An Even Happier Witch

Merry Meet my lovelys.

Remember my last post? All happy? ....well im going to tell you something that I doubt you'll believe but.... I AM EVEN HAPPIER!!!! YES I AM.

I can't keep the suspense going (Hang on what suspense? You haven't even tried to give us any suspense) "Bah, Humbug... technicallity!"

I am pleased over the witchy moon more like to say that Karen Kay, Founder of FAE Magazine has asked me (11th November, 10:50am) to be the exclusive columnist "THE FAERIE WHISPERER" in her magazine!!!!! <>
I so said YES to that.

So there you have it... Me, you're very own Witchette, Aurora MoonMaiden, from The Witch Inside.... A Fan dabby Faerie Columnist!!!! Aren't you proud? I am!! I absolutely swear that it's the books teachings seeped into my brain and changed my thinking and outlook on life.

I hope you lovely people will buy the Imbolc Magazine to see my debut!!

One Happy Witchette

Merry Meet my lovely's

How are you today? (Sits on edge of sofa eagerly awaiting your reply)

Me??? Im damn fantastic!! I really am, no sarcasm. I seriously am happy. Borderline delerously happy!! Why???? Life is just being so good to me. Im enjoying life with every breath. How???? By reading, knowing and applying the teachings in "The Power" by Rhonda Byrne. Seriously this woman needs a bouquet of "thank you" flowers from me.

Reading the book has just made everything so clear to me, and i'm loving more and more. I could laugh at how happy I am, I haven't been like this for ..... 6 years.... which means you may just meet the other side to me and think..."Wow is sheeeee a nut job". lol.

So, I read the book before bed, slept and got woken by fireworks at 2am this morning....Happy Diwali haha. Yeah, well I was enjoying my sleep thank you fireworks. Also thank you for blinding me with the light!! HAHA

Anyway, I woke up this morning, smile on my face, cuddle from Jase, and then he makes me laugh so much by informing me that his mission for the day is to buy Liz Earle Anti-Wrinkle cream..... for HIMSELF lol. Well that had me in creases that I almost had him buy me some. Breakfast with a song and a smile....(Seriously no sex involved lol) Then as we went out for a walk to the shops as I notice the things around me (Amazing since I nearly always couldn't care less), We spoke about definately needing to move... decided that somewhere in the heart of Shropshire... perhaps Bewdley/Hartlebury area, I recall what I read in the book about when you see something you like, it;s there for you to say "YES"'s around you because you're drawing it to anyway, lovely snazzy cars...."YES",......People who aren't fussed with dropping a few pennies out of purse saying "Oh well it'll bring luck to someone"..."YES"..... get this!! Go to supermarket, fumbling for coin for trolley....there is already £1 coin in a trolley ...waiting for me "YES"...... waiting in the queue for the lottery, I notice a newspaper for 70p (my Nans age when she passed), and it's only a bloody Shropshire newspaper....never has it been there before... "YES" And it's just continuing from there really...

Also I have my Charcoal blocks, incense that is amazing: frankincense & myrhh, sandalwood, patchouli, and lemongrass.... Karma Cleansed the house and myself...which could be why life is so good for me too... add to that the fact that I have created a Diwali altar...seriously I love'll find that I love religion me... couldn't care what it is, if I like it, I'll celebrate it. So yes, my Diwali altar is dedicated to money, success, happiness and of course Lakshmi. Isn't it beautiful.

Thats my day so far..... did he get the anti-wrinkle cream????? "YES" he did :-D Does he need it?? ....."YES" he does LMAO, no of course he doesn't, he's handsome as he is. ..... (Still nothing to do with sex) haha.

Psychic Re-Invention

Merry Meet my lovely witchlets,

I hope you all enjoyed Samhain and I wish you all belated blessings and also good health, wealth and happiness for the coming year.

I've finally got myself clear of the stress I had at work and have begun to think about how I was once a very in demand psychic...I know hard to believe isn't it? But seriously, I was busy 5 days a week, from 9am-4pm doing readings with tarot and angel cards to connect to loved ones in the summerlands... I was 15!!!!! Now, just over 6 years be honest..Im not so in demand anymore yet people who do have a reading from me say that I'm brilliant. If that is true where are my clients?????? Not even this witch can answer that one.

So I'm trying desperately to think of ways to re invent myself as a Psychic Angel/Tarot reader. My clients were mainly from USA and im not sure how to re connect with that Country now. I see all these people who yes, I've had my say about doing so bloody fantastically well and wonder why I havn't got the same lifestyle. Im a good person, doing what I feel is right. I don't think I'm a person who deceaves people at all. I tell it how it is...well how I see it.

Any ideas on how I can become the shining psychic I once was..... answers on a postcard please.

I've been and brought myself a copy of Rhonda Byrne's "The Power" so im hoping to get my nose into that tonight.

oooooo I almost forgot... I have done a blog for my psychic readings... you can find it here Rory's Psychic Whispers

Blog Awards!!!

WOW!! What a way to wake up hey? What am I on about, I hear you ask, well my lovely Pixie over at Pixie's Musings, has given me 3 awards!!!!

I really am very touched and honoured. I always wondered how you won a blog award... now i know...You wake up and it's there! lol, But seriously, I am truly moved by it. I know that when i'm moaning (I do a lot of that) and always writing about dramas etc..I know that your enjoying it.(At least I hope you are and are not just giving me the award to *shut me up* perse) :-D

So now I must follow protocols, which have been written beautifully by Pixie;

1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Pass this on to 15 other great bloggers.
4. Contact the selected bloggers and tell them about their awards.

So, thank you Pixie hun, I really am grateful and touched by it all. Love you xx

Now the 7 things about myself:

1. A favourite movie of mine is....Legally Blonde....(because if she can make it...then we all can)
2. I was born into a witchy family...thats also psychic
3. I'm addicted to education (my education) I love learning
4. I almost died from food poisoning when I was fact I was 30 mins from death
5. I'm of Polish heritage
6. I can't cook... im hopeless
7. I grew up in the country

(I know lame things to know... but I spill my guts to you, what you dont know about me, I dont know about myself)

Now for me to pass the awards to others....hmmmm not sure I can do 15...or even 10...Ill try my best

1. Confessions of a Hedgewitch
2. Wort Craft
3. Ramblings of a Newbie Pagan
4. Diary of a Natural Witch
5. Memoirs of a Crazy Witch
6. The Whimsical Cottage
7. Hedgewitch Hollow
8. The Domestic Witch

They are all fantastic blogs and make my days pass with a smile.

Crafty Witchess

Hello again,

Well I've been a crafty witch today. Ive created my very own Pomanders (Oranges with cloves stuck into them) and it's got me thinking about all the crafty things I like doing. Ive seen on the net how someone has used a orange covered with cloves as a tealight candle holder....I want to try it!

I love a bit of cross stitch and haven't done any for about a year or so, so I want to try and get back into it. Things like; bookmarks, pictures of Goddesses, etc. I also want to try and add a few pieces to my artwork folder. So far I have Merlin, Gothic tink, Tinkerbell, and a viking....

I've also had the erge to create our own Family Favourites, recipe book. I've been standing in my country inspired kitchen of late and really feel the need to add my own stamp to it. Lot of crafty things.... feel free to share any ideas...

Aches and Pains...of all sorts

Merry Meet my witchlets,

Well I have been one poorly witch. (Am available to accept bunches of "get well soon" flowers :-D )I have had an aching body (not a sign of my age) and a cranky neck. LOL Sounds almost amusing doesn't it?

Well I'm still waiting for my witchy supplies to reach me :-( and I discovered the morning I woke up feeling achy, that I have no charcoal blocks (what a pain)..and at present no way of getting any. Ideas for buring loose incense???

My washing machine has decided to die on I need to get it fixed because it wants to work (how do I know this? .... It told me) so I need to call the Washing Machine doctor at some point. But until then, I'm having to do just as they did many years ago and use my hands!!!!! Don't worry my little witchlets, cocoa butter is massaged into them after.

How's your week been? xxx

Fresh Start ~ Part 1

merry meet,

After my blogging mental breakdown last night and a good chat with a friend, I have got up determined to try and put my life back together.
My cosmic ordering books have all found there way out of hiding, and I've given the home a cleansing.
When my Karmic Clearing incense is delivered, I'll be spending next Friday doing an even bigger cleanse and sorting my life out, hence why this is part 1.
I've decided that I am going to do a BA (Honours) in Humanities, as this degree covers all my favourites. These being Art, Art History, Literature/Creative Writing, History and Archeology. I'm going to deal with my passion of finance by attempting to tutor myself with the help of text books to try and gain my final part of the AAT qualification.
Work is still an ongoing spanner in the works. Will know more closer to Yule.

Oh yeah, what do you think of the new blog look??? I love it. For now. haha.

What do you do when you find life needs a clear out? Comments welcome xxxx

Blogged to Order

This is my second attempt of writing this blog, so if it's rubbish which it will be, its the internets fault for deleated the first one! or it's sods law according to me!

Well, I dont know how I began it... probably moaning.

I was debating which uni degree to do that last time I blogged, and I have decided on a Arts and Humanities one. At the moment though I am about to begin a psychology course, the one I was in the process of cancelling for a finance one. The Uni sent me the psychology course books and I bloody love them. Universe? I dont know about that. (faiths fallen).

life???? well.... I'm pissed off to be truthful. I feel cursed. No seriously. I do.

My life was fabulous when I was first at college studying for my accountancy qualifications, I was sooo bloody happy, I mean ...SERIOULSY happy. I didnt need anything or anyone... But I met DAVE...the idiot. And he helped screw it all bloddy up. I'm doing my degree and working at the school which I need to give up. its sapping me of everything I am, but i'm not happy. I need to live my dream...which was to be an accountant....

This blog is pointless.... it's not as good as the first one...

Forget it. It don't matter.


I don't trust people. I really dont. I stems from when I was threatened with my life at school. My friends, about 15 of them just set on me. I lost my confidence, self esteem, everything. I was pulled out of school, taught at home because I was too scared to leave the house. Every day i'm slowly getting stronger...until I have a day like now, and it knocks me. I am very prone to depression. I can get it in the flick of a switch. When I get it, life is really bad. I start to hate myself. I can really get quite negative. Triggers can be anything. Liek this stupid internet deleting a blog post has set me off!

I had a dream when I was 8 years old to be an accountant, have loads of money, handsome husband, nice house, cars, buy myself a yacht, a villa in Italy. Kids, private school etc. But as a teaching assistant,... I cant have that. So I feel I need to try and get back to my accounting somehow. It scares the hell out of me, the thought of getting back there. But I need to try.

I just want to be worthy!, I dont feel worthy anymore. Im trying. but i've lost the real me. The whole 100% me. Im trying to get her back but I cant find her. I don't know where she is.


so when "The Witch Inside" doesn't blog for a while... its best to let her babble, bubble, boil and then simmer... or else she could just spill grime everywhere.

Night Night.

What should I do??

Hello my fellow witchlings,

It's been far too long. Well, 5th October was my birthday so HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!! :-D Had a lovely day, my lovely new man, Jason, cooked me a lovely meal, went to the hairdressers and got himself all nice and handsome. Both him and Mum conspired with my work colleagues to get me to the hairdressers and I had a lovely pampering session. Also redecorated the bedroom and it is lush, dont you think?

So Love wise... everything's great!

But a new dilemma faces the woman who cannot survive without a drama...(have you noticed how I'm always moaning?)lol.

My Career!!!

Let me give you the low down.

I have been working 4 days a week voluntarily at a primary school..thinking I would like to be a teaching assistant. All those holidays.... well trust me the kids..(I love kids I really do) but these are draining me. Also I'm struggling to fit Uni study in, family, Friends, and also my witchy ways are 100% neglected. I was having a chat to my sister (pixie) last night and I'm aiming to work there until the Christmas holidays, then from Jan 2011 I am going to give it up. Then I may volunteer 1 day a week at an accountancy practice and finish study for my Accountancy career. Sound good? Should I?

Also with regards to my degree I'm like a yo-yo. I have gone from studying a a psyc and social sciences degree, to a business degree, to a law degree and now Im setting on a Art and Humanities degree. I love literature, history, art and religion... so maybe a good way for me to go.. Trouble is will that degree be respected in a finance career? Also I'm 22 and I feel like time is running out to be the newbie with zero experience in an office.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Love to you my little witchlings, I and shall hopefully be back soon.

Aurora xxxxx

Practical Magic Blog Post Party YAY!!!

This is a true story of how I found a man to love and love me .... based on Practical Magic the movie

This is me (dark hair) and my sister, Pixie from Pixies Musings.

I wanted to find my Mr Wonderful, so I searched my spell books for help.

I focused my intent on finding my Mr Wonderful, he would come into my life when I least expect it. I lit a candle to aid the magick.

I sent my order to the cosmos, he would be marvousley Kind, ..... He would make me laugh just by talking, we'd both have the intention of never breaking each others heart, he'd be at the most 34 years old, he'd be ready to settle down and want children, he'd be interested in the real me. He'd also have a good job and a wonderful heart

I went about my daily business, going to work, all the time looking out for him.

Then he was in my house, and I saw him .....

And he saw me ....!!!

With a bit of Pixie's help, we talked...a lot...

then he couldn't stay away from me. he visited me mornings before he went to work, he made me feel amazing just by looking at him.

Now..... I'M THE HAPPIEST WITCH ALIVE. Cosmic Ordering works, and True Love never fails.

This blog post is dedicated to my lovely sister Pixie. Without you, I don't know how I could have gotten through half the things I've been through. No matter what happens I'll always be here for you. "My blood....your blood....our blood" xxxxxx

Practical Magic Blog Party Post

Well its Practical Magic Blog Party day!!!!!

Was going to upload a couple of my fave scenes with my reasons why.... but damn computer won't allow me to. So I shall have to do it when the stupid machine will let me.

September Suprise

Merry Meet everyone,

It's been such a long time since I spoke to you. 29th August.... that was soooo long ago.

I haven't been intentially neglecting you, it's just that I'm back at work now with the .... darling little children needless to say that they are not like the darlings I had last year and have literally in 2 weeks given me more stress, headaches, and sore throats than I can handle. They have really made me ask myself "What the hell I am I doing???" SEPTEMBER SUPRISE NUMBER 1

Any other suprises???? Not as yet, and believe me, I don't want any more unless they are nice. As an update on COSMIC ORDERING... well...i'm still waiting. So I think I am either going to give up, or try again. Lets take a vote: Give up vs. Give it another go.

Very pleased and over the September moon that my lovely sister Pixie's husband is now home with her.... Lee if you ever ever read this.... Don't you dare scare her like that again...because it scared me too!! :-D Oh and please be nice to her...she's been through the mill over the past few weeks. Oh...and last thing, give her plenty of hugs and tell her you love her. :-D There rant and celebration over!

What have you all been upto? Oh at work, I have done a science board which has made me think of SAMHAIN..... Get your brooms ready!!

Healing Needed ASAP

Merry Meet everyone,

This post is all about my dear sister whom i love so very much, Pixie, and her darling Husband Lee. Sadly I got the news today that Lee has been rushed to hospital with suspected Gillian Barre Syndrome. If proved to be severe, it could cause Pixie to lose her husband, and their two boys, their father. So we need all the healing energy we can muster to get him well again.

So if I could ask you all to send Pixie and Lee Allen all the healing energy, thoughts, love, prayers in the Universe as they very much need them at this time. Understandably Pixie is extremly upset and we can;t even begin to imagine how shes feeling and what she;s going through. But what we can do is give her the strength and be here supporting her whilst she gets her darling husband well again. lets visualise Lee being 100% healthy and well, lets see the illness leaving his body and soul and being replenished with health and healing. Lets get him well again so they can continue their life together.

Another dear friend has set up a blog post for the same reason, and you can view it here and send healing this way too.

I thank you from the bottom of me heart on behalf of Pixie and Lee for your part in getting him well again. I know they truly appeciate all your efforts.

I also thank the Lord and Lady for lending their strength to both Pixie and Lee's family at this testing time, I thank the Lord and Lady for purifying Lee's body and soul and restoring him to full health and happiness. Blessed Be

Ebb and Flow

Merry Meet,

I havn't blogged for a few days because I've basically been on a downer. I woke up Wednesday morning just feeling rather sombre and subdued. I had no idea why I was feeling like this. It was only Tuesday night as I went to bed I spoke to the Goddess and told her of how happy I am, how Life is truly good and I thanked her for bestowing the many blessings upon me. I was smiling like a cheshire cat. Life was going so well for me, I felt happy, empowered, energised, full of life and confident.
Yet it all seemed to dissappear quite literally overnight. So how did I find out what was making me feel this way?
Well I began by thinking I had some sort of psychic attachment, or even a psychic attack....but I refused to accept that and it also didn't feel right. So I began reading my blog right back to when I was talking about there being a lack of energy in my life....but none of those reasons rang true to me anymore. I've grown since then, I've moved forward and conquered those. I now have new problems LOL. I then realised that at the time I blogged about feeling so happy, it was in fact a New Moon. Well at the present time and at the time I began to feel down, it is in fact now a Waxing Gibbous Moon. And when I googled this and read the description it rang true to how I'm feeling. I feel like I'm stuck, there's no way out. It's like my happiness is on pause.... so I have come to the conclusion which feels much better and I feel at ease with, I am in fact very sensitive to the moon's energies. I need to now put my learning of both Wicca and Cosmic Ordering into action and prepare myself for the Full Moon energy.

So hopefully soon, you shall have your happy witchette back. It just happens to be the ebb and flo of the moon energies affecting me.

Blessed Be
Aurora xxxxx

Just a Flying Visit

Merry Meet,

Well how has your day been? Busy? Mine too! Here's what I spent the day doing;

Well first thing I did the usual tidy up of the house, vacuuming, and a spit and polish. ok no spit was involved but there was polish. By mid-day I was tired and decided to sit in garden, so I took my suitcase of books and Uni work out joke, I swear the neighbours dont need any help in figuring out im crazy. Decided to crack on with the uni work as I figured I could treat myself like a child, "if you do your uni work like a good little witchy, you can read you witchy" So I nodded to myself with eager anticipation. Read 30 pages on identity theories which was most seriously it was, then I jumped up and down as I clasped my wicca book.
I must admit since I have decided to fully devote myself to the craft and also since I've been introduced to Cosmic Ordering, I feel so in charge of my life, I feel that I can make a difference in my life, I can do anything I like. I feel like I now have worked out how to use my inner power. I feel closer to the Goddess and God, to nature, to myself, to my friends, family, everything.
I also managed to harvest my sage and make a smudge stick ( I know, Im proud of myself too), and make my own Mint anointing oil...I feel that will be used soon. I have conducted a tarot reading to see whether I should do what I'm planning on doing, and it didnt say not to. So ill give it a try. Yes, a money spell. I'm not a flush Witch, just a lush one LOL.

Anyway, my books are coming tomorrow and hopefully my Practical Magic dvd...whats the betting I find my original copy once I have this one in my hands...hmmmmm..... excited about the books and oracle cards ..... kid in a candy store I tell you. No space for men/boys and their toys with me... lol. Speaking of men...Plumber Boy...time is ticking sunshine lol.

Off to bed now people..... toodles for now and thank you for still being here at the end of this post, you really are stars....

Witchy blessings to you all my witchlets,
Aurora & her kitty, Magick (all say awwwwwww) xxxxx

Creative Witch

Hello my little witchlets how are we today?
Good, good, now for me.....
settles down with a cup of chamomile..ok...cocoa

I intially started the day with a crank in my neck thanks to sleeping on a memory foam pillow... I don't know why but my body seems to find comfort in the uncomfortable..and be uncomfortable in the supposedly comfortable...W.I.E.R.D.

So, then I decided on attempting my university work, but seriously when all you can think about is; cosmic ordering, romance, wicca, books, and starting my own new age business of some sort... where does MARKETING become fun???? huh?? nowhere.

So I decided to get out the sketch pad, dust it off, and draw.... I know. Whoa.... but I did, and I completely loved it!! Now I know why so many people do it. I drew "Gothic Tink" who looks a little a cute way, and "Merlin"... I am shocked at the outcome. Needless to say that I shall be adding to the collection and attempting to draw more. "Gothic Tink" is going to get some colour in her tights!!


Gothic Tink now has colour in her tights and i'm in love with her... in an artistic way of course lol. What do you think of her now?

Happy Friday 13th !!!

Well, as the title says, happy Friday 13th my lovely witches!!

there celebration over, now lets talk about me...yes I know, im self centred, but as I read somewhere sure I read it today..... anyway, the most successful people are self centred..or did it say, the most successful people IN LOVE are self centred??? oooohh anyway, you get the drift....dont you? Please say you do.

Well, I love friday 13th...or I did until this computer died on me...I had to restore it..fancy taking a memory away from a computer and pretending it never happened...wouldn't that be handy in life my witchlets?
Ooooo good thing today...... no, he didnt call thanks for asking, but I ordered books from amazon...or should I say, Amazon have decided to send me more gifts..ahem. Well I've ordered (as you so politely asked) Wicca by Scott Cunningham, Wisdom from Hidden Realms oracle cards by Colette Baron-Reid, Magical Herbalism by Scott Cunningham (now I might have a chance of actually getting my newly bought herbs alive), and....... yes, Practical Magic DVD as whilst half my home has been boxed up and stuffed in all manners of places whilst my new country cottage kitchen has been installed...i've lost my copy ;-( so for £3 I couldn't resist it, plus I need to watch it for my homework for Practical Magic Blog Party

hmmmm what else??? erm....still not got anymore Uni work done...I will do it.... when I can be motivated to do so...and I shall salsa this weekend... well I plan to.

Oooooooo and my lovely friend and I, Pixie from Pixie's Musings, have an idea for a project..but my lips are sealed with a spell... so watch this space...or maybe watch her space.... who knows.... ive said to much already....

well thats it for now witchlets. until next time, keep riding your broom

Aurora MoonMaiden

Witchy Happiness

Merry Meet my fellow broomstick users,

I am in a damn good mood today and I can't snap out of it! I don't want to either! I know why I'm happy and that is truly owed to my lovely Nan, Anniemay and dear friend, Stephen who are in spirit but as proved to me last night, still very much around and willing to meddle in my life. I am grateful that they are meddling, because they sure are doing a better job than I have.

I encountered a dream visitation last night first from my friend Stephen whom I love dearly and basically it involved me and Plumber Boy going for a drink, and as I saw Plumber Boy, he mophed into Stephen, and then back into himself, this occured all the way through. We were walking along a path and I remember thinking, "Stephen's dead, I know he is, OMG I'm walking next to Stephen, he was M**d**ed, OMG is he ok?" and he basically told me to enjoy myself, have the life he couldn't and if I got scared to remember that he sent Plumber Boy to me. (I asked Stephen to find me a man I could love and trust and whom would look after me, I asked him to find me "the One". Plumber Boy is from yorkshire..... Stephen is from Yorkshire.... coincidence? Nah, I'm a witch, coincidences dont exist. It's Destiny). And Stephen also gave me a booklet to fill in to pass onto Plumber Boy.... basically telling him whether holding hands is allowed, kissing, laughing, etc.... yep, Stephen's idea of a joke.

Then I encountered my Nan, she wanted to talk about my love life with Plumber Boy and faerie wings. Yes, you did read that correctly. My Nan who has been in the afterlife for 18 years July 27 just gone, didnt want to tell me how much she loved me, or how she missed me, nope she wanted to talk to me a bout faerie wings. LOL. Basically Plumber Boy has her approval and I need to stop worrying.

See........ thats what has made me soooooo damn happy! :-D

Also my books came from Amazon.... as I said on Facebook, its so nice of those people at amazon to send me a lovely present that in no way shape or form dented my bank balance...... you don't believe me??? Try saying it next time you order from there..... it'll be our dirty little secret!! :-D
Now what did I buy??? Well ok, ill tell you. Living Wicca by Scott Cunningham.... Im officially in love with wicca now, Instant Cosmic Ordering, & The Cosmic Ordering Service by Barbel Mohr, on the recommendation of my lovely sister over at Pixie's Musings. pop over and say hi, tell her I sent you and i'm sure she'll brew you up a chamomile tea.

Now, the film, PRACTICAL MAGICK, don't you just love it? Now over at Practical Magick Blog Party they are doing a Practical magic themed blog party. and I'm doing it! so I cant stop thinking about it. Got some great ideas. Anyway, as I popped over to The Domestic Witch to read her blog, she had posted a lovely video from Practical Magick and it is "The Love Spell". How wierd??? Not really. Im a witch, I expect these things lol. So anyway, i'm going to share some of my favourite videos from the film with songs that mean something to me.

Now the video i've selected for you is dedicated to Plumber Boy and my lovely sister Pixie whom, I think of as my Gilly. Sally's first husband looks like Plumber Boy beard an all, and Gary the kiss at the end, well thats what he looks like without his beard.... and also at the end, just in cast you're wondering...the jumping off the roof.... well Pixie and I do that every year ;-)

New Moon, New Me

Merry Meet my lovelys,

I'm sending you lots of wonderful New Moon blessings for tomorrow )O(

I checked my horoscope today which initially showed me that the new moon energy is encircling my life and is what is encouraging all these wonderful changes in my life. I know that I'm at long last attracting what I truly desire and it's important that I remain positive. Damn it's so hard, but my doubts... thats my old programming, I just need to perservere with the re-programming of my thought patterns. It's like rehab for your life.
I really do owe this life changing (However painful at present it is) , wonderful life changing occurence to my lovely friend Pixie Allen at as she has given me the inspiration and encouragement I need to live the dream and she told me about the book that changed her life. She puts up with all my moaning, childish worries, and completely insane obsessions and still manages to smile and talk to me!! So a huge thank you to her **Claps and blows kisses**

So more about this new me, well I used to do psychic art and I gave that up as I thought I was no good, well I'm going to try taking it up again and see if any of my drawings can be recognised by my facebook friends. Im quite nervous about doing it as it's been a while and I'm really worried that i'm useless at it. But I suppose if I think positively things could be better. Also I'm going have my hair coloured and before I go back to work I'm going to have a lovely new do. At the moment my hair is black, but I'm going to try and put a brownish red in it so it brings colour to my face. Talking about my face, my skin and makeup has been a lot better since I began using a foundation Goddess they are a God send. Also i now have had to reduce my skin care routine to simply using water and moisturiser in particular, "Simple Replenishing". Which in turn makes me feel fantastic. Good all round I guess.

All I need now is better grades at Uni, A full driving license, a car, a bit more weight loss and the wonderfully handsome and super cute Mr Plumber Boy xxxxx

Cosmos, I am awaiting the delivery. I shall recieve him in the most glorious way imaginable. <3

Blessed Be,

Cosmic Progression

Merry Meet,

I promised you all an update, so here it is.

At the moment I am sitting in my garden thinking about my life, which is all I seem to do at the moment, and thinking about what i've learnt from the book im reading called "Cosmic Ordering for beginners". The main thing I've leanrt and am beginning to accept is that I need to love myself (not in a egotistical way) and truly believe that I am worthy of goodness in order to be in the mindset to recieve goodness and love. Slowly but surely I'm beginning to like myself, love parts of myself, seeing my sensitivity as a positive thing, and also take steps to show the positive sides of my curvaceous figure.
I do still have doubts enter my mind, doubts that question whether or not I shall recieve what I desire, did Mr Plumber turn up as an answer to my cosmic order?? 95% truly believes he is my cosmically ordered soulmate, but 5% of myself doubts that. I know these doubts need to go becuase when I have a positive thought about it, it lasts 30 mins or so... the negative, doubtful thought can last hours....I need to combat it. At times I begin to dismiss the negative by thinking thoughts such as; "Everything corresponds to your list you created.... just trust it", "I am the creator of my life.... I can make it happen", etc. Now I'm not saying that I can make Mr Plumber fall in love with me, I wouldn't even try. But what I am saying to the Universe is that, if he is my cosmically ordered soulmate.... I'm ready to accept him.
I do keep going over and over our encounters... and the only conclusion I can come to from our behaviour, conversations, and actions... is that not seeing each other for 9 weeks.... has as the saying goes "Distance makes the heart grow fonder". It;s proved to me really that he wasn't just flirting 9 weeks ago, as he came back, and he still persisted with the fact that he likes me, and was by far the most caring and sweetest I've known.... example: I was being slightly moody with him and he said quite sternly..."What have I done to upset you, I want to know what i've done," I said "Do you?" (actually wanting to know if he actually cared, to which he replied "Yes", I then asked him how long he had for me to tell him, then he said quite lovely, "As long as it takes." I melted... LOL pathetic huh? well its how he makes me feel. I thought, if you want to know what has upset me and you're willing to say you'll make as much time as is needed.... you'd really work at our relationship, you'd be there.

Well, thats the ramblings of my thoughts.... thanks for reading.


Merry Meet,

Well I'm feeling good about life (OK, slightly better). I'm still reading my book, and have ordered others from amazon so I can keep my good feelings flowing. I'm realising that I can choose to be happy or not happy. I kinda sumbitted an order to the cosmos the other day and included specific dates, and today well, an old "flame" kinda paid me a visit. Mr Plumber. (LOL) and I'm not sure if it was a coincidence or the cosmos but well to cut a long story short he says he's still interested in me and had my number off me. (The right number this time, ahem).
From my cosmic list he does match them, but anyway, time will tell, and then I shall tell you.

I'm also shocked at just how much weight I have lost, and it's actually spurring me on to keep going, so tonight and the weekend my Salsa DVDs are coming out and are going to turn my body into one a goddess would be jealous of...well here's hoping.

I'm ok today, just shocked by the return of Mr Plumber. Lets hope he's going to sweep me off my feet. I know inside that there is potential for us to be together, we're good together, we have great banter together but are both sweet underneath. I coudl imagine cuddling up to him after a hard day at work. ......

Cosmos..... it's in your hands.... just play nicely with my life please? Pretty Please :-)

Blessed Be

Lacking Energy in My Life


When I first created this blog I did it so I could truly reveal who I am, the ups the downs, everything. Today's blog post is going to be true to that.

At the moment I feel that my life is lacking the energy to go in the direction I'd like it to. I was just thinking about my life and I realised that in the past 10 years the one time I've been truly happy and excited about life, enjoying life as I felt it was going in the direction I wanted it to, was when I was in my first year at college in a long term relationship with a guy called Craig. It was overall a good relationship that ended due to circumstances that we'd tried to work out. We had a life together and it was hard to end it. It was as close to married life that I've come to. I'll always love him, and love the relationship we had.

Since then I dated a few guys, one in particular was a squaddie, Dave. Yep, see I only have to say his name and I hear a thousand voices groan "Oh him!". At the time I thought I loved him, that I could marry him and spend the rest of my life with him. Upon reflection though, I can see that we were never meant to be, and I wholeheartedly wish i'd never let him into my life. He has done something to me that I never thought any guy would do. He has stripped me of all my self worth, my self confidence in who I am, and has made me come to believe that if he didn't want me, no body else ever will.

Now for the present feelings part.
I feel lonely, like i'm missing the other half of me. I know he's there somewhere and I know it's all meant to happen at the right time, but if I have ever needed to know that someone will love me, support me, and be there for me no matter what, it's now. I have wonderful friends, and i'm starting to get my career sorted. I'm at university, something I've always dreamt of doing. But at the times when an assignment is due and then when I get it back and feel that I should have done better to get a better grade....I wish he could be there to tell me that I "did well, and he'll help me on my next one as he knows how important it is to me" and the times when I get up on a morning and look in the mirror and actually see myself as being "pretty" and my deepest wish is that he'd walk up behind me and say "You always look beautiful to me"....
I really do feel ready to be with someone again.... but I feel I have set my standards so high (to protect myself from heartache as no one like that exists, only in Mills and Boon novels) that I'm not allowing anyone to enter my life. I must admit though, I do love the idea of a tall, dark handsome Italian, dressed head to toe in a black designer suit, gorgeous hair, smile that dazzles, that looks like a God..... I know, who doesn't.... but the thing is, I actually saw this guy.... he walked right past me a couple of summers ago.... he was mid sentence, caught my eye stopped talking and couldn't take his eyes off me.... a brief encounter with my dream guy. That was the day I actually decided that I could be that woman who has that guy...(with moments of self doubt arising quite frequently) I also decided that I would never dress head to toe in black anymore, the depression dressing had to go.... I need colour, first reds, then whites, now any colour I feel like. I also now dress for my body shape, to embrace the curves and not hide them. they are a part of who I am.

I have read all the books like "The Secret" and "Ask and you shall recieve" ...... done the things they suggest, even applied feng shui to my bedroom. He's still not here. Neither has my finances improved :-)

The Witch in me says cast a spell for prosperity, and cast a spell to invite "The One" into your life. Allow these things to come to you. Back it up by exercising so you feel great, wear clothes that make you feel worthy, tell yourself you are worthy, read the book suggested by a friend that is so clearly working :-D

Yet.... I'm actually scared that it won't happen, not for me. I know thats a big no no if you want to manifest something in your life. I know that, I scream inside myself that I need to think positive to get positive things in my life..... I'm my own worst enemy.

The stupid thing is, although "The One" would love me as I am..... I actually fear him not liking certain things about me......

The only conclusion I can come to is to listen to The Witch Inside myself.

Thanks for listening

Aurora xx

Hedge Witchling

Merry Meet,

Well today has been an eventful day. I managed to get into my garden and actually mow the lawn.... the reason I haven't had time to do it is becuase we have been having major renevation work done to the house and well, when you live on a building site for 9 weeks all you want is a tidy house and sleep.

There is still a long way to go in the garden, but it's a start. I feel like it's actually summer now as I managed to get my water feature working again. We also saw a big dragonfly which are my Mums favourite but scare me when they get too close. Quite a short and sweet blog post today, but some people would say the less I say the better lol.

Lammas Blessings

Merry Meet,

Lammas Blessings to you all!!

I hope you're celebrations have all gone well and have been enjoyable. I'm going to share with you all my celebrations.

Well 20 years ago today I was moving into my home with my parents, so today is our 20th anniversary of living in our home. I have achieved quite a lot in those twenty years from starting school, finishing school, going to college and now I'm currently at University. I've also learnt how to drive (Albeit I need to sit my practical test and pass now), I've begun working as a teaching assistant and managed to start losing weight. Along those journey's there have been sad times such as the passings of my Grandmother, Aunts, Uncles, Animals and most recently My Cat Ginger in Dec 09 and my Father in 04. I've also experienced many heartbreaks and disagreements with friends. But it's been a journey, my journey, and I am forever grateful that I have such a wonderful Mother who stands by me, supports me, shares with me and grows with me, as well as the wonderful friends I've made, one friend in particular has become like a sister to me, in fact I think of her as my sister and that is my dear Pixie. xxx. I thank you Pixie for all the support and help, along with love and friendship you've given me and I shall be forever grateful, I love you xxx.

With the help of my friends and my family I have begun to embrace more and more who I am, my true self, over the recent months. Especially in the past week or so I have felt myself emerge from a shell and I feel more empowered. Part of this is due to my strengthened passion in Wicca. I like the term Pagan, yet feel unsure as to whether I can call myself that, so I am happy at the moment with Eclectic Witch. To tie in with this I have been decorating my besom (Witch's Broom) today with Lavender; for relaxation, peace, spirituality and prophetic dreams, and Ivy to symbolise my commitment to the craft. Here's a photo of it;

Guiding Goddess

Merry Meet,

I have had a wonderful morning and i'm feeling full of positivity. I feel that I have truly begun to find myself now, and also I'm embracing my true self.

I have been to the local garden centre and have found a plant that I am going to buy to place in the area of my garden altar (which I shall be making soon). It's Artemisia : Silver Queen. Sacred to the Goddess Artemis who happens to be a deity I work with. I took this plant as a sign from Artemis, that I am on the right pathway and to keep going, she'll guide me along my journey.

I came home and googled it to find that it is in fact MUGWORT, something else I've been after. So I feel truly guided today. next week I'm going to be popping back to the garden centre and getting a new set of herbs to develop my herb garden. Ill share the photos of it in progress and the completion of it. Im very excited at how i'm going to do it all.

Blessed Be,

Aurora MoonMaiden )O(

Life Makeover

Merry Meet,

I've been having some changes made to my home, namely a new kitchen & bathroom, which I must say is lovely, and I've also lost a bit of weight also. But this got me thinking, what other changes could I make to my life that woudl benefit me?

My main area is my religion. I have decided that whilst I'm lucky enough to have a 6 weeks holiday die to working as a teaching assistant, I should use my time wisely and get back intouch with the Lord and Lady. Yesterday I was chatting to a very dear friend of mine about my path and she suggested I really find out about my pathway. She's right. I've come to the conclusion that I am a Solitary Eclectic Wiccan Witch that generally practices Hedgewitchery/Green Witchcraft, but also has inclinations towards other pathways.

After just reading her blog today about how well her life has improved (And it certainly has) due to one book, she has inspired me to read it also. So I have it at the side of me now and once I have finished updating my blog I shall knuckle down and read it. The results..... ill blog as and when they happen.

I've brought my wiccan altar back to life, still requires tweaking but its so lovely to have it back. Its amazing how much better I've been sleeping at night with it back in my bedroom.

Until next time,
Blessed Be,

Dancing Shoes

Merry Meet all,

I want to talk about the Dancing Shoes in my life, by that I mean that life seems have me on a stuck record of "One Step Forward, Two Steps Back". I feel I have been making progress in my life and yet, I still manage to feel confined and suffocated. Close friends will be aware of my recent "failure".

On the upside though, I feel the Goddess with me more the past couple of days. I feel that I am ready to make preparations for my Soulmate/Twin Flame, perhaps not ready to have him with me 24/7 just yet, but certainly ready to window shop. I have wrote a letter to the God and Goddess with my request for a partner, lover, and friend. It is a long list, but basing my list on the Law of Attraction, I have been specific. So when I say Tall, Dark, Handsome, Muscular, around 6ft, Black hair, Dark Eyes, tanned and the generally looking like a guy from the front covers of a Mills and Boon romance novel..... thats what I expect.... I really do. LOL.

Im also about to have modernising work done to my home with the whole house being rewired, new central heating, kitchen, bathroom, adding a downstairs WC, etc. Im feeling the strain of it all, and just really want it all over and done with. I hate having my house all over the place and not having things ordered and in place. Literally living out of storage boxes and it's doing my head in.

I also haven't had time to go to any Salsa classes of late so my figure is not on track as it should be.

Maybe it's time I grab the Dancing Shoes from the universe and dance to a new tune.... and get fit with Salsa :-D

Thanks for reading.

Blessed Be )O(

Beltane Update

Merry Meet all,

Well it's been a few months since my last blog posting, reason being is that I decided to take a break from all things spiritual due to personal commitments and I really needed a bit of "time out".

I'm back now and I feel so much differently about myself and my pathway. I feel like i've grown so much in such a short time. This change has been evident within me since a week before Beltane. Timely really as Beltane celebrates the Maiden transforming into the Mother and the joining of the God and Goddess. I feel more drawn to Wicca again, and less towards angels. I can't describe it, only that Wicca works for me. I'm also well into my first year of University studying Psychology & Social Sciences, (with a hint of Business Studies for my Social Sciences component). I'm also working part time (3 days a week) as a teaching assistant at a primary school. I love it!

I'm much happier and embracing my singledom and having fun. I feel young again lol. (Yes I know Im in my early 20s). I'm loosing weight and enjoying the rediscovering of my figure.

I feel that I want to work more with Crystals and tarot again. I'd love to try working with something new and fancy trying to learn more about herbs. I know I keep saying it, but I really need to sort out my herb garden, and gain some knowledge. I might even try learning about candle magick so I can do it more effectively.

Hopefully there will be a new blog entry soon.

Blessed Be xx

Onwards and Upwards.....Broomstick Style!

Of late there has been a lot of cleansing energy around me. Painfully and emotionally draining, but cleansing all the same.
Now it's onwards and upwards....broomstick style.

I'm beginning to get back to my old self again, getting out my broomstick, dusting my hat off, and placed the wand on show! Figuratively speaking of course.

Throughout this year I will be taking a more active role within my solitary hedgewitchery, researching other branches of wicca. Im going to learn all I can, if it's no use to me, then hey, I've got the knowledge if someone ever needs advice.

I feel full of excitement today, I really do! I can't wait to get back in the garden, planting, tending to my herbs, and embracing nature and ME!

I'm reading The Real Witches Handbook....again! Should really read Hedgewitch by Rae Beth..... Think I will.

I've decided that Im going to do the odd couple of articles...but really focus on what I do best and enjoy best.....HELPING OTHERS through my psychic readings. But I do want to try and bring the Fae, Unicorns, Mermaids and benefits of paganism into people's lives. I'm also going to continue with the Indian Head Massage, and Im going to try and learn Crystal Healing. I'm also going to use my Celtic Reiki more. SO at some point I will re-read my Manuals and go for my Celtic Reiki Masters!

This really feels like the REAL me now! I feel that as much as I love angels. Faeries are for Me.

Faerie Blessings to you all



Hello all,

well I originally came on here to moan again, but by the time I'd signed on, well I've forgotten what I was going to moan about.... lol. Perhaps my moaning is why I only have 2 followers on here???

Anyway, what I will say is this " I AM INCOMPARABLE" those in the know....will know what it means and why I'm saying it to myself.

Mantras and affirmations.... the future!

Aurora xx

Witch Direction?

Merry Meet,

Well it's no secret that my writing work is struggling at the moment, so of course im thinking of new avenues to go down. One particular one, was suggested to me a while back by my friend Pixie. To write for pagan magazines! I am going to try and do it. I know I won't get paid but it's writing experience. I already have some ideas for articles and am going to aim for publication for Imbolc issue of White Dragon. It seems fitting really as I was born in the Chinese Year of the Dragon. Perhaps I could write about dragon magick? Wow where do these ideas come from? lol.

Seriously though I am going to try and embrace my pagan side more this year. I am an online member of Children of Artemis but I really do not feel wanted on there. I wonder why? I don't think i've ever done anything to upset anyone on there, but for some reason they ignore me and my posts.

Can't wait for the warm weather so I can get started on my herb garden.

More updates soon xxxx