Every Cook & Kitchen Witch's Dream

Every Cook & Kitchen Witch's Dream ... The Selection of 3 Fabulous Cookery Guides
I have a very special book review post for you here, I have received throughout 2013 three amazing cookery guides to review, and having spent the year trying and testing out their recipes and adding to my culinary knowledge the results are in - well the reviews are!

Published by Hay House UK
This book arrived at such a timely moment in my life. When I was facing having to dramatically change my diet for health reasons, I was lost and although my GP, Nutritionist and handsome Paramedic (my Mr) really helped break it down into the basics, I wanted to know more.
Always a well thirsty for more knowledge, I ploughed on in to reading Cultured Food for Life which taught me so much. When I began reading I had no ide what "kombucha" was, or "kefir, cultured vegetables, sourdough or sprouted flour" but alas after reading the Fermentation Guru Donna's guide to all this and more I am more knowledgeable and equipped with eating more probiotic foods.
Donna tells you exactly what eating Cultured Food can do for you, the benefits, and even shares with you her own personal story o how she healed herself and her family wit these foods. She walks you through the step by step preparation techniques for those mentioned above and includes and added 120 recipes that use these foods, to help you create dishes to please any palate.
Crazy Sexy Kitchen by Kris Carr
Published by Hay House UK
Crazy Sexy Kitchen has to be one of the most known cook books out there for plant-based nutrition. This is Kris Carr's follow on book from her huge success of  Crazy Sexy Cancer that documented her quest to live with incurable stage IV cancer by following a healthy diet of plant based nutrition.
The book begins by deeply documenting everything you need to know to get your way around your Kitchen - this is something quite wonderful for someone like me that needs the 101 on kitchen cookery.
Provided within are 150 plant empowered recipe's that include; juices, smoothies, soups, sandwiches, snacks, main courses, desserts - all with full unbelievable flavour.
Not your average cookbook - Crazy Sexy Kitchen helps you to;
  • Shop like a seasoned health-conscious barganista
  • Fill your kitchen with the "Clean Fifteen" basics of must have ingredients
  • Master the cooking lingo
  • Whip up drinks such as the Sicilian, French toast, and Chocolate Walnut Cake
  • and so much more!

Published by Hay House UK

The Mystic Cookbook promises to transform your eating into a spiritual practice and enlighten and enrich every mouthful. This is probably the most spiritual based cookbook I've ever come across ( I might not be much of a cook, but I have oodles of pretty cookbooks in my country cottage style kitchen).

The insightful lessons in this book are simply amazing. Denise & Meadow (Mother & Daughter) share with you; how the colour of your food affects your consciousness, how to unlock the secret messages in the foods you eat, how meals can open up your chakras, and how your intentions whilst cooking impact upon the taste and nourishment. They even include what they term to be magical meals that will help you achieve abundance, love and success in your life.

The recipes included are from many far reaching places such as; Mexico, Thailand, France, Italy, Asia, Africa and Britain. You certainly get a taste of the exotic, the homely and the spiritual with this book.

If you find yourself wanting to up the stakes in your culinary skills then these three books should give you a wonderful head start. Make those Cooking Dreams come true in 2014

All written content on this blog is the work of © Dawn Brierley, Life Coach, Consultant, Intuitive Angel Therapist, Tarot Lover & Mentor

Forward Focused Energy Oracle Cards

Energy Oracle Cards by Sandra Anne Taylor
Published by Hay House UK

This 53 card oracle deck is by far my favourite ever oracle deck (and I have hundreds). Sandra Anne Taylor has created a forward focusing oracle deck that I could simply  jump and down about. So many oracle cards are used and focused on discovering what effect the past has had on our present and then a little insight into what might be - our future. But this oracle deck is so much different!

The Energy Oracle deck focusing on the energy around you NOW in the present moment, and then you gain insight into what that energy might manifest into. The suggested spreads contained in the accompanying guidebook are new and exciting (for me anyway), and I have found the clarity and accuracy of the messages to be phenomenal. Every time I have used these oracle cards over the past couple of months (I like to fully try and test the products I review) I have thought that the enquiry might just catch these cards out, and I would finally see their flaw - but NO. These cards went above and beyond in what I expected from them. Each and every reading proved highly accurate in both the interpretations of the energy surrounding the present and then later what emerged as the future.

What I simply adore about these cards is the fact that they really endorse the well known saying;
"You can't fix the past, your power is in the present moment"
Each card is beautifully created and the naming's of the cards are unique and welcoming. Even when a reversed card is interpreted it provides such powerful and life changing advice that you fully understand what is going on in your situation that you are enquiring about. Some of the cards are grouped into specific messages, for example you have a selection of "Door's to..." cards, and you have 7 chakra related Archangel Cards that I have found when present in a reading to add extra oomph to the understanding for the client and for yourself.
A beautiful deck to look at, an inspiring deck to work with, if there is one oracle deck I will always work with (after over 12 years of working with oracles cards - I was 13 when I began working with Doreen Virtue's Messages from your Angels Deck), it will be this one! It is seriously that amazing, and I just know that if you feel called to the deck through the images you've seen here, you will not be disappointed with your purchase.
These cards get a full on 10/10 from me.
**Images are photos taken by myself and the background is a Country-Chic handmade table-cloth made by Myself & my Mother

All written content on this blog is the work of © Dawn Brierley, Life Coach, Intuitive Angel Therapist, Tarot Lover & Mentor

Soul Path Steps - December 2013

Hi there!

December has been a month! Well in fact the whole last 3 months have been pretty memorable. Not all in a good way either. I've been in and out of hospital - thankfully I'm on the mend. My Mr Handsome Paramedic has had quite a journey too - a theme that is set to continue into next year as we received news this morning that is not good at all. Please accept my apologies for not opening up about this news, but I am doing out of respect for my Mr as we both come to terms with it as it's pretty raw right now. What I can say is that I know that he is going to need my support more than ever next year.

Anyway, I wanted to chat with you about my Soul Path Steps for this month. You may recall if you were reading my blog back then, that I was a member of the Soul Path Tribe with my Soul Coach & Friend Lyn Thurman. Well I kind of faded away from group and I can now in hindsight see why I was drawn away.

There were many soul reasons that I have discovered; needing closure in relationships (not romantic), finding myself, healing myself, being at one with myself and my Mr, and being open to new opportunities. I embraced them, whether I wanted to or not and I've accepted them. The lessons are plain for me to see now.


So, then comes December and after getting home from hospital I start thinking about this year, where it's taken me, the journey I've been on and beginning closure on 2013. It may seem premature but when you're laid up resting with nothing else to do you can't help yourself. So I grabbed my Leonie Dawson 2013 Life & Biz Planners and start highlighting all my achieved goals, and then I grabbed my Soul Path Tribe folder and start reminiscing about everything I've achieved in 12 months and how far I've come within as well as the manifestations. That was when my heart longed for the SPT again. So the 15th (I think) I paid my monthly dues and signed up again. I printed out the workbook for December and told Paul (Lyn's husband) that I was hoping to squeeze in a few goals before the end of the month.

The Goddess of December for SPT is White Buffalo Calf  Woman - a goddess I thought I would easily connect with. I have HUGE love for Native American folklore, traditions and the like. It was only yesterday morning that I tweeted Lyn on Twitter and told her I was struggling to connect with her. This morning I discovered why. There was a far pressing matter playing out in my life that I was unaware of and the Mr & I discovered it today. It was then that I felt compelled to find time to discover White Buffalo Calf Woman more.

So I re-read the myth of WBCW in my workbook again, and did some research online. I discovered that she had in fact been with me all along - helping me find peace again, helping me to be at peace and extending that peace to others. I've been far more compassionate and understanding in my relationship this month, communication between us has been dramatically improved, and I've been more at peace with myself. It seems I was trying to hard to connect with her and I was worrying about not having an altar in place in honour of her. She was there with me all along.
Then I decided to peek at my goals I set for this month and surprised myself that I have completed so many already with others either in the 'hopeful' pile or the 'still in process' pile. Let me share with you what I have achieved this month according to my Soul Path Tribe workbook.
  • Begin a cross-stitch project (butterflies)
  • Follow a recipe and cook something I've never cooked before - I did! I cooked shortbread cookies
  • Analyse career and business - I did and I've scrapped what I don't enjoy anymore in time for 2014
  • Monitor my finances
  • Be more compassionate & understanding
  • Read a Christmassy Chick-Lit Novel - I did! I read Calling Mrs Christmas and Reviewed it here
  • Conduct research into my career and take action steps
Not bad seeing as I've spent a lot of time resting and recuperating. I still have goals I'd love to meet by the end of the year, but even if I don't, I'm happy to let those roll away or take some of them with me into 2014. I just want to add a thank you to the Soul Path Tribe for welcoming me back and for the support they've given me this year xx

All written content on this blog is the work of © Dawn Brierley, Life Coach, Consultant, Intuitive Angel Therapist, Tarot Lover & Mentor

Talking to Heaven Mediumship Oracle Cards - Doreen Virtue & James Van Praagh

Published by Hay House UK
Doreen and James return with an accompanying psychic tool to their book that I previously reviewed How to Heal a Grieving Heart. I really wanted these cards to be something "AMAZING" to restore my faith really. Gladly I can report that although they didn't appear to be anything special when I initially looked at them, when used appropriately with clients, they were definitely AMAZING.
The cards are beautiful to look at, with lovely heaven-like scenery depicted on each one, and none of them appear to be photo-shopped in a distasteful manner, and each card contains a short message that resembles the many things that loved ones communicate to us when they have passed to spirit. Messages include; It was my time to go, I am in no pain, I am standing behind you, etc. These are messages that I myself have given to thousands of loved ones from their dearly departed on the other-side.
When I tested these with a few clients to see if they enhanced the mediumship reading at all, they produced tears from my clients - but in a good way. It wasn't so much that I needed the cards to tell me what their loved ones wanted to communicate to them, but rather the clients ability to "see" the message with their own eyes as I told them the messages in greater personal detail specific to the client in question, it seemed to offer a deeper level of comfort.

One of my clients commented that although she felt that she knew the answers to her most pressing questions she would like her husband to answer, the cards along with my mediumship message gave her the peace she needed after almost 10 years of wondering. That reading alone gave me confidence in these cards and the use of them in my mediumship sessions.
I believe these cards are brilliant if you are just developing your mediumship abilities, or have been doing it all your life (like I have), because the cards add that extra energy and depth to a reading and what could begin as a simple sentence on a card such as; "You are Never Alone" can and I have found personally develops into a deep message from the other side when a loved one (spirit) describes specific situations where the client has felt alone, and with that streams through more detail and more comfort for the client. 

So if this review and account of my own personal experience with these oracle cards have spoken to your heart and you want to give it a try for yourself then purchase these cards that come with an accompanying guidebook to use if you are a beginner, or if you want to just have a valid too to connect with your own loved ones privately.

Lots of Love,
Dawn x

All written content on this blog is the work of © Dawn Brierley, Life Coach Consultant, Intuitive Angel Therapist, Tarot Lover & Mentor