Blessings of 2011

Merry Meet,

This will be my final blog post of 2011 and in a timely fashion I would like to share with you all my gratitude for everything I've learnt and achieved in this past year.

I began 2011 poorly with Swine Flu and was completely off my food. I had to endure quite a lengthy recovery which didn't fully leave me until the end f February. :( During this time I really learnt the power of positive thoughts and affirmations. My mantra became "I am in perfect and divine health. I have a strong and healthy body and immune system."

March onwards I decided it was time to LIVE my life to the full. I embarked upon a health and fitness regime which has seen me lose around 3 stone in weight this year. A huge acheivement for me, and one that I want to continue in 2012.

I gave my all to everything I've done this year, and as my work at a primary school has developed, I acheived something rather big in my eyes. I found the confidence to stand up infront of a class of 33 children and teach them every week for Religious Education. Something I will be continuing into 2012 also.

My spiritual career as a writer and as a psychic has seen me achieve so much that I am proud of. It was during 2011 that my very first magazine columns were printed and delivered around the world in FAE Magazine, as I became their exclusive Faerie Whisperer. I also was lucky to be given a column in online magazine; Magickal Media where I write about my witch pathway. I have also featured in Lightworkers Magazine in their *Once upon a time...* feature where my Faerie Pathway was the highlight. Chat It's fate magazine published and printed a Crystal Quiz I wrote in their annual, a topic and style of article I'd never written before.

Lately my spiritual path has taken a dramatic turn as I focus more on my pagan pathway, working with the Goddess more closely (whom has guided me to work with Mermaid Energy in my teachings...more about that next year), and even the interest of Kabbalah has guided me to a pathway of self control and the knowledge that I can work on the areas of my life that I have neglected. For me it's all about taking full control of my destiny.

I simply cannot wait to begin working on my destiny, and would normally begin around the 3rd or 4th of Jan... not this year (2012), I am starting on the 1st because I simply have so much to do and cannot wait to see the results of it all.

So to end 2011, I want to say THANK YOU to you ALL

I will see you in 2012!!!

Lots of Love & Goddess Blessings
Aurora, The Witch Inside & The Faerie Whisperer

*Spiritual Growth*

merry meet,

Well I haven't blogged for a couple of days...*Hurrah!* I hear you exclaim haha.

But I'm back with another post!

I have been on a spiritual journey in my dreams to Budapest with my lovely handsome other half (It really does have to be said...he is a handsome guy) and whilst we were there last night (*oh yes! This witch travels the world in her dreams at a jet setting celeb! Ha!*) we witnessed a marriage near a wonderful and beautiful river ... although the bride fell in as she was throwing her bouquet over her shoulder! LOL... don't worry she was ok, she laughed as did her bridesmaid!. Near that river as we drove over the bridge was the most beautiful Statue in the middle of the river of the Goddess Athena. (Think statue of Liberty!)

I know that this was a message to me from the Goddess to let me know that she hasn't deserted me in my time away from her, I might have been away from her but she was always with me and to prove it she has changed the guise in which she draws near to me. I feel good and strong with Athena near me. It's nice. I don't feel I can be too's not a cocky strength, just a comfortable strength, literally when you know that your Mother is there.

Anyway, I've been given a lot of guidance from the Goddess and also the Angels with what I need to do next year in my spiritual work and I have to say it's pretty exciting. i'm already getting little bits sorted so that it flows nicely next year.

I'm in a really good place right now. I really am happy with who I am and what I am planning on doing next year. I'm so glad I decided to reconnect to *The Witch Inside*, I Love the new energy I have within and around me. I have no time for the negative effects or influences of my past.... I am not even going to mention or give any energy to the *rubbish* I spoke of before.

I have new energy around me and It's like a lottery win.. well ok, what I'd assume a lottery win feels like... Im so alive and comfortable Look....

Don't I look fabulously witchy?

Im also putting together the final few pages for my First ever Kindle E-Book... yes that's right, this witch is going to be a published Author!!!!
I actually feel that this will be the first of many E-Books I publish for the Kindle. I have lots to get out there.

In the meantime, you can come and visit me at my Facebook Page by clicking Come on, come over say hi, we'll have a brew of chamomile and dandelion leaves...

Witchy TV

Merry Meet,

Me again!

I've finished recording and uploading the last psychic readings of 2011 :( But then it means that next week I would have finished recording and uploading the first psychic readings of 2012 :D
You can view them on my You Tube Channel Faerie Whisperer TV You can view the Goddess Reading , Angel Reading , Spiritual Guidance Reading and Faerie Reading for the current week.

There is also a special THANK YOU video that I recorded for you all!

Now in those videos I spoke alot about moving forward and planning for next year, I also spoke of the wonderful Personal Journal my good Witchy Friend WitchLyn has created. Along the left hand side of my blog you will see the Button for WitchLyn's blog - The Witch Blog!

Now, my blog posts are going to get even witchier... yes I know, It's about time!!! My good friend and sister Pixie Allen and I were talking *GODDESS* talk earlier, mainly because I recorded the Goddess Reading aqnd we both said how we think that that is my pathway.... so Next year I am going to try and attempt to empower you all to find *THE WITCH INSIDE*... that INNER GODDESS! So keep checking back for more information! (Remember this is all copyrighted! - I won't go there again but... remember!!!)

Now, what else was I going to say..... Hmmmmmm (rimmages through her witchy brain box) ahhh yes. PLEASE COME AND JOIN ME ON FACEBOOK AT MY WITCH INSIDE PAGE Click *Like* on *The Witch Inside* I'd love to see you there!!!

And while you're viewing my YouTube videos, why not subscribe to my Channel... go on... you know you want to! Be warned though, since yesterday when I recieved my new Iolite pendant.... Boy have I felt my inner power...I think it comes across on my videos this time! But it feels good.

No doubt i'll be blogging again soon! So toodles for now!

Blessed Be xxxx

Season's Greetings 2011

Merry Meet!

Season's Greetings everyone no matter what you celebrate today (if anything).

Well, I have been a very lucky and blessed witchy today. The gifts I have recieved have brightened my soul so much and to see the looks on my loved ones faces when they opened their gifts! Priceless!

we have browsed the photos we took this morning whilst unwrapping and well I have provided some great entertainment this year! I think im going to turn the photos into a personal book with sarcastic commentary! I really am not photogenic...when I was suprised or happy I ended up looking bored and confused haha.

Here are a couple of snaps of the beautiful gifts I recieved today

GANESH ~ How truly beautiful! He hasn't left my side all day. Seriously I simply don't want to be parted. I love Hinduism! So much of the belief system resonates with my heart and I feel very drawn to their Goddesses and Gods within my spirituality. Every year I look forward to celebrating Diwali too, so this Ganesh was very timely and special for me, especially as he is the Remover of Obstacles!

My beautiful Triquetta and Iolite pendant. Yes I was a fan of CHARMED but this is so much more to me, the Iolite it beautiful. Instantly felt peaceful and serene. Embracing my Goddess Energy.

Along with those gifts I had some more jewellery...a piece unexpected by the man in my life (thank you my love! Ti Amo Mr Biancheii xx ), and another pendant which I am waiting to cleanse and empower with the helpful presence of Isis! I also had handbags, nail polish, make up sets and a pack of tarot cards with a promise that there are more cards on delivery route! and lovely smelly gift sets. My favourite is a body lotion of Sandalwood and Patchouli! How Witchy indeed!

However lovely today has been I have had a somewhat slightly heavy heart that has been also excited and really empowered. The reason? I simply cannot wait to get started on organising my life! I need to sort out so many things and really work on my life and making it what I want it to. I really had to stop myself today from writing a story for my University assignment! I know! But I really feel that 2012 is going to be my year. (I will explain in another blog post). I know I have to sort everything out and make sure everything matches my desires and beliefs in 2012. A time of happiness and balance.

So how have you celebrated today?

Blessed Be

Re-Opening the Broom Closet!

Merry Meet,

I'm going to be honest with you all. I haven't been myself lately. I've had days where I've been *me* but on the whole, 9 out of 10 days I've been someone I'm not. Let me explain.

When I created this blog I was at an all time high on my Witchy Pathway, but then slowly my energy depleted and my posts began to show that. Yeah you know the wingey, whiney, moany ones! yep they're the ones. Well, it wasn't really fair of me to post them, but my blog was my little room in my witchy house where I could moan until my heart was content. I did try to moan until my heart was content, but that was the problem...moaning doesn't please me! Yes, guys! Im afraid MOANING does NOT PLEASE me :D haha

So I have been under going a form of therapy... it's called Loved Ones! Well My Man, My Friend and My sister have been working with me tirelessly over the past couple of weeks to help me finally look in the mirror and see the Mess I got myself into. (NO I have not turned into an alcoholic, depressed dirty housewife - for one thing, Im not married...YET!)

Well, Yesterday while my Man was busy and my Sister was out shopping, I stood up and looked in the mirror Not an actual mirror...c'mon you know me by now! I'd break it! I don't need another 7 years of bad luck :D And I took my time to process all the things my loved ones had said to me. They were concerned that I'd literally turned my back on my Witchy Roots...(yes My Man is from a Catholic family... he's Italian..but he was concerned I'd not practiced Magick for a while)and that I'd let my work with Faeries rule my life. Not to mention the fact that I wasn't my normal chirpy (CRAZY!) self. Counselling was mentioned... but I have decided not to go down that road... not unless I really need to.

Anyway, Something sparked an interest in me. So I looked back at some of my old hang outs online *Children of Artemis* being one of them, and even though some of the posts were either old, basic or too advanced for me, I felt such an immense feeling of calm and *homely-ness*. So it got me thinking, what about books I used to read... when I was a teenager... and I thought about when I began working with Tarot professionally..."I haven't used the tarot enjoyably for ages!!!". I can't even tell you the last time I enjoyably worked with had all become a chore and a 9-5.. ok a 24/7 job that was weighing me down :( As a Libran, balance is important to me, and is one thing that I'm here in this incarnation to acheive - balance in my life.

So I made a decision. I will continue with my work with the Faeries, they are a huge part of my life, but they do need to stop being so much in the forefront of my life as I have no room for working with the Angels, Goddesses, Tarot or anything else. OK this sounds a little bit hard to take in doesn't it?
Let me see if I can explain a little better.

I want to embrace facets of myself that have been pushed to oneside and hidden in my Broom Closet for the past year. I want to work more actively with crystals, spells, Moon Magick, Herbs, The God & Goddess, Angels, Tarot. They are all a side to me that has been neglected this year which has caused me to be unbalanced and unhappy. I really enjoy my work as *The Faerie Whisperer*, I get to connect to so many wonderful people and of course my column in FAE Magazine is a blessing and well, I'm very grateful for that aspect of me. But what about *The Witch Inside*?

So my target for 2012? To become a more balanced witch and person.

To give me a helping hand I have created an additional Facebook Page called..... *The Witch Inside* where I will post Goddess Magick, Candle/Colour/Crystal Magick, Moon Power, Herbal Hints, and so much more.

Why create an additional page?

Good question! Well, I wanted something separate to my faerie whisperer page where I could share with like minded people my Witchy Ways. Now I will still post SOME elements for my Faerie Whisperer page, but I'd love it if you would *like* my New page too... Pwetty Pwease! <3 xxxx

So onto other areas in my life...

How's the Kabbalah?

Really good actually. I'm wearing my Red String, in fact I had it tied to me by my Mum last night and then I had crazy dreams... my spirit guide visited me and to cut a long story short...he's looking after me.

I have recieved 2 more Kabbalah books I ordered from Ebay, I didn't purchase them brand new as I figured if this turns out to be something Im not interested in, I'd like to have not spent tons of money on books. So I got them all for under £10!! One is about the Red String, and basically helps you notice what could be attracting negativity into your life and the called *God Wears Lipstick*. Ladies.... Buy a copy! Seriously. It doesn't matter what religion you are, you can benefit from this book! it helps you work on manifesting your life as you want it but without engaging your EGO into the manifestation process, it also works with your romantic life and relationships. I LOVE IT!!!

Also One thing to note! I have a stalker! Yes, they may even be reading this right now! Freak!

You see, Since I became *The Faerie Whisperer* I have been CONTINUOUSLY copied by this person and to be frank I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF IT! They need to grow up and stop being so damn SPITEFUL! Yes that is what you are! Spiteful because someone else is succeeding where you want to! It is NOT FAIR, it is not GOOD, and it certainly is not adhering to the AN HARM NONE!!!! Rule!
You have literally ruined for me what should be a wonderful pathway! You consistently copy, use my work to inspire *your so called original* work... darling, there is nothing ORIGINAL about you!

I have readers of my work EMAIL and MESSAGE me about you and your copying of my work, but just because you word it slightly different to how I have done so, or you literally take my idea....SNOW QUEEN, JACK FROST, CUTTING TIE WITH FRIENDS, READING NEW BOOKS, FAERIE MESSAGES, FAERIE you want me to go on... because I can.... I have a whole year's worth of your copying off me here! ... Leave Me Alone! Stop Stalking! Stop CYBER BULLYING me! and STOP using my personal experiences to massage your ego so you come off sounding good using my insights!!!

Seriously DARLING!!! You have picked the wrong Witch to P**s off! So do everyone a favour and just QUIT IT! Its not good!

No doubt you'll crawl back to your page and blabber on about "being original... and not copying others... and that your the victim... and your being copied..."BLAH BLAH BLAH!!! Seriously! Grow up, Admit you're in the wrong and STOP IT!!!! ©

Happy Christmas!

Oh and another thing STALKER!!!! ALL MY WORK IS COPYRIGHTED!!! © <<< See COPYRIGHT!!!! And TIMED!!!!! So everyone can see who wrote it first!!!!!

Au Revouir!

Inspiration of 2011

Merry Meet,

As we approach the end of 2011 I have been thinking today about what has inspired me this year.

Well, I have been inspired by an OFSTED school visit to be the best teacher those children could wish for. They don't ask for much (Yeah ok they do!) but the one thing we can do while they spend 6 hours a day with us 5 days a week...(jeez thats a long time to have 32 children - yes 32, I did have 33 but one left!) is make them not only learn and grow as the future of our world, but also let them have some fun and feel safe with us. So When I teach them Religious Education... (Was going to add a joke here but couldn't think of one quick enough. Ha!) I try to make it as fun, exciting, and enjoyable as I can. I have a right fun topic for them next half term - TEMPTATION!!! Oooo the fun I can have with them there!

My illness last year and into the beginning of this year has inspired me to look after my health, so I've been slowly but surely losing wieght. Almost 3 stone this year. I say almost because those last 4-6lbs (I Fluctuate) are just not wanting to leave me... I have told them that I won't be sad to see them go... its important they move onto somewhere else...I really won't cry! But they are not listening...que FogHorn!!!

Here I am... After & Before.

Erm, what else has inspired me? Well, You see, lots of you have inspired me! Yes YOU... No don't look behind you, you wally, YOU **Points FInger right at you**

For many reasons you inspire me. For your sheer gusto in your writing of blogs, for your sarcasm that makes me smile, for the sexiness in your words that can only come from one true Sexy Witch I know... Magaly from Pagan Culture My darling Witch, you speak words of pure magickal sexiness that I only wish I had the confidence to do so! Not to mention your fiction! As an aspring fiction writer, I should visit you more often in Bloggerland to boost my enthusiasm! You rock sweety!

How could I forget the sweet darling aunts from *Practical Magic Blog Party* inspire sooooo sooooo many of us witches each and every year to not be dull and to darn well enjoy a Midnight Margarita or two!

So all these wonderful insights got me thinking.... Where are the Blog Awards for 2011?? I know I haven't been online much to blog but surely we have some floating around on unused brooms??

Well, i've taken it upon me, as it's the season of giving and I feel I have a lot to be thankful for...(thats a whole other blog post) I have created us a Blog Award for 2011!!!!!! **OK Don't all cheer at once, you're hurting my ears**

So what do you have to do for this....????

Well my witchlets, You have to create a blog post similar to this one...agreed you don't have to rabble on like I do, but list 3 inspirations of yours for this year from Bloggerland, Link them in, and then award them the Universal heart of Love & Inspiration award for their blog! Simples!

But before you go, I know you can all count..... I have only worded 2 inspirations!!! I said 3!!!!!

So my final Inspiration of 2011 has to go too.......... *Drum Roll*.......

Pixie Allen of Pixie's Musings

Yes, my dear. we've had a turbulent year...a case of my bad driving skills! But you haven't given up once this year with your pursuits. You've took the bull by the horn and shown the world what you're made of. So this one is for you! Well done! <3

My Journey in Kabbalah & Life

Well I had better tell you what's been happening in my life in the past month. Writing it down might help me process it.

I've been on a rollercoaster journey in my relationship with my man. It was a nightmare. Not his fault, all mine. I accept full responsibility for everything that happened. Im not going to go into depth about it, it's far too personal. Needless to say, the past week or so has called me to really look at my life.

As you will be aware I have hardly blogged this year, in all honesty I haven't had the time to blog which breaks my heart. I have had less time to practice Wicca and something I am quite fond of is Moon Magick and Candle Magick. They too have been neglected. Actually the only part of my life that hasn't been neglected has been my work at the school, which has of course caused *imbalanced* areas in my life. :( This makes me sad!

Well, over the weekend My man & I went shopping for Yule/Christmas and I came across some books in a bookstore. He knows me well enough to not let me pass one by without browsing. He purchased a book on crystals for me that I haven't got which now lives at the side of the bed at his place, for when Im there. The other book that caught my eye was called "Total Kabbalah" by Maggy Whitehouse.

Now Kabbalah is a topic that I've heard about, witnessed in the media with the likes of The Beckhams and Madonna, but I've never actually read about it other than a quick read of a website page where I was introduced to the *Power of Money*. It encouraged us to actively question "Who or what gives *money* power over us?" After all it is merely paper and metal.... what if I gave you a blank piece of paper or even drew on it that it was a million pound/dollar note... would you believe me? Why or Why not? Its still paper.... !!! I loved this terminolgy and viewpoint.

Anyway, I spent a few sessions reading this kabbalah book and what ive read so far (which is minimal!) has really struck a chord with me. It's offering me a way to address, focus and find the areas in my life that are stuck and *fix* them. Now I know I don't need the permission from *kabbalah* or any other belief/life system to sort out my life, but at the minute with how *low* I am feeling, Kabbalah is giving me the strength to move forward. I have a new awareness and fresh perspective on life. I've ordered me some additional books on Kabbalah too, so Im looking forward to those arriving, and having a read. Im particularly looking forward to *God Wears Lipstick*.

Don't get me wrong, I haven't read a few paragraphs and suddenly life is perfect, far from it! I Have lots of issues that still need to be worked on, ones you'd probably not expect me to have, but Kabbalah has given me *HOPE*. So much so I have already sent off for my *Red String*. I don't necessarily belief a piece of red string is going to protect me from harm or the evil eye, but what I do believe is that it will help me focus on my life and creating a better life for me, and my future.

I know that as I walk into 2012, the Chinese year of the Dragon, the year I was born in, I know things will change, like never before. They have to because I will be in the driving seat. And Im not interested in driving down the highway at 80MPH, but Im happy to take the country roads at 20-30MPH for a change. I am NO longer the person I was when I first started this blog, for better or for worse, but I am who I am! People grow, people change. Its only natural. People come into your life for a reason, but sometimes they don't stay. They might out of a feeling of pity or because they feel they have to. But they/you/I shouldn't feel like that, there really is no need. So I am cutting strings. I have to. I can't grow otherwise. I thank those connections for what they have shown me, taught me, given me, shared with me, I bless and release us both!

My pathway with Wicca has changed. I'm not ready to let it go completely, but I will have to try again with it. I will have to take a day at a time and try to organise my life. I also need to allow myself to attract new friends into my life. I really do have hardly any. I have spent so much of my life holding back from trusting people that many have become people I speak to. I can't say that there is one person right now who truly knows me as a friend. Life happened and we drift apart, but the only reason we have drifted is because neither of us (multiple friendships im talking about here!) have taken the time and care to stay in each others lives. Not really. It's a case of being civil and polite, but the magick is no longer there, no freiendship chemistry... this happens in life, it's happened to me before, it'll happen again. it's a sign that we're growing as spiritual beings.

So maybe my next blog will inform you of more Kabbalah updates, and perhaps some Wiccan ones too.

Love & Blessings
Aurora x