonstone, Blue Gold Stone, Petalite, Clear Quartz, Selenite. The Full Moon is the only time I am without crystals upon myself, even at night, as I know that the Goddess will protect me, guide my dreams with Queen Mab, and help me relax, so I can be without them in order for them to have *time for themselves*. We can forget that there are elementals within the crystals whom need these Nights/Days away from us in order to recouperate.
So with whatever you plan to do on this Full Moon, may you be showered with Lunar blessings,
Aurora )O(
We have arrived at the first Full Moon of 2012 and what a wonderful and strong energy it is! Whenever we encouter a powerful Moon, I always have a strong headache that is always centred in on my third eye. I usually find meditating and working with moon crystals helps release the energy, I don't like saying *pain* as that is not what it is, it's just an excess of channelled energy. So I like to channel it further into a crystal so that the energy can be put to good use.
I made a *resolution*...rather a Wiccan Promise to myself to do at least one part of Moon Magick a month this year, as last year I missed quite a few. So tonight I will be working my magick. I'm very much a positive witch this year and found that 2011 and especially the end part, was particularly a growing period for me. I am a different person and actually very much in tune with who I am right now. It's a nice comfortable feeling for me, very nurturing and, well Motherly. I definately feel stronger with the Goddess in my life and have plans to enhance my Goddess Shrine in my bedroom to aid my magick further and also my focus upon my pathway.
When we find ourselves in the space of powerful moon magick, I never know what spell to do or what magickal blessing to ask for, yet I always know at the right time. That right time for me is when Im sat at my altar with a silver candle and my Goddess incense as I call upon Artemis, the Moon Goddess to bless and prepare my pathway ahead. I have a few ideas of magick that I could do but will allow the Goddess to be my guide.
So what can you do if you do find yourself in the situation of *not knowing* what to do?
I would say, use either a white candle for purity, or a silver candle to represent the moon, magick, blessings and that extra something that magick gives you. I would sit by a window (or outside) in full view of the moon and call upon the Moon Goddess, (I call Artemis or Diana) and ask that she surround you with Moon Magick and Bless your current endevours. You can also ask that she places a blessing upon something or someone in your life. You can also ask her to guide you in certain circumstances and/or help you embrace the Goddess within.
The Full Moon is a superb time to charge all your crystals especially Moonstone, Rainbow Moonstone, Blue Gold Stone, Petalite, Clear Quartz, Selenite. The Full Moon is the only time I am without crystals upon myself, even at night, as I know that the Goddess will protect me, guide my dreams with Queen Mab, and help me relax, so I can be without them in order for them to have *time for themselves*. We can forget that there are elementals within the crystals whom need these Nights/Days away from us in order to recouperate.
So with whatever you plan to do on this Full Moon, may you be showered with Lunar blessings,
Aurora )O(
Pagan Reading Challenge 2012
Sunday, 8 January 2012
Merry Meet,
I have signed up to a couple of blog challenges/projects so far this year, one of them is the Pagan Reading Challenge 2012, and the reason I chose to do this particular challenge was because I am simply a Book Worm! I love books! I cannot walk past a book shop without going inside and looking to see if they have hidden gems hiding on the shelves. And the smell of a new book...mmmmmm delicious! There is another reason...I am just sniffing the scent of a book Im re-reading for this challenge!
Sorry about that! Ok, so the other reason I wanted to take part in this challenge is because it involves me having to read more books about my pathway to help me expand my knowledge.
So what books have I got in mind for reading this year?
Books by Rae Beth of course, being a HedgeWitch at heart, I simply have to read her books. They have been sitting on my shelves for so long just asking...ok Begging! to be read.
Scott Cunningham is also an absolute favourite of mine, so books like Wicca, Living Wicca, Magickal Herbs, Wicca in the Kitchen etc... they are on my *To Re-Read* list,
As is Kate West's books! I love her no nonesense approach to the craft.
But what am I reading right now? Well, Its a wonderful book that I have read many many times (trust me, this book is so worn, it's unbelievable), but I simply love it and always find it so so empowering! it's very basic but that doesn't mean it doesnt contain some fabulous advice. From learning about the Goddess, to God, making a Love Altar in the bedroom (my Italian Stallion loves this feature in the bedroom...very much!), and creating either a Goddess or God Shrine, to honouring the seven female aspects of the Goddess in your life, this book is amazing!!
So there you have it, Book 1. Will hopefully be blogging soon with Book 2 for you all.
Blessed Be
I have signed up to a couple of blog challenges/projects so far this year, one of them is the Pagan Reading Challenge 2012, and the reason I chose to do this particular challenge was because I am simply a Book Worm! I love books! I cannot walk past a book shop without going inside and looking to see if they have hidden gems hiding on the shelves. And the smell of a new book...mmmmmm delicious! There is another reason...I am just sniffing the scent of a book Im re-reading for this challenge!
Sorry about that! Ok, so the other reason I wanted to take part in this challenge is because it involves me having to read more books about my pathway to help me expand my knowledge.
So what books have I got in mind for reading this year?
Books by Rae Beth of course, being a HedgeWitch at heart, I simply have to read her books. They have been sitting on my shelves for so long just asking...ok Begging! to be read.
Scott Cunningham is also an absolute favourite of mine, so books like Wicca, Living Wicca, Magickal Herbs, Wicca in the Kitchen etc... they are on my *To Re-Read* list,
As is Kate West's books! I love her no nonesense approach to the craft.
But what am I reading right now? Well, Its a wonderful book that I have read many many times (trust me, this book is so worn, it's unbelievable), but I simply love it and always find it so so empowering! it's very basic but that doesn't mean it doesnt contain some fabulous advice. From learning about the Goddess, to God, making a Love Altar in the bedroom (my Italian Stallion loves this feature in the bedroom...very much!), and creating either a Goddess or God Shrine, to honouring the seven female aspects of the Goddess in your life, this book is amazing!!
So there you have it, Book 1. Will hopefully be blogging soon with Book 2 for you all.
Blessed Be
Pagan Blog Challenge ~ Week 1 ~ Ancestors
Saturday, 7 January 2012
Merry Meet,
Well, I made it into 2012!!! yay!!!
So far, we are 7 days into 2012 and I can honestly say that my life is FANTASTIC!!! Yes, it really is!
I'm really happy and content right now, I have good friends and family around me and of course the Goddess is guiding me from within which in turn is giving me strength, happiness and the courage to go for my dreams!
As you'll know, my connection to Wicca has been strengthened of late with various issues in my life presenting perfect opportunties for growth, so I decided to focus a lot of this year on finding, embracing and developing the Goddess within. Before 2011 ended, I signed up for a couple of blog projects, one is the Pagan Reading challenge.. and the other is the Pagan Blog Project 2012, where each week we blog about something *magickally wiccan/pagan related*. When I first read this from the lovely Rowan Pendragon before new year, I knew that the Goddess had guided me to a task that would help me keep my strength and build upon what I already know about *The Witch Inside* of me. So I was pondering all week what I could write about, and as a writer, I'm normally very good at chosing a topic, but of late when I've sat to write with an intention of topic, the Goddess has guided me down a different pathway. When I finally look up to see what I've written, I find that the words come from somewhere deep within me and speak in a loving and powerful way. Needless to say that Friday came and went and I didn't even realise i'd missed my blog prompt time... well I did but it was past midnight and I was ready to slip into my dreamtime slumber with the spiritual realms to guide me.
So here we are, Saturday 7th January 2012, and I am sat faced with the letter "A" as inspiration. I can feel the Goddess with me, and ready to write with me. Here goes;
**Pagan Blog Challenge ~ A is for Ancestors**
I've been guided by the known 13 ways of the witch of late and find them to be a strong support for me in achieving my goal of balance within my life. The first way of the witch is; "To know yourself". This has been the guiding principle for me over the past month and indeed present throughout my life. At some point in our lives we all go through the stage of needing to *find the Self*, for some it will be a brief time in their lives, but for others, like me, it will be a lifelong process. In fact I prefer to know that I will find my Self throughout my lifetime as we all grown, just like the roots of a tree, we take hold in the ground, and we twist, turn and travel in various directions to get to the Earth's core (Our true self).
My journey has taken me on a lot of different pathways, all of which has made me who I am today, but what about the genetics of who I am? I've always known that my Grandmother was a Spiritual Medium, Healer, Psychic and Hedgewitch, as was her mother, and her mother before that and so forth. But I knew deep within me there was more to the *witch* label within our family. I'm not one that cares for labels, but living in the world and society we do today, sometimes labels are necessary. In my study of psychology I've learnt that labels help us to process things within our lives, in the one way in which our mind weighs up situations by checking them off in the "Audit Room" of our psyche. My family history, my ancestry has always fascinated me and still does as I learn all about my family, new pieces of the jigsaw get placed. It's a magickal way to find out *who you are*.
I've recently looked into my Father's side and already knowing that a relative of my Father's was once the Archbishop of Canterbury ( I know... the irony of having a a family of witches marry into such a family!), and having a famous Racing Car Driver as my Father's Second Cousin...well, I wanted to know about my Mother's side. So I began the search on a somewhat difficult name to trace...what with it's Polish heritage. We've since learnt that my Maternal Grandfather's Grandfather was a priest...(I see the Religious pattern here!) and in fact during the Second World War were taken to concentration camps and tortured! Now for any witch to have such a horrible and downright inhumane act to be commited upon her family... well it chills the bones doesn't it? But it did get worse... much worse :(
Switching to my Maternal Grandmother and recalling the long lineage of Witches I thought I would find that it went back a few generations at the most, imagine my shock and euphoric suprise when in fact I found that I had a relative in my family, female, who had moved from England to USA, to live in SALEM in the 1600s!!!!! Yes, the lineage went straight back to Salem, Mass. in the 1600s! and yes, she was a WITCH!!! Well I am not only truly blessed and honoured...but I'm incredibly thankful to her and her descendants. Luckily there were no records of her being tried for Witchcraft in Salem but during those dark times, every witch knows just how hard it must have been for her to stay true to who she was and to keep the magick alive by passing on the wisdom by word of mouth.
Indeed, word of mouth is very much how the magick has been passed on in our family, right down to me. I have toyed with the idea of creating the OFFICIAL Book of Shadows to be past down from me to my children and continuing for many more generations, but whether it is the karmic fear or simply being a lover of tradition, something has held me back from doing so.
Whether or not I decide to create a Book of Shadows remains to be told, but what I do know is that I am always and will always be grateful and thankful to all of my ancestors be they Archbishop, celebrity or even Witch. All of them make up *Who I am* and I intend on making them proud of their Witchy descendant.
Well, I made it into 2012!!! yay!!!
So far, we are 7 days into 2012 and I can honestly say that my life is FANTASTIC!!! Yes, it really is!
I'm really happy and content right now, I have good friends and family around me and of course the Goddess is guiding me from within which in turn is giving me strength, happiness and the courage to go for my dreams!
As you'll know, my connection to Wicca has been strengthened of late with various issues in my life presenting perfect opportunties for growth, so I decided to focus a lot of this year on finding, embracing and developing the Goddess within. Before 2011 ended, I signed up for a couple of blog projects, one is the Pagan Reading challenge.. and the other is the Pagan Blog Project 2012, where each week we blog about something *magickally wiccan/pagan related*. When I first read this from the lovely Rowan Pendragon before new year, I knew that the Goddess had guided me to a task that would help me keep my strength and build upon what I already know about *The Witch Inside* of me. So I was pondering all week what I could write about, and as a writer, I'm normally very good at chosing a topic, but of late when I've sat to write with an intention of topic, the Goddess has guided me down a different pathway. When I finally look up to see what I've written, I find that the words come from somewhere deep within me and speak in a loving and powerful way. Needless to say that Friday came and went and I didn't even realise i'd missed my blog prompt time... well I did but it was past midnight and I was ready to slip into my dreamtime slumber with the spiritual realms to guide me.
So here we are, Saturday 7th January 2012, and I am sat faced with the letter "A" as inspiration. I can feel the Goddess with me, and ready to write with me. Here goes;
**Pagan Blog Challenge ~ A is for Ancestors**
I've been guided by the known 13 ways of the witch of late and find them to be a strong support for me in achieving my goal of balance within my life. The first way of the witch is; "To know yourself". This has been the guiding principle for me over the past month and indeed present throughout my life. At some point in our lives we all go through the stage of needing to *find the Self*, for some it will be a brief time in their lives, but for others, like me, it will be a lifelong process. In fact I prefer to know that I will find my Self throughout my lifetime as we all grown, just like the roots of a tree, we take hold in the ground, and we twist, turn and travel in various directions to get to the Earth's core (Our true self).
My journey has taken me on a lot of different pathways, all of which has made me who I am today, but what about the genetics of who I am? I've always known that my Grandmother was a Spiritual Medium, Healer, Psychic and Hedgewitch, as was her mother, and her mother before that and so forth. But I knew deep within me there was more to the *witch* label within our family. I'm not one that cares for labels, but living in the world and society we do today, sometimes labels are necessary. In my study of psychology I've learnt that labels help us to process things within our lives, in the one way in which our mind weighs up situations by checking them off in the "Audit Room" of our psyche. My family history, my ancestry has always fascinated me and still does as I learn all about my family, new pieces of the jigsaw get placed. It's a magickal way to find out *who you are*.
I've recently looked into my Father's side and already knowing that a relative of my Father's was once the Archbishop of Canterbury ( I know... the irony of having a a family of witches marry into such a family!), and having a famous Racing Car Driver as my Father's Second Cousin...well, I wanted to know about my Mother's side. So I began the search on a somewhat difficult name to trace...what with it's Polish heritage. We've since learnt that my Maternal Grandfather's Grandfather was a priest...(I see the Religious pattern here!) and in fact during the Second World War were taken to concentration camps and tortured! Now for any witch to have such a horrible and downright inhumane act to be commited upon her family... well it chills the bones doesn't it? But it did get worse... much worse :(
Switching to my Maternal Grandmother and recalling the long lineage of Witches I thought I would find that it went back a few generations at the most, imagine my shock and euphoric suprise when in fact I found that I had a relative in my family, female, who had moved from England to USA, to live in SALEM in the 1600s!!!!! Yes, the lineage went straight back to Salem, Mass. in the 1600s! and yes, she was a WITCH!!! Well I am not only truly blessed and honoured...but I'm incredibly thankful to her and her descendants. Luckily there were no records of her being tried for Witchcraft in Salem but during those dark times, every witch knows just how hard it must have been for her to stay true to who she was and to keep the magick alive by passing on the wisdom by word of mouth.
Indeed, word of mouth is very much how the magick has been passed on in our family, right down to me. I have toyed with the idea of creating the OFFICIAL Book of Shadows to be past down from me to my children and continuing for many more generations, but whether it is the karmic fear or simply being a lover of tradition, something has held me back from doing so.
Whether or not I decide to create a Book of Shadows remains to be told, but what I do know is that I am always and will always be grateful and thankful to all of my ancestors be they Archbishop, celebrity or even Witch. All of them make up *Who I am* and I intend on making them proud of their Witchy descendant.
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