Knowing What Your Destiny Is

Hi everyone,

I hope that you are all well and having a wonderful weekend, I want to share with you all what's been happening spiritually in my life of late. But first I must take you back at least 8 years to when my Mediumship and spiritual abilities really took off.

In August 2004 my father was admitted to hospital, in fact it was 8 years a few days ago that this happened. I distinctly recall seeing him get into a taxi cab with my Mother for what was supposed to be a routine hospital appointment. I was staying home as at the time Dad and I weren't getting along (perhaps down to the stress of his illness - which we later found out to be terminal cancer and the fact that I was a 15 year old, independent thinking young women), and I was alone in the house except for my cat, Pepsie. I remember knowing that I would never see him again. The thought came into my head and a peace descended upon me. It was as matter of fact as seeing him getting into the cab that I knew I would never again see my Father in his physical body.

Mum called from the hospital later that day to say that the Consultant wanted to keep Dad in for further tests as he'd lost more weight. My father was a 6 ft 2, broad and very muscular 14 stone man in his good health, this illness which neither Mum or I were aware of at the time had taken it's toll and reduced him to 9 and a half stone.

Dad stayed in hospital a long time, and Mum became his full time carer staying with him all day from as early as 7am until as late as 10 or 11pm. She phoned and text me all day and made sure we stayed in contact. I stayed home with friends of Mums who took care of me. I wasn't at school at that time as I'd been removed from the school by my parents for various reasons involving the schools negligence, and I was being home educated.

Mum and I had been visiting the Spiritualist Church near our home for a couple of years after being re-drawn back to our destiny. Mum and I were no strangers to the spirit world, My great Grandmother held many "meetings" in her lounge for friends and neighbours who wanted to communicate with their loved ones. Sometimes she did this through trance mediumship where the spirit gains a level of control over the speech and mannerisms of the medium. My Nan had done mediumship too, and was a fan of using the Playing cards for divination and helping create a communication channel to the spirit world. Nan had taught me how to read these cards before she passed away when I was 3 years old.

At the spiritualist church I'd finally gotten to see just what my Nan and great Nan had done for others and I became excited and euphoric over the way that many people left the church happier, and more in control in their life by simply knowing that their loved ones were still with them and had proved it with the information that the medium had communicated. Other mediums were always telling me in readings they gave me that I "would be up there doing this work" and that I could "see and hear spirit". It was true. I'd seen them all my life, assuming that everyone could see them. I spent every moment I could learning from books, websites, mediums, and development groups how I could become the best channel for spirit.

So as well as studying for my GCSE's, I was developing my mediumship and learning how to control my gift. There were some pretty tough moments in my development ( I will have to write a book about my journey with mediumship and spirituality to fit them all in), but overall I loved the feeling of helping people find peace and comfort.

I became inundated with requests for sittings with people from all over the world via internet chat rooms. I spent so many hours in the days of "Good old AOL chat" with people from America, Canada, Australia and the UK, constantly pushing myself to connect all these people to their loved ones. I used tarot cards and angel cards to connect to spirit. Shuffling cards and repeatedly asking the angels and spirit to "Please bring through an accurate message for......(name of person or rather username)" helped me switch my mind from lower earthly thoughts and attune my mind to the higher energies of spirit and the angels. Sometimes I'd be there with a virtual queue on the chat room as I read for roughly an hour for each person. I'd look at the cards begin interpretating one and then a whole group of spirits would walk forward and the mediumship would take over.

I continued like this for months and built up quite a reputation on AOL psychic chat. I branched out into spiritual forums where the lovely people who ran the forums helped me and supported me as I read for many people. People would request a reading from me, free as I welcomed the opportunity to practice, and in return they would get pages and pages of information. This left me very tired and very drained. I surrounded myself in protection, called on my angels, spirit guides, and worked with crystal energies to re-fuel myself.

Then DISASTER struck. Everything seemed to crumble like the picture of The Tower tarot card. My father died shortly after my 16th birthday and Mum & Dad's wedding anniversary, I was deemed emotionally un-fit to sit my GCSE's and referred for counselling, and a magazine called me a fraud and told readers that "I had claimed to be a working medium when that is not the case and that readers shouldn't worry about the content of my article - it was safe". (Magazine is no longer in publication.)

I was distraught and being in an already emotionally vulnerable state clammed up and decided NEVER to work as a medium again. I shut it all out and worked towards my dream as an Accountant.

Thing was, as much as I tried to shut spirit out, I couldn't. They were always there, they were always drawing me back into doing the work I was destined to do. I wasn't ready to begin my mediumship work, because I was fearing that I was making it up just as I'd been told by 1 person, even though I'd already helped hundreds of people who had ALL told me how highly accurate I was. That one negative comment really knocked me.
I slowly allowed spirit back in through Psychic Art. At least the picture was there and how could I know what your loved ones looked like... i'd never seen you before in my life!

I spent more time working with angel cards and faerie cards. I felt closer to the faeries, as I'd spoken with Queen Mab about the situation involving my confidence being knocked. She assured me that it "would be dealt with swiftly" and it was. My faith in faeries has never wavered since. They have been by my side, helping me as I help them. So began the story of the Faerie Whisperer. (previous to this I was known as The Angelic Faerie Whisperer).

So, I felt more comfortable working with faeries, and angels through oracle cards - even though I still passed on messages as and when they came through from loved ones. I began writing more and getting published,  But I still wasn't living my truth. My truth had always been "TO BE A MEDIUM- to pass on messages from the other side to loved ones here", not to be a psychic with a deck of oracle cards to hide behind.

So, what did I do? That's right, I let fear get the better of me and continued hiding behind my writing and being a Psychic with a deck of oracle cards.There is nothing wrong with being psychic and using oracle cards. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely support that work, and I do it myself, both before, and during my mediumship days. But it's not who I am inside!

The past couple  of weeks I've felt compelled to try on my Mediumship coat once more and begin with the basics once more to re-build my confidence in myself and my abilities. Today, I was sitting in our bedroom, embracing the energies and called upon the angels. I asked if I was supposed to work on developing my mediumship again. Immediately I felt my guardian angel - Joshua - envelop me in his cloaked wings. I saw him clearly in my minds eye and heard him say to me "peace be with you -you are safe".

So I know that it is my destiny and duty to re-develop my mediumship abilities in whatever way spirit sees fit for me and I have a duty to the people in this world who could benefit from my connecting with their loved ones. How do I think i'll do this? The only way I know how - the method I used 8 years ago.

I feel ready now. I don't want to rush my development, I want to polish and perfect it until i'm happy and comfortable with how I work. I feel able to hear, see and feel the guidance from my angels and spirit guides now.

It's all come at a divinely timed moment - of course! I am working on my professional development and in February next year, as some of you may have read previously in some of my blog posts, I will be continuing my study at University under the topics of Counselling and Biological Psychology. I believe these modules will equip me with more knowledge on how to help people from an emotional and mental perspective in healing their grief.

Had I carried on with my development those few years ago, who knows where I'd be... but I didn't and right now I am exactly where I am supposed to be - knowing what my destiny is - and I couldn't be happier.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, I welcome your comments below.

I hope to see you back here soon for more updates and a couple of book reviews that are due soon!

Aurora xXx

All written content on this blog is the work of © Aurora Brierley, The Faerie Whisperer. No written contents of this blog may be reproduced in any way (in part or in entirety) without the express written permission of the author, © Aurora Brierley, The Faerie Whisperer.

1 comment

  1. thank you for sharing such a personal story with us. I wish I could get back all the abilities I let go to waste as a child due to my parents telling me I was crazy and my sisters said the same thing. Someone other than my Grandmother had to have abilities to see and talk to spirits because both my son's were born with my abilities and my oldest still can see and speak with spirits. I need to learn to be more open in my path
