Things I Love

Today I thought I'd do something slightly different with my blog post. Sometimes I think I totally over complicate my writing, especially here on my blog. I always think that there should be a clear cut and divinely intelligent plan and mission behind my blog post. I put way too much pressure on myself. I totally need to practice the art of self care and love and just... well love on all over myself and be totally uber gentle on my delicate soul.

My morning pages of late have become such a huge therapy tool for me, not that I need therapy... no hang on... yeah.. I so do need therapy... I need the ability to have the space held for me so that I can be vulnerable, scared, intrigued by life and totally innocent. Morning pages hold the space for me, and allow me to totally be vulnerable with myself. I'm not good at admitting that I don't know something, I have this ego inner child that believes she should be super human intelligent and know all there is to know, but we both know that this is totally unrealistic. I don't know even a tenth of what there is to know and I doubt I ever will. I mean I know I am a freaking genius - we all are, in our own YOUNIQUE way, but we have to admit defeat sometimes.

So here goes Day.... 7 :) Awesome!

I thought i'd take a activity from The Artists Way where I'm going to list things that I totally love... things that make my heart sing, my soul dance, my fingers tap, my lips curve into a gorgeous smile, and my eyes sparkle like a starry night o' diamonds!

  1. Blogging - freestyle, just like this where I'm free to be me and have no expectations placed upon me
  2. Books - gosh I lurve books with all my heart and soul - I think when I go to the world o' afterlife, I want books- all my fave books to go with me, so I can read them on my journey ;)
  3. Writing - I am a writer, it's dancing, sizzling, and swirling in my blood
  4. Desire Mapping - Heart freeing, soul believing, desire getting, pure desire mapping o' gorgeousness
  5. Magick - my uber baby kitty
  6. Comfy pillows - all squishy and comforting
  7. PINK - sexy, smart, powerful, purring tempting PINK
  8. Money - :D rolling on a bed full of money notes, swirling with abundant energy like a Goddess!
  9. Diamonds - ahhh so pretty =)
  10. Nickleback - oh yeah!
  11. Art - Dreaming, possibility, creating, free, soul playing art
  12. Angels - dreamy, uber guiding, helpful magickal angels
  13. My Mr Handsome Paramedic - luscious, heart pounding, melting, hand holding, cuddling, Princess Lover, Sex God....mmmmm Me love lots :)
  14. Words -  awesome, describing, soul speaking words
  15. Friends - totally understanding, motivating, hilarious, weird o' purity, gosh I love you guys!
  16. Mum - All that I am, All that I have, All that I do, All that I was.... YOU xxxx
  17. Heels - skyscraper, painful, gorgeous dreamy powerful, sexy heels
  18. Sexy Smart & Powerful Entrepreneuresses - Ladies o' awesome, you rock my world!
  19. Effy Wild - New friend, boundary pushing, unapologetic goddess of awesomeness, motivating, believing,
  20. Willingness - My willingness to start over, try again, get back up, wipe those teary eyes and try
  21. Lisa Lister - My awesome rock star sista with uber goddess style, Pink lovin', totes super woman o' motivation, & Honest from the soul heart xxx Love you Miss L xxx
I could go on.... and on..... and on.... but 21 awesome things I love are totally rocking my positivity world right now.....

So what's rockin' your world right now? Please do tell!

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