The Passionate Crafter : Guest Blogger ~ Janine Harrison


I’m honoured to be able to write a guest blog here. It’s about my current passion which is crafting and how you can find inspiration and confidence through crafting.

Crafting is a pleasure that is currently undergoing a major resurgence. Whether it’s for environmental or budgetary reasons people are turning away from the mass produced items and looking for homemade and individual. The demand for learning new crafting skills is growing too. I hope reading this could help inspire you to try a craft. 

Sometimes the thing that could be holding a person back from trying a craft is not knowing where to get the inspiration from. I find the best inspiration of all is free and all around us – the inspiration of nature. That vein pattern of a leaf could look great as a picture, the softness of your pet dog’s fur could inspire a cuddly toy or the colours of the sky reflected in a puddle might inspire a poem or a song.

Deciding upon a craft to try for the first time can seem quite daunting, especially if you don’t feel confident in your own abilities. Starting small is the best first step, little things like doodling stick men on the back of an envelope, trying to write a short poem whilst waiting for a bus, cutting up images from magazines to stick in an inspiration scrap book, these are all little steps which allow ourselves to consider a craft. This allowing ourselves time to try something new is an inspiration in itself. Just taking 5 minutes out of the everyday to think about something creative can in itself spark more creative ideas.

Treat yourself to a visit to a craft store or haberdashery stall – you don’t have to buy anything yet we are still browsing for inspirations. What do you feel drawn to? Is it ribbons and bows, material or card? Follow your instincts. And don’t worry if you feel drawn to a material which you have no idea how to use. Supplies don’t have to be used only for their traditional roles. Buttons can be glued to cards as decoration rather than sewn to a shirt; wool can be knotted into a friendship bracelet rather than knitted into a scarf.

When you feel you have found the materials you would like to use then Charity shops are also a great resource for crafting materials. They often stock items like buttons and thread, picture frames, wool and material etc to help you start up. This is often a cheaper first option and is also re-using materials so good for the environment too. And you could score some amazing vintage item to incorporate into your work too.

Once you have some crafting materials you might still feel you need guidance on what to do next. You could consider a skills swap. Do you have friends or family who already use a craft you would like to learn? Think about asking them to swap a few lessons in return for something like babysitting, cooking a meal, putting up a shelf. Everyone has skills that someone else would like to learn, so never think you have nothing to offer. I guarantee you will have a huge list of swappable and transferable skills if you just looked at yourself from other people’s eyes. Ask your friends and family what skills they think you already have.

There are also lots of classes and clubs springing up – look for listings in local craft stores, online, in the library and at local adult education centres and ask around locally. Crafting can be a great way to bring different generations together as we all have something to share and a different way of looking at things.

Once you start crafting you may also notice an emotional change. You could feel calmer, more centred, and happier when inspired, motivated to complete a project, a sense of belonging to the wider community of crafters. I strongly believe in the healing powers of creational activities as they allow us to experience simple pleasures and become lost in the moment of creation. Personally I try to practice a mindfulness of stitchery, enjoying everything I work on, concentrating on each task in hand, and appreciating the process. And remember it isn’t a competition, there will always be people whose work seems better, neater, and more creative than our own but there will also be people thinking that about your own work too.

I hope reading this has inspired you to take the first step in learning a craft or trying a new craft and helped show that inspiration is available in abundance, materials are easily obtainable and help and guidance is out there.

Magic of the Miniscule is a way of life, a philosophy and a person. Janine has been interested in alternative health, medicine, spirituality and nature her whole life. Always interested in the smallest details her childhood involved lots of ant and bee watching and playing with her microscope! Recently she became a full time carer and amongst the many changes this entailed has also been able to resurrect some crafting skills and learn new ones. When not caring for relations she'll be found either caring for chickens, crafting or appreciating nature in its tiniest details. 

You can Find Janine at Miniscule Magic

Dawn Says: "I absolutely loved reading about Janine's passion and found it heartwarming to know just how much it has helped her on a personal level. I sincerely hope that you all enjoyed reading this just as much as I did. I am so pleased that Janine was willing to share her passion with us all here as Faerie Whisperer, and I hope she will return to write for us again. Thank you Janine xxx" 

Achieving My Goals & Making it Happen!

Well we are 25 days into 2013 and already I am achieving goals that I have set myself! And I'm experiencing plenty of Miracles daily - but it's what I expect in my life, so it's what I experience! I just had to blog to share the energy of miracles with you! 

So, as I said in my previous blog post, I will be *cyber-renting* my blog to wonderful friends and bloggers who are going to share their wisdom with you whilst I am working on achieving more of my goals, so I'm taking this opportunity to catch up with you all before the *Cyber-Renting* begins! 


Firstly, I have to share amazing news with you all. As you are aware I have been building up my Life Coaching practice which has lead to some pretty amazing doorways opening up for me. I am so super psyched to announce that I am now a *Life Teacher* on M.I.N (My Inspiration Network) that was founded, created and is run by the amazing Bernard Charles - America's Future Talk Show Host. I feel incredibly honored to be a "life teacher" and I just know that this is not only a wonderful opportunity for me as a coach but it's great for you guys and gals too, because now you have yet another way of being able to access my coaching sessions! 

I am a *Celestial Energy Coach* and you can read my *Life-Teacher* profile here which will tell you how you can contact me to discuss more about having a Celestial Energy Life Coaching session with me. 


Also, I am super excited to share with you the news that I have a *Fear-Busting Masterclass* featured in the February issue of Soul & Spirit Magazine 

The feature is amazingly powerful to help you get past your fears and kick the Funky Feeling to the curb! My coaching helps you kick butt and develop your own sense of inner worth and commitment to your spirituality in the process. 

Which leads me onto my next sprinkling of news. (I should have warned you that there was a LOT of exciting news shouldn't I :) ) 

Celestial Life Coaching has had a face lift to so speak - we're getting enthusiastic, colourful and springing our way forward into 2013 with a new celestial energy. I've had my banners, promo materials and business cards designed and they are amazing. What do you guys and gals think? I'm in love with them! 

Business Banner

Business Card Design

Services Description

They are pretty amazing aren't they? 


So, you should come and check out what I'm doing at Celestial Life Coaching and of course over at My Inspiration Network! 

Come and see me living my truth and walking my talk! 

I help you to achieve your goals and share with you all the goals that I'm working towards and MANIFESTING INTO MY REALITY to inspire you to do the same. We are all in the same boat and I row with you! 

So come check us out on Facebook, and on my blog, I would so excited to see you there! 

Exciting Reviews coming to very soon; 

* Soul Plan by Blue Marsden

*Angel Dreams Oracle Deck by Doreen Virtue

*May Cause Miracles by Gabrielle Bernstein (I LOVE THIS BOOK!) 

*Pause Button Therapy

*Gastric Mind Band 

and plenty more... 


Also, the next blog post here will be from a Cyber-Renting Blogger who is amazing!! Janine has a awesome blog post for you guys and gals! 

Catch it Late Friday evening ready for the Weekend! 

Book Review ~ The Miracle of Self-Love by Barbel Mohr

The Miracle of Self-Love by Barbel Mohr
Published by Hay House UK

This book was a sheer pleasure to read, it was easy, lovely and full of down to earth but real practical advice. 

If you are someone who has a hard time in Loving yourself truly as you are and are forever caring about others needs well before your own, this book could provide you with a new way of looking at life. 

Sadly, Barbel passed away before finishing this book but what is contained in each page is a Miracle in itself as it quite literally shifts your perception of how you actually treat yourself. 

Barbel says what she thinks and means without adding any of the "fluff" to it. What you read is what you get! I simply adore how she really lets you understand that having those moments when you put yourself down happen to everyone - including her. She provides genuine insights into exercises she practiced in order to increase her self-love and shares these exercises and many more with you. 

I found it quite a gentle read, perfect for winding down at the end of the day, giving you that very much deserved and needed "me" time. 

My favourite chapter was all about being stable in your energy and remaining composed no matter what others think is a viable way to treat you - the importance is that you love yourself enough to choose love. 

An utterly amazing read for anyone. I would highly recommend this book to everyone, it has helped me see just how important it is to increase your self-love to the max and not let anything or anyone bring you back to a place where you don't love or respect yourself enough to stay in your place of power and love and do what is only right for you. 

I will end this review with one of Barbel's affirmations contained in the book that I think sums up the immense peaceful power that you learn to embrace in yourself when you read this book; 

"I hope that you will always be able to follow the truth of your own heart. And I hope that it will also be good for you as I follow the truth of my heart, even if it is not the same as yours. If you feel bad about this, I feel for you, I am sorry for you, but I am important to myself. I am living my own truth, not yours." 

The Miracle of Self-Love by Barbel Mohr
Published by Hay House UK

May Cause Miracles Days 2 - 6 & Updates

Wow! What a week full of miracles! 

I have been following the daily practice from "May Cause Miracles" by Gabrielle Bernstein for a week now and I can say that I feel more in control of acknowledging my fears and seeing them for what they truly are - spiritual assignments. 

Over the past few months since my relationship break-down I have had to face up to a lot of fear based funky stuff and at times I've thought; 'OK fear. You have me. I give up.' But then I'd encounter a miracle, a change in perception, and see that this fear was all coming from my EGO mind and not my ~ing (Inner Guide) or what I've come to call my H.I.N.G.E (Higher Intuitive Nurturing Guiding Expression) of Love. So I would pick myself back up and dust myself off and work hard on myself to get my place of peace back within my being. 

So this week's practice from "May Cause Miracles" wasn't new to me, it just pushed me further past my fears to a point where I now acknowledge them but the am able to say, "This is not real. It's not Love. Therefore it's not Love and it's not real, I don't need to give all of my attention to an illusion." Now once I've acknowledged the Fear and talked it down off it's power pedestal and put Love back on top I forgive myself for allowing Fear to even reach the pedestal. 

Don't get me wrong, I'm not 100% fear-less now, I still even today get the funky fear come up but I'm much better equipped with how to deal with it in a loving way.

So there is my MIRACLE. My shift in perception. I totally believe in Miracles!


As a lot of you know I am getting ever increasingly busy this year with all my various projects which would mean that I would be neglecting you all and this blog ... so I have opened my blog to Guest Bloggers and I already have a great Guest Blogger to host over the weekend! So you get to meet some of my fantastic friends who blog, and also get to keep reading amazing content from here. 

Does this mean that you won't read anything from me? 

No way! I will still be very much around and will try and blog as often as I can, even just short posts (shorter than I normally write). I am even signing up to the Pagan Blog Project 2013 but instead of posting a PBP every week, I'll do 1 post every fortnight for each letter A-Z. Of course there is also another 5 weeks of my "May Cause Miracles" journey, and all my book reviews still to come, so you WON'T be getting rid of me that easily. 

If you would like to guest blog on here, please email me with your idea for a guest post to: 

Please come and check me out at my new projects! 

Pre-Book Review of May Cause Miracles by Gabrielle Bernstein and ~ Day 1 of My Practice

Published by Hay House

Hi everyone! Happy New Year!! 

This is my first very blog post of 2013 where I get to just chat with you about my hopes and dreams for 2013 and how I plan on being of service to you and the world. My main target this year is to help you all improve your lives through my Celestial Life Coaching practice, my writing, and through my work as a spiritual teacher/motivational teacher. One way I intend on developing my self is taking my practice with A Course in Miracles up a notch or two! 

So let me tell you all about this amazing book I am diggin' right now in this FIRST EVER FOR ME ~ PRE-BOOK REVIEW (I told you 2013 is all about Change!) This year is all about MIRACLES!! 


I have been sent "May Cause Miracles" by Gabrielle Bernstein from Hay House UK to read and review, which I am super psyched about because is one of my Ultimate Inspirations! She is being for everyone what this world needs - happy, motivating, inspirational, thought-provoking, life changing and enthusiastic. She is a Miracle Worker! I have so much LOVE for her! 

So, back to the book. It is a 40 day - 6 week program where each day you work on yourself, you give yourself some Self LOVE, some Self FORGIVENESS (F-Word), and you make that decision to choose love over fear by being willing to see things differently.  

I don't have to read this book to tell you that it will change your life because I KNOW it will - It 'May Cause Miracles' in your life! How do I know this? Because not only is Gabby a rockin' spiritual teacher who has been likened to a spiritual guru version of my favourite muse - Ms Carrie Bradshaw (from Sex and the City),  she is an avid student, teacher and practitioner of the life changing spiritual text; A Course in Miracles and you all know how LOVED up on that text I am! 

Gabby has written "May Cause Miracles" based on the daily practices of A Course in Miracles (Available from the Foundation of Inner Peace), and added her own "Miracle Mindset" and awesomeness to the daily practices! If you've never read any of Gabby's books before then what better way to introduce yourself to her work and the healing work of A Course in Miracles than to read this book? 

Now I have read Gabby's other books; "Add more ~ing to your Life" and "Spirit Junkie" which are also based on healing your own life through using the outlines in A Course in Miracles and I simply LOVE LOVE LOVE her work! I would recommend ALL her work - I really would! 

So, there is a little about the book - Go and purchase it from Hay House UK right now (Which at the time of writing this is actually cheaper than Amazon), by following the links under the book picture at the top! 

Keep reading if you want to read about coming along with me on my journey of *May Cause Miracles* 


Now, I want to share with you my 40 day practice of *May Cause Miracles* 

I am going to (try!) and share with you all my journey to a *Miracle Mindset* 

DAY 1 

So, Day 1, today, and for the morning activity I became aware from the reading that I needed to be willing to face my fears and see them for what they are - EGO driven illusions. 

I sat in meditation this morning and literally got my ~ing on as I allowed myself to acknowledge that by using my affirmation ~ "I am willing to witness my fear"  I could change how I perceive things! 

Now in all honesty, this wasn't a new concept to me because like I said before, I'm not new to gabby's work or in fact to A Course in Miracles so I have used this "Miracle Minded Affirmation" to help me heal some pretty grotty stuff such as my recent abusive relationship.

I used the following affirmation to stop feeling so scared of life and feeling guilty about actually wanting to follow my dreams; 

"I am willing to witness my fear. I am willing to choose love over fear" 

So, today I made sure that I used my affirmation, and took a mental note of how I see fear and in what areas of my life so that I can actually work on those areas by releasing fear and choosing love. I also have written in my *Journal of Miracles* how I feel exactly in that moment when fear rears its ugly head. 

I'm looking forward to going into my meditation space to reflect upon Day 1 and know that with time these fears from my ego will be transformed into love and miracles. 

Keep checking back as often as you can to follow my Journey on the 40 days of *May Cause Miracles* and of course at the end the FULL Book Review of this book! 

Written by Gabrielle Bernstein
Published by Hay House
RRP £10.99 Hay House Price £ 6.59 

Book Review ~ Money Magnet Mindset by Marie-Claire Carlyle

Money Magnet Mindset by Marie-Claire Carlyle
Published by Hay House
RRP: £8.99  Hay House Price £7.19 

To say that I LOVE this book is an ultimate understatement. It is quite honestly in my opinion 'the go-to manual to generate wealth' for yourself. 

I come from a finance background being a trained accountant and I hold a certificate from University in Business Studies, but this book can teach you skills that you are perhaps less inclined to find from a financial textbook.

What I utterly adore about this book is that you are constantly and consistently guided to question your motives for wanting more wealth, and also given the tools in which you can get a greater understanding about money, and more importantly, the money in your life. 

Since reading this book I feel more wealthy, I feel more in control of my finances, and more importantly, I feel that I will achieve my financial goals. 

Money Magnet Mindset does exactly what it says on the cover, it helps you create a Money Magnet Mindset - but you HAVE to put the work in. This is what I love about Marie-Claire, she doesn't promise you the world by doing some affirmations and visualizing, she literally drums it into you quite effectively that "YOU HAVE TO TAKE ACTION". 

There are far too many hints, tips and tools for me to mention them all here but a handful of my favourite include; Creating a Balance Sheet of your income and expenditure (possibly because I love those financial aspects from being an accountant), Asking yourself what actions you are taking DAILY to become a Money Magnet, Changing your limiting beliefs, and Discovering your True Value. 

This book can change your mindset if you read it and put the work in. My mind is completely focused and changed now! I know that if I ever start to dip down again I can literally pick up this 'manual' and sort my mindset out to become a Money Magnet again. 

This book is worth buying because this book is you making an investment in yourself and your future. 

Do you think you are worth it? 

Money Magnet Mindset by Marie-Claire Carlyle
Published by Hay House
RRP: £8.99  Hay House Price £7.19