2012 ~ What a Year!

Wow! What a year 2012 has been! 

I think everyone has felt it this year in one way or another. My personal journey this year has been very much a roller-coaster ride of highs and lows. I've fallen in love and fallen out of love, I've achieved and I've failed, but most of all I've lived. 

Let's go back on a memory journey of 2012. 

Firstly this will be my 87th post this year and also my final one of 2012. 

In January 2012 I began participating in the Pagan Blog Project, something that I really enjoyed and also something that although I unfortunately didn't get to finish this year, I definitely am feeling the desire to take part in 2013 for round 2. I also had my first ever Life Coaching article published in the February issue of Soul & Spirit Magazine, something that has continued to motivate me, inspire me and something I'm proud of. Keep an eye out for more like this in 2013.

In February 2012 I discovered my love of Kabbalah, a spiritual practice that I still practice to this second! It has struck such a chord with me that I cannot exist without the guiding principles I have found so valuable to me. I am by no means a Kabbalah expert - in fact, i'm far from it, but I find such inner peace from Kabbalah. It is who I am.
I also vamped up my creative writing this month as I got further into my Creative Writing Module at University. I explored a love a poetry (Something I still try to do), although I don't take as much time lately to write poetry, it's something that I very much hope to start doing again in 2013.

March 2012 saw a huge spiritual blessing for me when Random House publishers approached me and asked me to read and review 2 books for them. As a spiritual teacher and writer this was a heaven sent gift to me as I could finally read books that were of high interest to me and get to share their magickal messages with all my blog followers. I also made very good friends with the authors whom will always have a special place in my heart. So, a huge amount of love goes out to Helen Parry-Jones and Ursula James - thank you ladies for sharing your story with us and for making our lives a whole lot better. 

In April 2012 was very eventful with my magickal dreams and meditations with mermaids occurring, and it also was the month where I unveiled part 1 of my Life Coaching Words of Love series. My "Words of Love" 3 part special was very successful and is still being requested now. Huge blessings from April. 

May 2012 was phenomenally magickal as I got to play host to Doreen Virtue as she took part in a Blog Tour promoting her event in London and her new Angel Tarot Oracle deck. It was amazing and I doubt words could convey the sheer bliss and joy I still feel now when I think about it. I have always wanted to interview Doreen and this year my dream came true! Thank you Doreen for the love and light you shine upon us all. 

June 2012 was fairly quiet for me because behind the scenes I was battling with a nasty demon... domestic abuse. 

July 2012 was much more eventful when I took a trip to Weston Super-Mare and really connected with my Mermaid self this month. I recognized my passion for seashells and mermaids, and also got to read and review my FAE Magazine fellow columnist and friend, Hannah Titania's books about seals and faeries. I also opened Faerie School. I intend to pick up Faerie School next year once I've have finally finished the Faerie School manual for you to purchase. Also, it was this month that I said goodbye to the first ever class of children I ever taught as they left Primary School. Boy did I cry for those kids... I think I must have cried for at least 14 hours that day. I still love them today and see them as they come back to say Hi and let me know how grown up they are! 

August 2012 was yet again a very testing month behind the scenes for me as the Domestic Abuse stepped up several notches. I didn't really have a summer holiday, I spent most of the time crying in my gazebo and sleeping on my sun lounger to wish the time away.
On a positive note though, I began reading and reviewing for Hay House and am still doing so to this day. I have been able to contact and speak to so many wonderful and inspiring authors who have become dear friends of mine through this. I take my role of book reviewing very seriously as I appreciate how much time, effort and love have gone into the writing of these books, and I feel that when I write up each and every review, I really must be objective and share the message with others about these books. I really enjoy doing the reviews and I hope this is something that all you lovely readers enjoy reading from me. Lots more still to come from 2013.
Also, I passed my Creative Writing Module at University this month! yay!!! Well done me!

And lastly, I began sharing my love of A Course in Miracles with everyone who will listen! having read this text many years ago when I was around 15/16 years old it's still a favourite of mine. 

September 2012 was very hard for me, again the relationship abuse I was dealing with took most of my time and energy. 

October 2012 I turned 24, and it was on my birthday my heart was broken when I discovered that through all the abuse, the love of my life was going to get married to someone else but wanted to stay with me until the marriage. It was on the 7th October, 2 days after I turned 24 I stood up for myself for the first time in our whole relationship and said "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH". I'm not going into what happened again, as you can find it here on my blog should you want to read about my journey through emotional and mental abuse.
In a somewhat twisted turn of the Universe, my story of how I manifested romance into my life was featured in the November issue of Soul & Spirit Magazine. The method works... I will be the first one to say that everything I asked for I got in my relationship and I will blog about this in much more detail in 2013 so that you can all manifest a HEALTHY relationship.
October was very much a month of finding myself, something that continued for the rest of the year. 

November 2012 I learnt more about faeries with their teachings in my dreams and meditations. I also got to review lots more books for Hay House and made a new friend in The Standards Guy, otherwise known as Derek Mills. Amazing Month full of Amazing people. 
I also recorded my first ever YouTube video class/tutorial about A Course in Miracles for the Faeries and Angel Radio Network. I loved teaching you all about A Course in Miracles and I fully intend on doing more of these in 2013! 

December 2012 brings us full circle of 2012 and wow! I can barely catch my breath. I've truly learnt who my friends are and just how loved and supported I really am this year and I am so so grateful to each and everyone of you. This month saw the Cosmic Moment 21.12.12 @ 11:11am and unlike what people would expect of me as a spiritual teacher to have done at this moment, I did something totally different. Rather than meditate in that moment and focus imagining peace and love, I was actively laughing, loving and enjoying the moment with friends at work. We were discussing "the end of the world" and were really joyful. A wonderful way to remember bringing in the light and love of the Cosmic Moment I think. 

I would say a huge thank you to all my colleagues and friends at my workplace and primary school, I would also say a huge thank you to the little darlings who make me smile and shout all in a days work. I'm so proud of all the achievements you've made.  

I'd also like to say a HUGE thank you to Lyn Thurman for sorting me out and fixing me up! You helped me stand when I thought I would always be on the floor. Thank you - you helped bring me back to life! I will always love you for that and be forever grateful my deal Soul Sister :) 

Thank you to all my facebook friends... I love you all! MWAHHH 

Thank you to Baba for helping me see my way forward right from the moment I fell xxx 

Thank you to Karen and Adrienne, my editors who are dear friends - Huge love xxxxxx 

Thank you to all the people i've done a psychic reading for this year, you are all amazing superstars! Go for your dreams! 

Thank you to everyone who reads this blog and supports my work on facebook in my groups. You guys and gals are amazing and I love you! 

Thank you to Pixie - You know how grateful I am to you for your friendship and for being my sister. Love you xxxxxxxxx

Thank you to the ladies at Hay House, you're so wonderful and great to talk to xxxxxxxxxx

Thank you to Naz from Soul & Spirit Magazine, I have truly met an amazing lady who I will count as a friend for life. You are amazing! xxxx

Good bye 2012, you have been fun, loving, heartbreaking, exciting, heck you've been one heck of an adventure. You have taught me so much this year. You are the year I lived , died and came back to life.

Hello 2013, Are you ready to go on one amazing journey of success? let's go!!! 

So all that's left to say is bring on 2013 and making dreams come true! 


Book Review ~ Mermaids 101 by Doreen Virtue

Mermaids 101 by Doreen Virtue
Published by Hay House

I've always loved Mermaids and found them so magickal and captivating. Their healing energy and positivity, along with their manifestation skills and teachings make them a highly intelligent spiritual species. 
Living with a Piscean Mother, the underwater realm has always been a part of my life from the underwater tropical fish that decorated my bathroom when I was a young girl complete with featured sand, to the frog pond that lives in my garden. My mum has always had a love for Sea Horses and would tell me as a child just how much she wished she could have one.

Reading Mermaids 101  warmed my feelings of love and connection for the Mermaid realm as I feel an affinity with the realm concerning a past life connection. In this book Doreen discusses people who earn a living as a mermaid by swimming in mermaid  tails using mono-fins. Doreen also touches upon the magickal significance and symbolism of the mermaid and how the famous Starbucks logo incorporates mermaids and manifestation into their business. 

My favourite part of this book is where Doreen discusses the incarnated mermaids and informs the reader about Mer-Angels, Mer-Faeries, and Atlanteans. From the descriptions I highly and strongly identified myself as an Atlantean rather than a directly incarnated Mermaid. I also really enjoyed reading the chapter containing people's experiences with the mermaid realm. 

If you love mermaids, you will LOVE this book and will treasure it within your heart. 

Mermaids 101 by Doreen Virtue
Published by Hay House
RRP: £ 9.99 Hay House Price £7.99

Gratitude Awareness Classes

Happy December Everyone! 

A few months ago I never would have dreamed that I would be in the happy, successful and exciting place that I am in right now. It's been a tough journey healing my Mind, Heart and Soul, but I am 90% there now. I will share this in another blog post real soon. But right now, I want to keep the happy flow going! 

As you can see from the above banner that now graces my NEW page on Facebook, I have come out of the closet - I am now using my birth name "Dawn" rather than my spiritual name "Aurora" for my work, blogs, social media etc etc. So hi everyone! 

This morning I woke up to find we were officially at December 1st! 
20 days to do before we experience some cosmic shift of perception.  
And I have to say I was and still am, over the hills stupidly and excitedly happy!  

I'm really not a morning person, but today I awoke with a fresh perspective and a feeling of closure on the past and a new beginning just waiting for me to cross the START line. So I jumped to it! I grabbed my new journal I bought yesterday and began my fresh practice of daily gratitude and affirmations. 

Then when I logged onto facebook, I visited "DAWN BRIERLEY UK" and began my new "31 Day Gratitude Awareness Class" and I posted the following; 

♥ Gratitude Awareness Class - Day 1 ♥ 

Today, what are you grateful for? Do you feel grateful during your day? Try and mentally make a note of those moments where you feel really grateful, glad to be alive, and in a state of pure bliss. 
My gratitude for today:

"I am truly grateful for the text "A Course in Miracles" because it inspires me to be the best version of me and through it I have found inner peace"

Tell me 1 thing that you are grateful for today below this post:

My Copy of the text: A Course in Miracles

So, I would really love you to join me on Facebook at "DAWN BRIERLEY UK" and take part in the "31 day Gratitude Awareness Class"

Over at my new page, you'll also get posts related to Angels, Faeries, Tarot, Celestial Life Coaching , affirmations, A Course in Miracles, Mermaids, .... everything and more. It's an eclectic mix - it's ME and who I am, and I would love to share that with you all.

Before I go, I want to share with you all something from my "Celestial Life Coaching" segment. I wrote about Mission Statements; what they are and how to write one. 

Please stop by and leave a comment. And while you're there why not hit "Follow" and check out what else I've written about there.