New Moon? Same Old Story - Re Written!

Merry Meet everyone,

It was my birthday on Saturday which also happened to be the New Moon, I had a lovely day, spent the weekend with my Handsome Paramedic who spoilt me rotten. He cooked me a gorgeous meal, bought me Nexus 4 Mobile phone however the speakers didn't work so it's been sent back for them to send me one that actually works! I was spoilt by my Mum who bought me lovely gifts such as fitness equipment (I am working out more these days, and being kept on track by my health & fitness coach), books, DVD Box Sets such as Ghost Whisperer, new hair straighteners, clothes etc. I am one lucky girly!

But the New Moon really brought up some energies that I have personally been feeling for a while, especially in relation to my spiritual pathway. Many of you have been here with me on this blog since it's birth when it was "The Witch Inside", then it changed to Living a Life of Blessings, then to The Faerie Whisperer, then more recently to Finding the Goddess Within and now it has come full circle and returned to "Witch Inside". This blog has ALWAYS been a reflection of me and my spiritual pathway.

I feel that I began to lose my way a little when I felt the urge to change it the first time, and I have to say that I am particularly pleased that it has returned to all it's glorious witchiness! There is a saying that "Once a Witch, Always a Witch!", now I truly believe that with all my soul. I can try and ignore it and maybe for a year or so it will die down and bury itself deep within me, but sooner or later it will resurface and it will ultimately win!

Now what does this mean for me? Well personally it means a whole load of exciting things for me, it means that I get to post about my witchy ponderings once again that many of you first began to follow this blog for, it means that I get to really share my soul with you all once more without fear of upsetting my readers, it means that I get to incorporate my coaching that I've studied, trained, and am qualified in with all my new age, metaphysical, spiritual and witchy ways. I wonder sometimes how they will blend together, but that is the beauty of life. They all blend into making my life MINE naturally, and I am sure that the Goddess, my angels and my loved ones on the other side will undoubtedly help me blend them here on the wonderful world wide web.

I spoke to some fellow light-workers on facebook today about these changes and a lot of people have felt the energy and even thanked me for posting about my personal feelings towards this. it seems that the New Moon certainly brought about a new beginning by bringing back some old ways of our own personal pathways.

I would love to hear about how the New Moon on the 5th October 2013 affected you, please share in the comments as I am deeply intrigued to hear your story and I'd also love it if you came and "friended" me on Facebook - I really am a Friendly Witch!

All written content on this blog is the work of © Dawn Brierley, Life Coach, Consultant, Intuitive Angel Therapist, Tarot Lover & Mentor

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