Guiding Goddess

Merry Meet,

I have had a wonderful morning and i'm feeling full of positivity. I feel that I have truly begun to find myself now, and also I'm embracing my true self.

I have been to the local garden centre and have found a plant that I am going to buy to place in the area of my garden altar (which I shall be making soon). It's Artemisia : Silver Queen. Sacred to the Goddess Artemis who happens to be a deity I work with. I took this plant as a sign from Artemis, that I am on the right pathway and to keep going, she'll guide me along my journey.

I came home and googled it to find that it is in fact MUGWORT, something else I've been after. So I feel truly guided today. next week I'm going to be popping back to the garden centre and getting a new set of herbs to develop my herb garden. Ill share the photos of it in progress and the completion of it. Im very excited at how i'm going to do it all.

Blessed Be,

Aurora MoonMaiden )O(

Life Makeover

Merry Meet,

I've been having some changes made to my home, namely a new kitchen & bathroom, which I must say is lovely, and I've also lost a bit of weight also. But this got me thinking, what other changes could I make to my life that woudl benefit me?

My main area is my religion. I have decided that whilst I'm lucky enough to have a 6 weeks holiday die to working as a teaching assistant, I should use my time wisely and get back intouch with the Lord and Lady. Yesterday I was chatting to a very dear friend of mine about my path and she suggested I really find out about my pathway. She's right. I've come to the conclusion that I am a Solitary Eclectic Wiccan Witch that generally practices Hedgewitchery/Green Witchcraft, but also has inclinations towards other pathways.

After just reading her blog today about how well her life has improved (And it certainly has) due to one book, she has inspired me to read it also. So I have it at the side of me now and once I have finished updating my blog I shall knuckle down and read it. The results..... ill blog as and when they happen.

I've brought my wiccan altar back to life, still requires tweaking but its so lovely to have it back. Its amazing how much better I've been sleeping at night with it back in my bedroom.

Until next time,
Blessed Be,