Book Review ~ Mary Queen of Angels Oracle Cards

Mary Queen of Angels Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue
published by Hay House 

I am super lucky to have been sent the brand new oracle deck by Doreen Virtue; Mary, Queen of Angels. These are not yet available in the UK (Published November 27th here in the UK) So my deck was kindly sent from Hay House UK just after they were sent from the USA offices so that I could review them for you all here. 

I have been working with Doreen's oracle cards for a good 11 years now (I began using them for myself when I was 13, and then used them to give readings to others from when I was 15), and each time I work with a new deck of Doreen's I am always amazed at just how beautiful the artwork is, and also the message contained on each card. However after reading Doreen's book; Mary Queen of Angels (the review of which can be found here), I was so eager to work with the wonderful energy of Mother Mary in the new oracle cards. 

When I opened these cards I felt the energy of compassion and love as I looked at each individual card in the deck. There are cards depicting a message and the pictorial energy of God, Compassion, Gratitude, Jesus and Blessings to name only 5 out the 44 cards included in this deck. 

I find them to of course be highly accurate in their messages in that the readings I've done for myself, my loved ones and friends have been very timely and compassionate advice just like you would expect from any mother. 

I really do love these cards and keep them by my bedside so the last thing at night I call upon Mother Mary as I shuffle the deck and ask her what I need to think about as I go to sleep, and when I wake up I ask Mother Mary what it is that I need to be aware of throughout my day. I have found that I have slept better as I fall asleep meditating upon Mary's Message, and I feel calmer during the day as I feel the energy of the message I receive at the start of the day. 

I will be doing a video review of these oracle cards that I will be uploading onto my YouTube TV channel ~ Faerie Whisperer TV and I hope you will enjoy seeing the energy of these cards shine through. 

If you would like a set of these Oracle Cards, you can Pre-Order them here directly from Hay House UK 


If you would like to Read my other reviews of Doreen's Work, some samples are included below with links to order them from Hay House. 


  1. This is fantastic! Can't wait for the video!

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